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General Duke

Failure of Shariff and his bosses: Roadblocks

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Dhibaatada Isbaarooyinka Kuhayaan Dadweynaha oo Kusii Kordhay Magaalada Moqdishu

Liibaan Cabdi Cali, Moqdishu


Waxaa wali magaalada Muqdisho iyo gobolka shabeellada hoose ka jirta dhibta ay dadka ku hayaan isbaarooyinka oo aan wali lagu guulaysan in xal laga gaaro


Magaalada Muqdisho qaar ka mid ah waddooyinka ayay dadku lugta adeegsanayaan, si ay goobohooda shaqada u gaaraan,taas oo ka dambaysay markii loo caal waayay isbaarooyinka oo ka daray sidii horay looga bartay.


Gawaaridii dad waynuhu raaci jireen ee adeegsan jirtay waddada wadnaha ee magaalada Muqdisho lag soobilaabo No.4 ilaa isgoyska Sanca,ayaa maalinkii labaad howlohoodu hakad ku jiraan, in kastoo ay jiraan gawaari si xeeladaysi ah u maraysa xaafadaha dhexdooda,iyagoo ka cabsi qaba maleeshiyooyin ka amar qaata qaar ka mid ah wasiirrada ka tirsan dowladda kmg ah ee soomaaliya oo isbaarooyin u yaallan isgoysyada qaarkood.


Waddada Aadan cadde,waxaa haatan ku sugan maleeshiyooyin ka amar qaata wasiirka arrimaha gudaha dowladda kmg ah ee Somalia Xuseen Maxamed Caydiid, kuwaas oo markii ay lacagtii baadda ahayd ee ay qaadi jireen ay kordhiyeen, ay gaadiidlaydu ku khasbanaadeen in ay joojiyaan howshoodii.


Marka aad doonaysid in aad gaarto suuqa Bakaaraha, Isgoyska No 4 ama isgoyska Sanca adigoo maraya waddada wadnaha waxaad ku khasbantahay in aad lugtaada adeegsato, Tagsi qaadato ama aad bixiso lacag afarlaab ka badan tii markii hore lagu raaci jiray BL ka adigoo waliba raacaya gawaari si dhif ah loo helayo oo xaafado wareeg ah si dhuumaalaysi ah ku maraya.

Waddada isku xirta magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Afgooye oo horay toddobaad ka hor loo shaaciyay in laga qaaday isbaarooyinkii yaallay,ayay xaaladdoodu tahay mid ka sii xun sidii ay ahaan jirtay,ka dib markii ay soo kordheen isbaarooyinkii oo ka batay 20 halkii ay markii hore ka ahaayeen 16 isbaaro.


Maleeshiyooyinka jidgooyooyinka dhiganayaa hadda waxa ayba baddaleen farsamadii hore ee ay gawaarida ku istaajin jireen ,oo hadda waxa ay gaariga ku istaajinayaan rasaas halka markii hore ay bir waddada ku dadbi jireen.

Gawaaridii ka iman jirtay dhinaca gobollada ee Afgooye soo mari jirtay,shalay iyo maantaba waxa ay ku khasbanaadeen in ay u gooyaan isbaarooyinka,oo marka ay Afgooye soo gaaraan,ay u leexdaan dhinaca waddada aadda garoonka macmalka ah ee Dayniile ee uu maamulo wasiirka ammaanka qaranka ee dowladda kmg ah ee Somalia Maxamed Qanyare Afrax.


Laakiin isbaaradu wali waa sideedii xitaa marka loo leexdo goobta wasiirka ammaanka qaranku ka taliyo.


Jidgooyo lagu sheegayi n ay tahay mid sharci ah oo taalla marka wax yar la soo dhaafo garoonka Dayniile,ayaa gaariga Minibaska ah ee rakaabka sida looga qaadaa 70,000 oo shilin soomaali ah oo ah $5 doollar oo dhowdhow, taas oo waliba laga qaadayo isla gaarigii hadii sii socod iyo soo socod intaba.


Laakiin taasi wada yaasha gaadiidku waxay kuu sheegayaan in ay u dhaanto lacagta arxan darrada ah ee ay ka qaadayaan maleeshiyooyinka ay muqdisho iyo Afgooye inta u dhaxaysa u yaallaan isbaarooyinka isu muuqda.

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Duke, bro just give up. The real failures are A/Y and co for ever thinking that they could bring Somalia back.


This government has already failed without even setting a foot in Somalia.

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^^^ You are bogus my dear. Your whole stance is a joke. The article above refelcts the failure of the day dreams of Shariff and the warlords.

Its from the mouth piece of the so called opposition.


The government in comparison to others, like Carta, Ali Mahdi, Salbalar is doing a great job. It has the support of the people, it has an agenda which will bring about security.


It is united 60% of parliment 90% of ministers, PM and President are all together 7 months down the line.


The obsticles it faces are created by those who will lose the most, warlords, clan courts, self declared intellectuals, and special interest.

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:D:D:D Hit a nerve have I


My stance is crystal clear, I don't believe in any government's success untill I see it functioning in Somalia and being more powerful than the warlords. Fourteen years and no government succeeded in bringing back Somalia, what makes this one so special. Sort of like the boy who cried wolf.


But to you anyone who finds it hard to believe that this government is going to work is BOGUS.

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General Duke, this government will definetily work! For the Somali ppl, the election of Colonel Yeey was the first surprise, his roaming in Jowhar and Beled Weyn another one and AU approval of Ina Yeeys request of foreign troops another one. And I feel that there are more and bigger surprises to come. Good surprises of course! :D

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No my sister you are bogus. Your comments are not consistant to what you claim to be. Anyway what ever I wanted to say has been said by brother SKY. For the fisrt time in 14 years we have hope, that insha Allah we will reclaim our soverignty. The happless Sharif and warlords have failed, Somaliland is not recognised and itself faces many obsticles. One must support the process to peace in order to get to our destination.

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We will see if this government works.


About being bogus, well if using ones own brain to think rather than someonelses doing it for them is being fake then so be it

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