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Ohhh ,, Casayrland ,,, lol

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shalay markii uu ka soo degay madaxwayne faroole boosaaso iyada oo halkaas ay ku soo dhoweeyeen tiro dad yar iyo hogaanka gobolka bari iyo kan degmada boosaaso madaxwaynaha ayaa loo galbiyey xarunta madaxtooyada magaalada boosaaso madaxwaynahaya ayaa shir jaraa,id ku qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada isaga oo sheegay in maamulkiisu ay odayaal u direen degaanka garacad si ay wada hadal ula galaan burcada badeeda.


hadaba hadalkaas ayaa amakaag u noqday dadka ku dhaqan deegaanada puntland sababta keentay in deegaano qaarkood la weeraro deegaanana odayaal loo diro si heshiis loola galo burcad badeeda

hadaba warar ku dhow dhow madaxwaynaha ayaa sheegayaa in maamulka puntlnd uusan deegaanada uu weeraray uusan u weerarin arimo burcad badeed balse uu maamulku kaga shakiyey inay deeganadaas ay doonayaan inay maamul ka madax banaan puntland ku dhawaaqaan arintaas oo welwel ku abuurtay madaxwayne faroole ayna arintaas ku qasabtay in uu faroole ciidamo u diro degmada baargaal iyo degmada laasqoray deeganadaas oo ah kuwa uu maamulku puntland u arko deegaano aan ka tirsaneen puntland iyaga oo horay ugu dhawaaqay maamulo goboleedyo ka madax banaan puntland casayrland state of somalia iyo makhir coast state.


hadaba ciidanka uu madaxwayne faroole u diray deegaanadaas ayaanan ahayn kuwa raadinaya burcad badeed iyada oo lawada ogsoonyahay xarumaha burcad badeeda ay ka hawlgalaan maraakiibta ay ku xirtaan balse ay u socdeen ama u tageen deegaanadaas inay soo fiiriyaan xaqiiqka dhabta ah iyo wax ay damacsanyihiin dadka ku dhaqan deegaanadaas iyada oo maamulka puntland shaki wayn kaga jiro beelaha deegaanka casayrland madaxwayne faroole ayaa doonayo isbuucaan inuu ciidamo u diro deegaankaas si ay u garaan caasimada gobolkaas ee caluula tan ayaa ku soo beegmaysa dhowaan markii deegaanka caluula uu taliyaha ciidamada deegaankaas uu xariga ka jaray dhowr saldhig ciidan oo tababar looga furay ciidamo badan taas oo shaki wayn ku abuurtay madaxwaye faroole.


dirista uu maamulka puntland qorshaynayo inuu ciidamada mar labaad ugu diro deegaanka casayr ayaa noqonaysa mid abuuri karta xaalad dagaal oo dhex mara dadka deegaankaas iyo ciidmada maamulka puntland

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The issue of casayrland has already been sorted out by Abdullahi Yusuf a few years when he mediated between cade muse and the so-called casayr-land people. Bringing back dead issues is pointless,

They are firm puntlanders!!!


Puntland was created as 5 states. That is the way it's going to stay even that laska issue is going to be sorted out sooner or later most probably around election time because sool are never allowed to participate in the elections of hargeisa that is when usually puntland comes and takes over again!!!

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jacaylbaro caseyrland website is just as reliable galgalanews!!! lol, guys who write the news as they chew qat.


This news is totally false news and stop postinge garbage like that

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Pirateland is breaking up into even more smaller bits. That is what Qabiil-based regional governments end up to - breaking into mini-me qabiil lands.

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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

Pirateland is breaking up into even more smaller bits. That is what Qabiil-based regional governments end up to - breaking into mini-me qabiil lands.

What I find funny is that this fantasy new gobol is still is bigger than the largest region in Khatland.


Anyway, why are my khat-induced cousins constantly interested in the affairs of Puntland? We do not take personal time to divulge the matters of the worthless secessionist region.

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Beesha ********** oo katirsan Beesha ********* ayaa dhawaan
shirar ku yeelatay qaar kamida dalalka dibada yadoo

Lol, how do you compete with that? Ok, I will hold a meeting and name a new area Awdal ok!


Come on, what happens abroad and what the reality in Somalia is, are most times two different things!


Good old Laasqoraynet! This meeting was done in Sweden!



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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

That is what Qabiil-based regional governments end up to - breaking into mini-me qabiil lands.

A case of the pot calling the kettle black.

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