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Puntland delegation to conference on piracy return

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Waftigii Puntland ee ka qaybgalay kulankii looga hadlayey Burcadbadeeda ee dalkaasi Malaysia oo dalka kusoo laabtay

Posted to the MOL May 21, 2009, 10:42 am


Waxaa maanta kasoo dagay garoonka diyaaradaha caalamigaa ee Banderqaasim international airport ee magaalada Boosaaso waftigii maamulka puntland uga qaybgalay shirkii looga hadlayey burcadbadeeda soomaalida ee lagu soo afmeeray dalkaasi malaysia.



waftiga ayaa waxaa horkacayey wasiirka amniga ee Dowlad gobaleedka soomaaliyeed ee Puntland General Cabdulaahi siciid samatar waxaana kamid ahaa taliyaha ciidamada booliiska puntland iyo madax kalle .



masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka puntland kan gobalka iyo degmada iyo dadweyne farabadan ayaa kusoo dhaweeyey waftiga garoonka kuwaasoo horay usu gayey waftiga maadaama ay ogaayeen imaanshiyahooda.



waftiga ayaa waxaa la filayaa inay saxaafada uga warbixiyaan waxyaabaha kasoo baxay kulankaasi oo ay isugu yimaadeen dowlado waa weyn islamarkaana puntland ka mid ahayd maamuladii lagu casuumay iyo sidoo kalle doorka puntland ee shirkaasi.



Rabiile Cabdikariin Gabanow Boosaaso

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Somalia's Puntland arrests 24 suspected pirates


Compiled by Daily Star staff

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


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Security forces in Somalia's northern breakaway region of Puntland have arrested 24 suspected pirates off the coast, officials said Monday. The local governor, Muse Yusuf Gelle, said the arrests off the main city of Bosasso were among the first results of a unit launched earlier this month to combat piracy in the Aden Gulf.


"At least 24 suspected pirates were arrested yesterday and today with five small boats and seven RPGs. The local security committee is investigating them," he told AFP by phone from Bosasso.


"We have set up a local security committee. There are about 200 soldiers and ten vehicles taking part in the operations on land and offshore to eliminate piracy," he said.


Local security officer Abdulahi Mohammad however said that smugglers running illegal migrants from Puntland to Yemen may be among the 24.


Somali pirates have attacked more than 100 ships over the past year and hijacked dozens, often holding them for weeks before releasing them and their crews in exchange for a ransom.


Most of the pirates who have turned the Gulf of Aden into some of the planet's most dangerous waters are based in Somali's Puntland.


Speaking at an international conference on sea piracy Monday, Puntland's internal security minister Abdullahi Said Samatar said he was disappointed that more international help to create an effective coast guard had not been forthcoming.


"We are fed up. We are frustrated," he briefed reporters in Malaysia.



In April, Puntland president Abdel-Rahman Mohammad Farole outlined plans for an anti-piracy taskforce of 2,400 men, requesting international help.


Donor countries had been reluctant to pour cash into home-grown anti-piracy programs, citing allegations that senior officials had stakes in piracy. Farole denied any such links in his or his predecessor's administrations.


Puntland has already sentenced dozens of pirates handed over by foreign navies patrolling the Gulf of Aden.


On Monday, Australian defense officials said that the Australian navy thwarted an attack by pirates on two merchant ships in the waters off Yemen.


Crew members aboard the MV Dubai Princess raised distress signals Sunday night, claiming pirates were attacking their ship with rocket-propelled grenades and trying to board their vessel, Australia's Department of Defense said in a statement. The incident occurred about 170 kilometers south of Yemen, in international waters.


Two Australian navy ships traveling nearby through the pirate-infested Gulf of Aden heard the distress signal and rushed to the Dubai Princess' aid. By the time the Australian ships arrived, another merchant vessel nearby was also being harassed by pirates, the defense department said.


The pirates fled once the Australian warships were spotted, and no one was injured, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston said in the statement. - AFP, AP

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Gheelle.T Actually better than Aw Uusay, I wish them success. It is just that piracy has become perversive in the sense it become part of the culture.

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^Is this admin not doing all it can to eradicate or at least find a way to stop piracy? Are you not convinced of the steps taken by Faroole and his guys?


These guys inherited a state with so many issues, piracy and lack of security being on the top, and they are taking the necessary steps that would solve the issues. They already did huge improvements on security. Let them work and do the job and we should support them or at least praise them when they rightly deserve one, rather being cynic or plain silly sometimes. I am touting you today on so many fronts waryaa :D

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Che, Piracy is a problem, grave robbing is a tragedy. Lecture Shangoole to stop robbing Muslim graves and then one will take you seriously.


Puntland new admin is doing a great job, even today they opened an agency that will help the poor. They dont carry out suicide bombings nor rob graves like Fuad Shangoole your uncle.

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These guys inherited a state with so many issues,
and lack of security being on the top

Inherited? Come on now, we know what province Eyl is in, Bari has a bigger coast but you dont see pirate bases springing up(Bosasso had some issues and because of it's size is being dealt with), out of all of Somali coast Eyl is by far the most productive port with the most ships on it's coast. Every article written mentions the cars and buildings being built in Garowe. I've been their and saw SUV after SUV. Piracy was not inherited! Piracy is flourishing in one area and was politically motivated. It is now out of hand and can't be stopped. I heard now that it is the storm season so they'll be very little activity.

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Originally posted by somalipride:

quote: These guys inherited a state with so many issues,
and lack of security being on the top

Inherited? Come on now, we know what province Eyl is in, Bari has a bigger coast but you dont see pirate bases springing up(Bosasso had some issues and because of it's size is being dealt with), out of all of Somali coast Eyl is by far the most productive port with the most ships on it's coast. Every article written mentions the cars and buildings being built in Garowe. I've been their and saw SUV after SUV. Piracy was not inherited! Piracy is flourishing in one area and was politically motivated. It is now out of hand and can't be stopped. I heard now that it is the storm season so they'll be very little activity.
Last I checked Eyl was part of Puntland, unless you mean Adde was ruler of only Bari region. I have said this before and I am going to say it again, LET IT GO. Adeer Cadde is gone with the wind, his record is out there to be judged. It was under rule that Security got out of hands and PIRACY flourish and that's what I meant "inherited" nothing personal brother.


All in all, there is a new guy in town and since his arrival things are getting better. I hope that is not hard to fathom? Let us work toward how to bring about change through out the land rather than squabbling over trivial matter in the past.

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I never took it personal. Pirate attacks are up far more now then they ever were. There are attacks daily. I am not sure of the security situation you are speaking off, where you in Puntland during the 4 years? I went from Bosasso, Gaalkayo, Goldogob, Lascaanod and back. I really didnt'see any situation in 2005 to 2009. Maybe you are going by the websites run by outside sources who had political motivations. There was definitely problems. Did you read the article when Mohamed Abdirahman Faroole took a western journalist to interview the biggest known pirate outside of Garowe? Why out of all of Somalia, i.e Somaliland, the south. Why is Eyl the most productive port? Attacks are up this year, far more then ever before.


I'm not deny anything you are saying but the piracy issue, it flourished right before an election year especially in one area. A huge chunk of Puntlands forces and resources were in Mogadishu defending the TFG, after the battles in Lascaanod and more importantly the suicide bombings, what security forces left where defending the heart of the State, there was no way forces could be sent to Eyl, that was the responisble of Nugaal. And some how the presidents son is able to organize meetings with a pirate leader for western journalist right outside of Garowe. If you were the presidents son, would you bring a journalist to a pirate leader?


His son is so hated right now, that Garoweonline(which happens to be the sons website) had to put an article that is still up trying to picture him in a better light. I mean he's not a politician or any one important, but they had to put something written in Somali by an associate in Australia to try and change the public image on him. Like I said nothing personal, you think things are getting better, I respect your opinion.

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Aawey Cadde horta? Is he back in Kanada? A "Canadian" waxaa badalay an "Australian." Soomaali leadershipba waxaa qaribay dadkaan labada baasabooro isku wato, siiba Reer Kanada oo dowladii la dhisaba sizable ugu jiro.

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We must clarify a few issues here and one hopes that it will help a little. To my fellow Puntlanders, there is no war between Cade & Faroole, Cade went out in style with dignity and has become a historic figure that I myself hold in high esteem as others from the region do.

Faroole is moving ahead quite nicely.


Cade is no Pirate and his admin had no Pirates as stated by Faroole himself.


Eyl is a beloved city of ours and is not a Pirate town its a beautiful port dear to Puntlanders, as is any of our towns, cities and regions.


Thus lets think and reason before we damage those we want to defend and give ignorant illinformed and hateful people ammunation to use against our interests.

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Somalipride, every time someone mentions Cadde, you go bananas on Faroole, Nugal, Eyl, and its inhabitants, why is that. Cadde alla ha noo daayo, Amen.


Duke, hear you bro.

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