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Ethiopian National Carrier To Resume Flights To Somaliland

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Ethiopian Airlines will bring back scheduled flights to Somaliland soon, Somaliland Aviation Minister, Mr Ali Waran Adde told local media on Thursday.


The route to the capital of Somaliland was scheduled to re-open in January 2009, after it was suspended in November 2008 following the five suicide bomb attacks on buildings occupied by the government and international agencies.


However, Ethiopia’s national carrier will resume it’s flights from the Somaliland port city of Berbera rather than the capital, Hargeisa - this is due to the airport under going security upgrade and expansion to it’s runways to accommodate 747, 767 jets and the new A380.


Ethiopian airlines will for the first time be flying its larger Boeing 767 jets to Somaliland, rather than the smaller domestic airlines it did previously.


Since Ali became Somaliland Aviation Minister, he has made major changes to Somaliland airports and carriers.


Apart from Ethiopian Airlines, Somaliland has other Somali carriers such as Daallo Airlines, African Airways, Jubba Airlines, Djibouti Airlines and the newly created Suhuura Airlines that will have its own 747 carriers.


Daallo Airlines, African Airways and Suhuura Airlines are private carriers owned and operated by Somaliland wealthy investors. However in early 2008 Daallo Airlines brought on board a new share holders, the Dubai World subsidiary Istithmar World Aviation.



Source: Somalilandpress

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expansion to it’s runways to accommodate
, 767 jets and the new

Are you sure about this yaa JB, because you need hundredhs of millions to do that, we are talking about 747 jumbo jets, unless Chineese contractors are hired, and hundredhs of millions spent, or maybe people are confusing fokker-40 with 747 :D


As for 767 jets, they vary in size, so I would say the smaller size 767-200(181 passengers) can accommodate Hargeisa airport with some difficulties, as for the larger version of 767-300 & 767-400, I am afraid that runway won't fit, and would take years to do such facility, if resources are available(100s of millions), then all is fine.



Typical 767 series configuration:





This is the A380 double decker which can take upto 800 passengers at one time:




I wish Somali airports can build up runways and airports that accommodate such gigantic aircrafts, saying that, the mentioned aviation minister would need to set up special trainign institutions for aviation managements and aeronautical which can employ many people when they graduate.



I am actually delighted the progress that Somali Airline Companies are making, specially the newly one(suhura airways) though it had few accidents last year, they can overcome any obstacle and be great carriour, at the moment, they are using propellor turbo engines but of new versions.

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^^^LOOOL At do you have a long beard, waar wa western man, how did you think they let him into flying school??


JB maa laa huuba?

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Abuu Diaby loool, actually I do, long beard is one of my trade marks, copyrighted into a unique style :D



Farancab, war ma Dirdhabaad wali joogtaa, iiga warran xiirantii Cadariyiinta, thanks sxb.

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Xiirantu waa jafantahay, Nuune! War baa kaa danbeyey, anaasee kuu warami. Adeero JB ayaa nagu yaraha raagay, diyaarada ayaa ka fadhida. Gaadhi baanuse u diri oo markuu yimaado hal xiiran ah ayaan dhihi iska celi.


Kii A&T aha isna waanu dhowri. Dhulkii isna intiisa badan xaq u dirirka ayaa ka taliya. Anaa kuu soonoqon si'aan kugu waramo laakiin hadda ii kaadi kiilo jaad ah iyo hal xiirana aan soo dabtee. :D

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Nuune, thanks for the lesson ,,, :D



This time we're not talking about Hargeisa airport. That needs a really big work and a complete restructuring of its runway but it is about BERBERA which those carriers can easily use.


Berbera airport used to be the second longest in Africa when it was built, not sure about now. That is why Ethiopian airlines are moving there coz they felt kinda insecure when there are other competing airlines ///

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Mar baan raacey diyaaradana xabashidow waad yaabasaa bahal tagfi la yidhaa ayaa harag kasiibasa..ta labaad cuntodoodina food poison ban ka qaadey. markaa adeerayaalo ha isku raacina bahasha. Laakinse daalo ayaa dhaanta oo soo socodkiina mijin dhaadheerkii ah, nooca abu musbaar ka loo yaqaan ayey isii yeen qolo diyaarada saarneyd. Dee maxaad u maleyn adoo cirka maraya marka horeba oo hadana mirqaamy (weliba markaad bahalka ku cusubtahey khatarteeda ayey leedey.

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That was just a one off jb, laakiin soo diga igu qarxiyey was bck in 2002 and I actually quite enjoyed the mid air mirqaan session smile.gif

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Originally posted by ADNAAN:

Mar baan raacey diyaaradana xabashidow waad yaabasaa bahal tagfi la yidhaa ayaa harag kasiibasa..ta labaad cuntodoodina food poison ban ka qaadey. markaa adeerayaalo ha isku raacina bahasha.

^ :D:D:D

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