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Askari Tikree ah oo Yaxaas ku cunay Gobolka Sh/hoose.

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^ :D Beelwaanena dolphinaa liqay.


Askarta Tikreega ee dalka la keenay ayaa waxaa ka muuqaneysa sida ay duurka ugu jireen oo aysan waligood biyaha u arki jirin, waxaana arrintani ay sidoo kale muujineysaa gaajada kajirta Wadankooda gaar ahaan Tikreega oo iyagu ah Kuffaarta ugu badan ee qaska kawada dhulalka Islaamka ah ee Afrikaanka.


Horey ayaa Tikreega markii ay u galeen Muqdisho waxa ay ugu hafteen Badweynta iyadoo qaarkoodna la arkayo Baqtigooda oo laga soo saaray Badda inkastoo ay qariyeen Tikreega hadana waxaa arrintaasi shaaciyay Naaquudiyaal Soomaali ah oo Xeebaha Soomaaliya ka kaluumeysta.

These two paragraphs just killed any prospect of believing the story.

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^ yaxaaska somalia wax u naxariisto miyaa la waayay

inta tigre xum oo urayo raashin looga dhigayo


where is PETA when you need them :D

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^ a new group in the resistance :D .. we already have al shabaab why not al yaxaas looool.


can anyone translate the difference between in english ?


- hebel wuu dhintay


- hebel wuu bakhtiyay

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^Al-qowsaariin waa loo baahanyahay hadaad madax ka noqon laheyd :D


Bakhtiyey carries a degrading connotation like dooli baaskiil dusha ka maray.

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^ macnaha erayga mugdi iigama jiro i was wondering how to make the distinction in English ..... if you have noticed im running out of adjectives for the xabash and TFG ... i cant keep calling them 'filth' im trying to spice it up a little :D

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Malaha Yaxaaska Mujaahidiinta ayuu katirsanaa!


Otherwise what is the significance of the report knowing that the Yaxaas as Xayawaan will not know the difference between a Tigre, a Mujahid or an Irish man and will eat as it's diet and a source of food.

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

^ a new group in the resistance
.. we already have al shabaab why not al yaxaas looool.


can anyone translate the difference between in english ?


- hebel wuu dhintay


- hebel wuu bakhtiyay

Sadex ayee Soomaalidaba badankoodba dhahaan:


Hebel waa geeriyooday [he passed away]


Hebel waa dhintay [he died]


Hebel waa baqtiye [he expired...that is the closest in Ingiriis I think since there is not a word that is equivalent]


Baqtiye xoolaha ayaa la dhahaa, though, koley when their dead bodies rot away.


Waxaaba isoo xasuusisay a cousin of mine back in Nayroobi in '90s. A surwaalgaab wannabe uu ahaa. He heard Dixon ayaa dhintay on CNN, and dadka meesha fadhiye ka hadlaaye, lahaa "Dixon dhintay..." and he would try to 'correct' them, saying "dheh baqtiye, baqtiye, waa gaal..." :D

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