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Radio Daljir talks about Xasan Turki's death

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So that strangely intriguing rumour about Turki's death is true, eh? This is certainly another one of those things that makes you go, 'Hmmm.' Let us see if the story receives wider circulation among Somali news mediums in the coming days.

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^^^ If wishes were horses beggers would ride on them.

The life and death of Turki is in the Hands of the creator.

But if the time would come that he departs then sadly for the wishers of death their are 1000's of Turkis to replace him.

So swallow your anger and curse.

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Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree:

^^^ If wishes were horses beggers would ride on them.

The life and death of Turki is in the Hands of the creator.

But if the time would come that he departs then sadly for the wishers of death their are 1000's of Turkis to replace him.

So swallow your anger and curse.

How you deduced a coded, angry curse –- a death wish upon another human being, in fact -– from what little I wrote earlier is beyond me. Reread my previous post and make your case with specific references, my fellow nomad. Else, I will have no choice but to jump to a few conclusions of my own: namely, that reading and comprehension are not your strong suits.

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Duke, haddii aad ku xumee leedahay maxkamadaha Islaamiga ee Xamar, IUC ma ogala in ay qabiil ku dhisan yihiin laakiin dowladda adeerkaa sharcigeeda ayaaba qoraya in ay qabiilaysato ay your logic is downside up....

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^^^The clan courts, are based on the clans with guns in Mogadishu, Ifka-Xalin, Al-Furqan, Chircoole and so on. I do not even know which court your uncle Turki and Madoobe belong to, maybe they come under Al-Furqan or IndaCade's Ifka-Xalin since they have sponsored them to take over Kismayu.


The clan courts of Mogadishu used Turki as away of taking over Kismayu, it was not done for Islam, but for further land grabing.

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^^^I am saying that the clan courts of Mogadishu has no right to takeover Kismayu, occupay lower Shabbele or threaten the people of Bay and Bakool. You dont hear me complain about Beledweyne, Jowhar, Mogadishu and so on. They have a right to clear up their clan area, much like how Puntland and Somaliland did before them.


Oh I suggest you make up a clan court since you dont have one, call it the Liberating Somali-Galbeed clan court tie it with Ifka-Xalin of IndaCade and boom you will liberate the occupied areas...

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^^^Nayruus, make sense will you, the clan courts wont give you any progress no more than Omar Jess made with Aydeed.


Saxib Galkacyu and Puntland have developed simply because we could smell rubish like the clan courts from a mile away.


We need a strong national government and insha Allah the TFG will be that in order to address the issues at home, not some fake clan courts led by the likes of Abdiqasin, IndaCade and aimed at promoting their own narrow interest.


These people wont fight anyone outside the Somali clans which they occupy, they wont fight Ethiopia, its all a smoke screen.

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War hedhe bal u kadsha, inti dhimatey Allah u naxaristo dhaha, kulina wala wada dhima taas ogada. Now, are some of you saying that Radio Daljir is informative in the interview provided in this link or is it generally reputed to be objective?

The interview provided in this link sucks, it is amateur role play and clearly shows the interviwer and the reporter migh as well be in the same room. The answers to the questions are already in the question and all the reporter has to do is agree. Common guys, how dare you say this is very informative. It is fake and phoney and poorly orchestrated tomake it look like real.

As for thge essence of the story there are heavy doubts whether Turki is alive or not, but it is crtainly not based on the reporting of Radio Daljir, that is a joke.

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