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Somaliland Trade Fair Opens in Hargeisa

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The fruits/ vegs, the maxaad water (sorry Norf)


Dagax mooyan eh miiyan meesha wax kaley laga doofin wax soo gal mooyan eh.


Goat and sheep don't count. Livestock wa in laga upgrade garaeyo!

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Wax badan baa la dhoofiyaa and everything is not in those pictures ,,


Even the boats are locally made ....


The fruits are local not imported .....



Waad iska qaylinaysaa uun Ibti ,,,, :D

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Dhee adigu post the pictures, I though fair ka daan was an advert for water iyo dagax icon_razz.gif


Lool @ our own jubba river.

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Originally posted by AYOUB:

Wasiirka Ganagacsiga, Warshadaha iyo Dalxiiska Somaliland Md Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Axmed oo arintaa ka hadlayaa waxa uu yidhi ”horumarka ganacsi ee aynu samaynay waxa ka mid ah horumarka xagga technology-ga oo ay maanta halkan inoogu soo diyaarsay shirkada isgaadhsiinta telefoonada TELESOM adeeg casriya oo ah kamaro Online ah, oo aynu kala xidhiidhi doono gobolladii dalka oo dhan, haddii aynu u baahano iyagoo masuuliyiintii qaranka u sareeyeyna ay indhahooda ku arki doonaan”.



Mobile video chatting? Now that is something I wasn't expecting. Walle dhawaan waxay ku socotaa the South Korea of Africa camal. :D:D

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