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Moderate Muslims Under Siege

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Keynom Petit couldnt agree more with ur points, unfortunately all our fellow muslim brothers and sisters that like to think or be no as moderate muslims seem to always be talking the american or british or in turkeys case the americans british and israels arguments @ face value without even considering that the use of such terminology like 'extremist state', 'moderate muslim', are all a classic divide n concoquer tatics been employed with great strategic planning it seems.

Such a shame that it seems most of the muslim countries on the wrong end of this dont seem to have any forum and voice and intellectual opposition that cleary does exist, coming out and countering this kafir's we clearly will not be satisfied until every muslim state adopt all the customs and norms which have rendered them into nothin but animals.

May allah see it fit to give each and everyone of the muslim nations a true muslim leader who wouldnt fear the american and western nations.

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:( I'm prety sure all of you know what makes a muslim or muslimah.The prophet(SAW) said that a muslim is the one who


1) Shahada

2) Salat

3) Sawm

4) Zakat


5) Haj ( if able)


All of these make a person a Muslim/muslimah.


"moderate" is a term that was given to those muslims that do not wear the hijab,don't pray, that have adapted the western values/ideology.

It is those that look at thier sisters and talk about the way they dress "O how ignorent she is, Allah didn't make that compulsary, you don't have to cover up, allah knows what is in you heart".

It is those that abonden their belive to fit in the west. Isn't Allah everywhere? When you are at work or at the mall or wherever Allah sees you, so you should please/fear Allah alone!


The United states used muslims to drive the Russians out of a muslims land (afhganistan).

I guess they didn't pay attention to the mislms purpose of driving infidels out of muslims otherwise they wouldn't be in Meca and Madinah.


Young brothers and sisters before youbecame accustome to the terms explore them, better know your believe and what your brothers/sisters believe before you attack then in defence of a nonMuslim.

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Salaamu Alaikum,


Thunder you forgot to include also the pillars of faith (arkaanu imaan)


1. To believe in Allah

2. His Angels

3. His Books

4. His Messengers

5. In Judgement Day

6. In Divine pre-ordainements - Qadar (wa qadar bi khairihi wa qadar bi sharihi)




You ask isn't Allah everywhere ? Only Allah's Knowledge is everywhere. Allah is not everywhere physically. Allah is above the Seven Heavens, above all creation. Read the Quran for further information. Allah is the All-Knowing, All-Seeing and All-Hearing.


And Allah Knows Best.




Mujahid over and out !

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I almost agree with sister tamina and brother kowneyn i just want to add the saying of one of the muslim clerks about the terminologies, Sheikh Hassan Albaanna(RAA) said in arabic (AL CIBRATU BIL MUSSAMAYAAT LAL ASMAA'A) which means (The judgement should be the called person, group etc not the name itself) which means we have to look who is carrying that name not the name itself, because no one ever called himself a bad name (unless he/she is crazy) so the moderate itself is not bad or good (even though it sounds as a good name) but it's depend upon who took this name if some good ulama's wherever they are were labelled to this name we have to say its good labelling (Such as Sh. Ayidh al qarni, Sh. Saalman al Awda etc in saudia and before they labelled Sh. Qaradawi and Qasali(RAA)etc.) but if its labeled to bad muslims we have to reject to these people not the name itself, because in islam we have similliar name which is MUJADDID and RASSUL (S.A.W.S) told us that every century there should be a mujaddid in this ummah.

what about if a bad name is labelled on a good person should we reject that person, i don't think so, same as this we have to not be decieved by good names but we have to look the claimer or labelled person if he/she is a good person it's(ISIM CALAA MUSSAMMAA)= good name for good person, this could also be wrong name for wrong person. and vice versa is (ISSIM CALAA QAYRI MUSSAMMAA) a person who carries wrong name.

If my translation is not right one you can always correct me, particullarly ALCIBRAH which means muhiimka iyo wax ku qaadashada.


Wassalaamu calaykum

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Salaamu alaikum,


Muraad i understand what you are saying but we live hear in the west and we know what does the word moderate muslim mean. It is all the time in the western media and they refer it and give this term to those muslims who are muslims by name but do not practice Islam wholly as it is. Shouldnt muslims be muslims and that is it? Didnt allah said ''wallantardaa cankal yahuudu walnasaaraa xataa tatabica milatahum'' yes. allah told us that they will not be consent with our islam these yahuds and christians until we follow them. Why then should we call ourselves moderated and extremist or fundamentalist. yes fundamentalist onother term given people who take islamic fundementals.



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Thanks yacquub, I also understand your arguments.

when i was talking about the names and claimers i meant as a general not particullarly a moderate, but i used as a example because it was our issue, and i am repeating now the names cann't change the reality of something or somebody.

we have to judge the person or groups deeds not their names, because as i say before no one calls him/herself a bad name (unless he/she is crazy), everybody or group call themselves a good names, and often other people call them or describe them to different names but are they (ISIM CALAA MUSAMAA) or (ISIM CALAA QAYRI MUSAMAA) right name for wrong person/group or right/wrong name for wrong/right person/group.

If we take an example for modernization or moderate person etc, first of all we have to ask ourselves what the claimers mean if they mean

for example to find answers to the modern fattawas according the quran and sunnah and to show muslim people around the world that there is no contradiction between the islam and the new technology and they always compare the new discoveries and the quran and sunnah to accept what is halal or mubaah and to refuse haraam etc. we have to welcome the modernazition and moderates.

but if they mean to abandon some of our rules or to show us that there is no agreement between the quran and the new technology etc we have to refuse modernazition and their claimers.

So, we see that the word is one but the claimers are differnt because their purposes are different. that's why we accept one and refuse the other.

Finally, I know it's sometimes difficult to distinguish between the two, but it's important to not throw or accept all the claimers without investigating what they mean.

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Alhamdulillaahi rabil-'aalameen, was-salaatu was-salaamu 'ala nabeeyinaa muhammad wa 'ala aalihi wa ashaabihi wa man tabi'ahum bi ihsaanin ila yawmid-deen, amma b'ad


Salaamu Alaikum,


Moderate Muslim or Extermist or Fundamentalist are concutted by the west to divide Muslims into opposing groups. As Petite states one is either Muslim or Non-Muslim and there is no middle ground. The West knows itself that it can never defeat Muslims and their ideologies unless Muslims disunite so they attempt and they propogate plans to achieve their desired outcomes.


Allah the All-Wise has taught us in the Noble Qur'an:


" Wa laa tardhaa cankal yahuud wala nasaara xataa tatabica milatahum."


" Never will the yahud (jews) or the nasaara (christians) be happy with you unless you follow their millah (their religion or way)"




Mujahid over and out !

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Thunder I could'nt agree more with you...

and yes the term moderate muslim was devised to separate from the muslim unity that we have and cut each others off its obviously a western invention

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