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Introducing the ONLF's [Siilanyu-Gaboose Trail]

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The Siilanyu Gaboose trail is a logistical system that runs from NW Somalia (Somaliland) to the Somali State of Ethiopia (******) The system provides support, in the form of manpower transportation and materiel, to The ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) Jabhadda Wadaniga Xoreynta ********ya, JWXO), a separatist rebel group fighting to make the region of ****** in eastern Ethiopia an independent state. ONLF, established in 1984, demands for the autonomy of this region, and claimed responsibility for several attacks since the beginning of 2007 aimed at Ethiopian forces in the area, which the government considers a region under the new federal system. The area of the ****** region stretches at least about 400 thousand square kilometers. There live nearly eight million people, mainly Muslims.

The trail is not a single route, but rather a complex maze of truck routes, paths for foot soldiers , and port landing facilities . The name, taken from combining the names of the president of “Somaliland” Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud "Silanyo" & his interior Minister Dr Gaboose, the name is of Puntland in origin and first coined by Gen Duke. Although the trail is mostly in the Awdal region, the name is used to mock and signify the daring nature of the ONLF operations in establishing a strategic Supply Route in the very heart of a region claimed by the hostile secessionist enclave in NW Somalia. According to many Somali analyst and historians , the establishment of the Siilanyu Gaboose trail officialy is "one of the great achievements of the ONLF in its war of independence” and brings in to question the viability of the secessionist enclave or "Somaliland".

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I like the map. The fighting took place near Biyo-kulule, and then at Arabi. How this is the SL border is what I am asking the SL SOL mafia to explain in map. :D:D

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We will. No doubt.


In 30 years time, I can see in my mind reading in the musueum of the Heroes something like:


In 2010, in what was named as the Silaanyo-Gaboose trail by legendary Puntland historian Gen Duke, ONLF commandos led by commandate Sanweyne stormed through saylac into the O-hinterland. The trail led to what later came to be known as the " phanton marimar surrounding"...

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Using the trail the ONLF's [Rapid Reaction Brigade[ landed safely in what was before then thought of as hostile terrain. Led by the able commander they met no hostile action through their 150 KM trek inland and were supported by local guides and population. The daring landing has opened a new chapter in the ONLF whose supporter’s moral is increasing by the day.

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Wasiirka Daakhiliga Oo Xukuumaddiisa Ka Difaacay Eedo Mucaaridku Uga Soo Jeediyey Maleeshiyo Xeebaha Galbeedka S/land Ka Soo Degay Oo U Talaabay Ethiopia


“Xeebaheena Gaar Ahaan Halkan Maanta Laga Soo Dajiyay (Maleeshiyaadka), Hore Waxa Loogu Tuhunsanaa Shidaal,Tahriib Iyo Hub Inay Hore Uga Socdeen Dhacdadani Maaha Mid Kow Ah Ee Waa Mid Daah-furtay Oo Fashilisay Jidkii Hore”
Wasiirka Daakhiliga Dr. Gaboose


Hargeysa, September 16, 2010 (Haatuf) – Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose ayaa ka difaacay xukuumaddiisa eedo ay mucaaridku uga soo jeediyeen Maleeshiyo hubaysan oo bishan 10-keedii si qarsoodi ah uga soo degay xeebaha galbeedka Somaliland gaar ahaan xeebta u dhaxaysa Saylac iyo Lughaya.


Wasiirku waxa uu sheegay in aanay Amaanka dalka kaga Mashquulin marnaba xilalka iyo magacaabista xukuumadda.


Dr. Gaboose waxa uu intaasi ku daray in xiligii xukuumaddii hore xeebta Saylac iyo Lughaya u dhaxaysaa horeba loogu tuhunsanaa inay jid u ahayd Tahriibta iyo Hubka, taas oo aanay ahayn dhacdadii kowaad, balse tani noqotay mid daahfurtay, isla markaana fashilisay jidkii xukuumaddii hore.


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the rapid reaction brigade ,,,, through 150 km...



as long they are patient with the struggle ,, they will be victorious.


Allah ha guuleeyo.






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Maxaa Sababay Inay Somaliland Noqoto Waddo Halaq Oo Ay Batalyano Ciidamo Hubaysani Si Fudud Uga Gudbi Karaan?


Qalinkii :C/risaaq Suudi Nuur


Maah maah Soomaliyeed baa jirta oo tidhaahda Nin Sigtay Ma Nabad Gelin..


Saaxiibayaal waxaad is barbar dhigtaa qisaddii soo martay Cigaal Shiidaad iyo tan maanta Somaliland ku dhacday, waxa la arkay maalin maalmaha ka mid ah Cigaal shiidaad oo geed hoostii ka ooyaya, markii loo yimid ee la waydiiyey waxa ku dhacayna wuxuu dadkii tusay subxaanyo uu u sheegay inay martay dibintiisa sare iyo sankiisa inta u dhexaysa.


Markii ay dadkii u sheegeen in aanay subxaanyadu waxba qaniin wuxuu ku jawaabay “Waan ogahay in aanay subxaanyadu waxba qaniin, waxaanse kasii ooyayaa oo aan ka boqo qabaa in dibintayda sare iyo sankayga dhexdoodu uu noqdo waddo halag”.


Waxaad mooddaa in arrintii Cigaal Shiidaad ka sii afeef dhigtay ay ahayd tan maanta ka dhacday xeebaha Somaliland, waxaana duhur dharaareed ka soo degay Somaliland batalyano ciidamo hubaysan ah, si xarago leh ayay u dhex mareen dhulka Somaliland waxaanay gaadheen halkii ay rabeen.


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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

I like the map. The fighting took place near Biyo-kulule, and then at Arabi. How this is the SL border is what I am asking the SL SOL mafia to explain in map.

Labahadalka dhacaya ayanad arag ,,,,, adna waxaad sugi explaination... :D

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