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Are the ************* people better off in Somaliland or in Somalia?

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Jb wa laguu yaabay. From Generals to Politics, shukaansi to fadhi ku dirir. Dee maxaa iska kaa badalay? :D


Meesha Duke II ayaad noqotay. Flooding the forum with copy and paste you have probably not even read. smile.gif

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That is why we have the forums and different sections ,,,, if you can't post to all then enjoy reading :D




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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Xamar was the closest to paradize on Earth. That is a fact, not a reminiscing nostalgia.



Guryaheynii labada iyo sadaxda dabaq ahaa oo one family kaliya daganaayeen (apartment yaashaan aan ba iska dhex arkay cambakaduudka ah); suuq yadeenii cuntada freshka ah aan ka gadan jirnay daily; xeebaheenii aan aadi jirnay jimcooyinka (abaydhaxan seen ku iloobaa); maqaayadaheenii qatarta aah oo banaanka aad fariisanaysid to eat (ie. Afgooye, Bar Xaraf, Gurguurte, just to name a few)...


Those are just some of the things I really missed about XAMAR qurux badan...Alow Ale...


Xamar qof kusoo koraa yaqaano, inta kale been.

Anaa ka kow eh...Bakaaraha, Howlwadaag, KM4 waa xafadahaan ku soo koray the first 13yrs of my life...Although, I've been away from Somali for a lot more than that, I remember it just like yesterday...


VIVA XAMAR cadeey... :D:D:D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

quote:Originally posted by Allamagan:


JB became another Duke. Waa la yaabay!

Why sxb ? ,,,,, i'm not the writer of the article but do you want me not to post such articles ???
JB, even Duke is not the writer of the all stuff he posts here, anway, ma bruder, ha ubixin nooh! I do really enjoy most of your posts, however when it comes to secessionist propoganda you do sometimes have tendency to exaggerate things a bit and flood us with undigestable reads if you know what I mean ;)

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No, it is only you that you don't like some good news of Somaliland so that you find it exaggerated and you wish it is not there :D


Any how ,,,,,,, let's enjoy the place and increase fadhi ku dirir (SOL ku dirir) ,, it is better than shooting each other :D

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