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A very intreasting read on the ISLAH movement in somalia.

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Walaal anigu anasheed gabay baan u arkaa, oo asal ahaan wa gabay. waa erayo isu cod eg marka lagu dhawaaqo.


Culimadana waxay dhaheen nasheedku hadii uu galayo booskii gabayaasha afkooda rijaalka ku boorin jiray in eey jihaadka u kacaan, saas waa loo isticmaali karaa.


Intooda badana wa sidaas.

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I would be very weary of Islaah. They have some ideology but at the time as bit dreamy in the sense they will try to please all sides.

Ans recently they have become power hungry and they have courted Sheik Shariif in recent months and with him declaring to resign from his Islamic courts post shows they have won over him.


The individuals within see the rest of Somalis as unintlegent and easilly dismiss the views of others but will willingly make deals with likes of Ethopia etc.

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my friend resistance it is not true that AL-ISLAH courted shekh shariif recently, al-islah has not been part of the islamic courts and it is not part of them now. Those who resorted to violence were expelled from the ranks of the organasation and they joined islamic courts of union.


Al-islah dose not want please every one becouse that is not possible, how-ever they are trying to reconcile our somali identity with progressive thinking of islam.That doe not mean they want please every one but they tolerate and respect others that is islamic duty.


By the way islah is the only organasation that did not seek any help from Ethiopia, it is the only organasation that did not took part the civil war in our country on the other side they were busy educating our children.


Listening and being open to others is not same as pleasing all sides. we have to undersatnd our sarroundings and interprate our way of undersanding islam contextually.

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Brother B G the position of Al-slah in terms of music is that i t is permisssable with conditions


1. Not all sorts of singing are permissible. Rather, the permissible song should comply with the Islamic teachings and ethics. Therefore, the songs praising the tyrants and corrupt rulers collide with Islamic teachings. In fact, Islam stands against transgressors and their allies, and those who show indifference to their transgression. So, the same goes for those songs that imply giving praises to such attitude!

2. Also, the way the song is performed weighs so much. The theme of the song may be good, but the performance of the singer – through intending excitement and arousing others’ lusts and desires, along with trying to seduce them – may move it to the area of prohibition, suspicion or even detested things. The Glorious Qur’an addresses the wives of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, saying:

O Consorts of the Prophet! Ye are not like any of the (other) women: if ye do fear (God), be not too complacent of speech, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire: but speak ye a speech (that is) just.

Surah 33 Verse 32

So, one has to show caution to music when there is softness of speech accompanied with rhyme, melody, and special effects!

3. Singing should not be accompanied with something that is prohibited such as alcohol, nakedness, mixing of men with women, like that is common in pubs and nightclubs.

4. Islam has declared excessiveness prohibited in everything, even in acts of worship. The same goes for excessiveness in leisure and recreation even though these things are permissible! This indicates that the emptiness of mind and heart has to be identified and tackled during man’s short-term life. One should know that Allah Almighty will ask every one of us about his life and his youth in particular, how he spends it.

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^^bro,in the video you posted, they're are playing trombones and others and other musical intruments which nare completely haram. Islamic poetry, happiness at weddings, etc, is a different issue. Anyway, do you have any links(in english) regarding the aqeedah of this group.

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