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General Duke

TFG forces NGO's to recognise the law-

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Darwiish oo heshiis la garey hey'ada WFP

7 Dec 7, 2007 - 6:54:31 AM


Wafdi ka socday hey'adda cuntada adduunka oo shalay soo gaaray Muqdisho ayaa kulan la yeeshay Taliyaha Nabadsugida Dowladda KMG Gen. Maxamed Warsame Darwiish.


Kulankan oo ahaa mid aan saxaafadda loo ogoleyn ayaa adag in wax badan laga ogaado hase ahaatee wararka ku dhow labada dhinac ayaa sheegaya in heshiis buuxa laga gaarey khilaafka soo kala dhex galay labada dhinac.


Khilaafkan oo gaarey meeshii ugu sareysay ayaa yimid kadib markii Dowladda KMG mamnuucday in gobolka Sh/Hoose aysan ka soo degi karin wax gargaar ah oo hey'adda WFP u socda.


Wafdiga shalay yimid magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa hoggaamineysay ku xigeenka hey'adda WFP ee arrimaha Soomaaliya Danisa Brown iyo xubin kale kuwaasi oo kulan gaar ah la qaatay.


Lama oga sababta dowlada u diidan tahay in raashinku ka soo dego Marka madaama kamid tahay gobolada dalka balse warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya in saraakiisha Nabad Sugida shaki ka qabto sida loo isticmaalyo raashinkaas marka uu ka baxo gacanta hay'ada ku deeqdey.


Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa dib u fasaxday howlihii gargaar ee hey'adda WFP ka watay Soomaaliya gaar ahaan howlihii dejinta maraakiib ay ku rarnaayeen shixnado gargaar oo ku xirnaa dekadda Marka ee gobolka Sh/Hoose.


Garowe Online,Muqdisho

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WFP, ICG, UN and other bodies ave to learn they are not the power of this country anymore. The country is run by the Somali government.


A small step for Somali's everywhere.

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The puppet government?????


Who is going to enforce the law:


Wasiirka Dhuusada? Xaarka? Kaadada?


We are the laughing stock of the world.

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No adeer the clowns who are now in Asmara are the laughing stocks of the world.

The TFG started with nothing and in 3 years ahs managed to criple the anti government militias who's last resort was to use the faith.

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Dukoow, clown saaxib adiga ayaa leh calaamadihiisa.


What about the 270 thugs, the warlord president of the TFG; the 70 ministers of dhuusada, xaarka, cirka, buuraha, geedaha etc: and more importantly from the cyber horizon, the oneliner clowns who post articles from


Now that is the laughing stock!

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Originally posted by General Duke:

WFP, ICG, UN and other bodies ave to learn they are not the power of this country anymore. The country is run by the Somali government.


A small step for Somali's everywhere.

Great. Now is time for Ethiopia troops to leave so that the "Somali Govenment" can run things. Why are they needed?

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If only if only Afriown, this the peculiar thing one minute you see pictures posted of thousands of TFG troops being trained, and statements such as “Looters inc have been liquefied” But the big white elephant Ethiopia is still needed?


If you say you are as strong as you are, ask the Ethiopians to leave and the negotiation will start.

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Odey; the 270 MP's and Ministers and their President have defeated the 200 fake clan shiekhs and looters who for 17 years occupied Mogadishu, the fertile south and destroyed Somalia. Thus the clown courts who paraded women and children about and made threats were found out to be nothing ut cowards who ran over to Asmara.


AfricaOwen & Thiery The Ethiopians, Ugandans and other AU troops will stay in Somalia for as long as required. They are helping the legitimate, multi clan national security institutions. For 17 years we have lost our air, sea and land forces, our soldiers are either dead or too old and the generation that was supposed to take over are nothing more than militia' killers with no real training.


Thus those who refuse to negotiate because of "Ethiopia" today will refuse to negotiate when we have a strong Somali army and security forces. Because the advantage the Ethiopians give to the TFG will continue and thats why they are making such noise.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Odey; the 270 MP's and Ministers and their President have defeated the 200 fake clan shiekhs and looters who for 17 years occupied Mogadishu, the fertile south and destroyed Somalia. Thus the clown courts who paraded women and children about and made threats were found out to be nothing ut cowards who ran over to Asmara.


AfricaOwen &
The Ethiopians, Ugandans and other AU troops will stay in Somalia for as long as required. They are helping the legitimate, multi clan national security institutions. For 17 years we have lost our air, sea and land forces, our soldiers are either dead or too old and the generation that was supposed to take over are nothing more than militia' killers with no real training.


Thus those who refuse to negotiate because of "Ethiopia" today will refuse to negotiate when we have a strong Somali army and security forces. Because the advantage the Ethiopians give to the TFG will continue and thats why they are making such noise.

Better chance of meeting the TFG to negotiate


Those that in Asmara or the Secessionists what do you think?


Do you think UN/EU is also hurting Somalia by supporting the secessionist ambition to be independent?

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^^^I do not belive that the EU or the UN is playing any role in supporting the secessionists thats some fiction. Like how they used to say the British Queen was their mother. Yet the British are amongst the strongets supporters of the TFG. Even a cabinet Minister of the UK vistited Baidoa and met with the leadership. We heard the stance of the foreign minister of France and its support to the AU mission.

The UN will also not support secessionist because it is made up of many nation's with their own secessionist problem notably, Turkey, China with Tibet. So lets be realistic.


As for the firts question, the secessionist and the Asmara group are irrelevent. The TFG needs to built its capacity and bring on board as many people inside the counry as well as in the diaspora.

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Saxiib those who oppose Ethiopian aggression both on this site and the Alliance based in Asmara has not talked about Uganda or AU, UN or Arab troops.

Even the TFG Mandate forbids frontline nations from being deployed in Somalia. So saxiib the allegation that the alliance in Asmara will refuse to negotiate even if Ethiopia leaves is baseless and one based on suspicion in fact they have time over time stated that talks can only happen when the Ethiopian troops leave the country in that way We can negotiate Somali to Somali with the absence of foreign stakeholders who are there for their own benefit.

Kaabo a strong Somali Army, Navy and Air force that stretches from Kismayo to Zeila is for the benefit of all Somalis and you are not a nationalist unless you wish for a greater Somalia. But I can assure you that those infrastructures not are built by the same force that bombs your children, destroy your economy, kill 6,000 of your own brethrens and cause the greatest humanitarian crises in Africa.

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^^^Thierry, let me correct you on a few points.

1. The Asmara group opposed any AU force, but speak about Ethiopia more. They held demo's against such a force when it was proposed and passed by the UN security council.

The Al-Shabaab threatened and attacked the Ugandans'. These are facts adeer.


2. The Parliment passed legislation when Sharif Xasan was speaker requesting any support front line states was included you can check this on SOL.


Kaabo, The TFG is buidling a strong army, a unified police who takes orders not from clan but the Somali government those who target the civil adminstartions, who bomb the police and thraeten recruits are hampering this.

The civilian casualties could have been avoided and even Ethiopias interfention if those who were agents of foreign powers and Eritrea did not make threats and attack the legitimate and recognised governemnt of Somalia. Also if you cared for the people, then you should have told them not to hide in and attack from heavily populated civilian areas.


You can not have your cake and eat it.

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"The issue is not changing one person for another. The (issue) is about a new strategy for the withdrawal of the Ethiopian occupation forces from all of Somalia," said Ahmed Abdallah of the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS).

This is a recent post on SOL regarding the new PM’s call for dialogue, the Alliance clearly state that negotiation cannot take place with the presence of Ethiopians forces, now I have looked far and near to decipher where in that statement it states AU, Arab League, UN, NATO, Viet-Cong, or for that matter US troops must leave for negotiation to take place.

Further to the point I have been browsing the Alliance website and I have not found a single line to back up the argument that you made “The Asmara group opposed any AU force, but speak about Ethiopia more”


With regards to your second point I haven’t got the time to browse SOL in search for the legislation where Sharif Xasan requested assistance from front line forces. If somebody who knows about this document it would be great to see it.

For they say the “the proof of the pudding is in its eating”


However even if there is such a “legislation” you can clearly hear from all parts of opposition whether it is civilians or institutions that the main cause of this escalating conflict is because of the Ethiopian presence. Saxiib what kind of pride do you take in seeing your Prime ministerial candidates being vetted in Ethiopia before they are actually appointed, or every time internal conflict happens in the TFG they are either flown to Addis or the Ethiopian Foreign Minister has to fly over to put people in check.

Saxiib the Somali masses are telling you get yourself out of the Ethiopian shackles. Write a formal letter to the Addis leadership asking for the withdrawal of their troops.


Kaabo the resistance against foreign forces in Somalia is a legitimate one, it is unfortunate that Civilians have been caught in the cross fire and we ask Allah to have mercy on those Muslims that perished in this war against the aggressors and we ask Allah to have mercy on those that will die in the future for the cause of their faith and country.


Saxiib time is ticking barely a year left of the TFG mandate and they have achieved nothing but cause chaos, destruction and animosity amongst Somalis from Hergeisa to Kismayo.


Do not get fooled the status quo benefits the legitimate resistance no foreign aggressors can fight a prolonged war, the Ethiopian sponsors are becoming impatient and the international community is becoming ever more aware, so for the good of this TFG entity you support tell them to ask the Ethiopians to leave and negotiation can take place.



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