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Somaliland Red Crescent Center Opened in Badhan

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^I don't know what endless obsession with Fuad is but I assure mothers and kids under Al-Shabaab are better off. And in due time, those in Xamar, Beledweyne etc, will be too.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^I don't know what endless obsession with Fuad is but I assure mothers and kids under Al-Shabaab are better off. And in due time, those in Xamar, Beledweyne etc, will be too.

You assure me they are better of?

The thousands who have fled since 2005, and still fleeing from the south into refugee camps because of Al Shabaab? The hundreds maimed, killed, recruited for endless silly wars and you termed "never ending" are now better of?


Al Shabaab, have led us to the greatest killing spree in Somalia since Genereal Aydeed


And you are still talking, have some shame lad.

The peaceful areas in Somalia are Puntland & Somaliland, because there is no Al Shabaab there.

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Like they are for killing the same Somali Red Crescent Society members you so praise in here for helping mothers and children?


Al-shabab is criminal and you and I know it well.

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^^^Again as usual you are talking out of your .......

But hey can you link us the post where the Red Crescent actually recognises such a thing as "Somaliland Red Crescent"?


Thanks ... :D

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I see you still, have a hang up about "Somaliland", not to sday nothing about basic comprehension of how the international bodies work...

The one thing I do know is, that "Somaliland" not recognised by the international community, ooutch.. :D

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^^^lool. Now is that the Red Crescent website adeer, or one you made up? :D


Come on you can do better than that, lad. we posted the red crescent website and it had nothing about Somaliland...


Anywho, how is Tel Aviv saxib, do you like the weather .. ;)

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<a href="

SRCS my not so clever friend exists but it stands for Somali Red Crescent Society i.e. the Red Crescent Society for all the Somali lands within Somalia. :D


You might fool not so alert editors of a website in which you could suggest acronyms but to use the Somali Red Crescent Society SRCS and try to pass it on as the 'Somaliland Red Crescent Society' is nothing short of sinister and sheer desperation on your behalf.


Someone actually once said you would do anything and even go as far as to blank pointedly lie and even sell your soul for the lowest bidder who promises you he will further your 'cause'.


That's why you have aligned yourself with Alun Michael of all people who promised you he will bring that much after sought 'recognition' to you, little did you guys know, that this meant meeting Mr. Michael in gay bars and clubs to 'discuss' the 'recognition' and amongst other pressing issues, which you had to attend to as there was no other way and the 'recognition' would be gone, pity you really. :D


What else wouldn't you do is the question? I really don't want to know!

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Your can read more on here about the Somali Red Crescent Society short SRCS


It says:

Page 1

1 Somalia Executive summary: The Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) has operated continuously throughout the country’s period of civil strife and is credited as being the largest indigenous humanitarian organisation with representation and services across Somalia.


The total 2009-2010 budget is CHF 8,635,224 (USD 7,893,258 or EUR 5,500,143.

And it goes on

SRCS in co-operation with the Federation will continue to provide preventive, promotive and basic curative health services through its 30 MCH/OPDs, and four mobile clinics supported bythe Saudi Red Crescent.


The Federation supports 22 MCH/OPDs, and four in Bari region in co-operation with the German Red Cross.
SRCS also operates four in Sool and Sanaag in co-operation with the German Red Cross.
The SRCS will examine current support to the Nugal hospital in consultation with all stakeholders.


will continue to provide rehabilitation services in co-operation with the Norwegian Red Cross to physically disabled persons through the Mogadishu,
and Galkayo

It also says:

In 2005 UNAIDS estimated that 44,000 adults and children were living with HIV and AIDS in Somalia.
Surveys among women attending antenatal clinics have found HIV prevalence as high as 2.3 per cent in Berbera.
(WHO, 2005).

You can all read it up, as usual Oodweyne is being Oodweyne and it would be futile to even attempt to accept anything so it is for you to read up and see for yourselves that this man will not stop at anything in pursuing the much after sought cause of 'recognition', even if that entails lying! :D

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