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Sharjah: President Faroole meets with UAE officials business men: PICS

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Well in Sharjah there is a connection because the current rulers grandfather or someone closely related to him was once based out of the city of Bosasso, which was then called Bender Qasim after the grandfather. Atleast that's what I've been told, but there is some connection between Sharjah and Puntland that goes back generations. That's why the other emirates aren't involved.


A side note, from what I saw on my many travels back to Somalia. We are a nation of consumers, almost EVERYTHING that is in Somalia comes out of Dubai, from cars to soda drinks to toliet paper. And in return we might sell them small amount in livestock! We help their economy a great deal and spend a lot of money there, too much.

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I think Norf laughed because someone claimed they were 'UAE officials' when they are just business men. He probably thought you lot meant government officials. Well anyway that's what i think.

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