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Badhan Sanaag elects city council...

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Degmada Badhan ee gobolka Sanaag oo loo sameynaayo Gole degaan


September 20, 20100 comments| leave your own!

Share Degmada Badhan ee xarunta u ah gobolka Sanaag ayaa lagu wadaa in loo sameeyo gole degaan oo aysan haysan mudo badan.


Kulan looga hadlaayay sidii gole degaan loo sameyn lahaa degmadaas ayaa saaka la qabtay,waxaana yeeshay maamulka gobolka Sanaag iyo Nabadoonada degaanka.


Dhegayso Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Snaag Maxamuud Siciid oo Horseed Media uga waramay golaha deegaanka Badhan





Guddoomiyaha gobolka Sanaag Maxamuud Siciid Nuur Dabayl oo wareysi siiyey Horseed Media kulankaas kadib ayaa sheegay in Nabadoonada ay u gudbiyeen shuruucda lagu soo xulaayo xubnaha kamid noqonaaya golaha degaanka.


Wuxuu sheegay in xilligaan ay muhiim tahay in gole degaan loo sameeyo degmada Badhan oo u xusay in sanadkii 2007-dii ilaa iyo hadda aysan degmadu lahayn gole degaan.


Degmada Baran ayaa laga dareemaaya ololaha lagu sameynaayo golaha degaanka,waxaana dhowaan maamulka Puntland gole degaan iyo maamul cusub u sameeyey degmooyinka Jariiban,Buurtinle,Qardho iyo Garoowe.


Horseed Media

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Baran? it's BADHAN for god sake,,,, and when did Badhan become Xarunta Gobolka Sanaag?is that what Duke and media ceebayska Puntland aka SSDF :D entertain lately?

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^ lool another reason for reer maakhir not to be part of the pirate clan state seems like the guys from garowe cant pronounce even the regions of Maakhir. I even remember faroole saying Wir wir instead of widhwidh. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Beer-Gaal lad no one is against Makhir admin, it does not exist.


As for the news item, its a good thing that the people of Baran are getting a local admin.

^Oo hadaan afka san kugu saxayna wali Baran!! maad idaba wadaa? duqan maskaxdiisa way xidhantay! :D ,,,Arinka maakhir state of somalia adiga waxba kaa waydiinayo Adeero DUKow. icon_razz.gif

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^^^Adeer like I said on many an occasion no one is against Makhir State. The problem for you is that it does not exist, and so far all you have is hot air.


But good luck anyhow..

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Faroole does exist:D !! he is oday reer garoowe ah, i won't refute that with, why refure then my beloved Maakhir State? :D War ninyohow inoo kala tuur Oday baad tahay Dukow.

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^^^Beer-Gaal again no one is against Makhir State, it does not exist, does not have an admin, flag, capital or structure. Thus whats the point of getting angry?


Again kindly update us on its formation.

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What if i say Duke doesn't exist ? it doens't make sense to any one Adeero! same goes to tan aad ku khafiiftay ee Maakhir doesn't exist,,,,Again wax fahan duqa.

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^^^lol adeer not sure what you on today. However like I said not against Makhir State, the onus is on you to set it up and convince the people.


Even in Baran/Badhan there is an admin set up by the State of Puntland.

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