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Bloomberg: Ethiopia to sign peace treaty with Somali rebels

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That article is irrelevant to the conflict because the last time a referendum was put forward Ethiopia suppressed the call.Its just on paper but in reality you have to gain it through the only avenue Ethiopia is offering(Force).


This article is referring to the nation,nationality or people---read.


Nothing to celeberate or even consider here except a few naive so-called wadaads, an unkown minister representing Ethiopia, a few ambassadors and a free-dinner.

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Jabhad well under ethiopia federal context nation can be applied to oromia or somali regional state and not only that but it says "people/nationality/nation" wishing to secede. So that can mean the onlf people who want to secede have to hold referendum among their people and get 2/3 from their legislature.


Anyways I'll do some research into it

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Ethiopia is supposedly based on Ethnic Federalism composed of nations,nationalities and peoples.That article refers to those mentioned, naturally the Federal Goverment is not involved in this process but can put forward its own opinion on the issue.If this article had any meaning.


As a evangelical Puntlander you have more internal issues you need to look at than some flimsy Article or fake peace deal I would think. smile.gif

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Jabhad from I read that article was put in place to separate the tigray and eritrea from ethiopia but ever since then it's just been dried ink on paper lol and never can be raised up and if it is your labelled a terrorist or rebel.


Anyways I can sort of see what the onlf are fighting for now they are simply trying to exercise their article 39 right which hasn't been given to them.


But Ethiopia simply wants that oil now however it wont risk it's steady $2 billion dollars in aid money for undemocratic practises. They know full well they get that aid money based on how well they democratize.


If ethiopia left the onlf state it might be used as launching pad by the eritreans or even shabab like type people but im sure ethiopia already controls somalia therefore the onlf state will pretty much fall into line as the rest of somalia has.


So ethiopian rather then using direct rule over the onlf state it should use indirect rule as it does with other somali regions and therefore they will remain safe from any attacks that can come from somali areas.


As for the oil well the oil is going to be hard to lose but sometimes u gotta sacrifice for the greater good whats the point of the oil if u cant send people in there to drill because of instability? noone will benefit not the onlf nor addis ababa.


So If I was meles I would sign an agreement with the onlf and give them separation but the key catch would be they must rejoin somalia which is another kilil anyways lol and indirectly rule it. This will satisfy the onlf.

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Originally posted by Jabhad_no1:

As a evangelical Puntlander you have more internal issues you need to look at than some flimsy Article or fake peace deal I would think.

^ :D:D:D


Cowke waa nin balo ah. Waa Brofessor. Bilaa Break ah.







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