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Even the Ethio media is reporting the slapped Warlord

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Lol @ Suldaanka. :D:D


Yeey waxuu doono ha ahaado, intaasoo dhan se waxaa iiga foolxun in la yiraahdo madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed baa Axmaar indha-godan dharbaaxay.


The news is obviously false. Waagacusub and Dayniile spread it. Iranian T.V reprinted a word-by-word and now this anti-TPLF opposition site copy and pasted the false reporting.


Easy chain. No reason to devote more time on it.


Adiguse maxaad ka helaysaa in la yiraahdo madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed baa Axmaar luga qaloocan dharbaaxay?

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General Gabre Heard, who is in charge of Woyanne occupation forces in Somalia, has slapped Somalia's interim President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed twice on the face, officials say

The first paragraph tells you this is not neutral ethiopian "media" outlet. Woyaane??? Come on, why are the Secessionists trying to push these lies(without any proof) so much? What is your concern with Somali politics if you you claim no longer part of the union???

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Lol @ Suldaanka.


Yeey waxuu doono ha ahaado, intaasoo dhan se waxaa iiga foolxun in la yiraahdo madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed baa Axmaar indha-godan dharbaaxay.


The news is obviously false. Waagacusub and Dayniile spread it. Iranian T.V reprinted a word-by-word and now this anti-TPLF opposition site copy and pasted the false reporting.


Easy chain. No reason to devote more time on it.


Adiguse maxaad ka helaysaa in la yiraahdo madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed baa Axmaar luga qaloocan dharbaaxay?

Odeyga wax kale uma salagsalag lahayn. Waxa hore loo yidhi ninkii soo joog laga waayey soo jiifso ayaa laga helaa.


Lets just hope this humiliation subjected to not only this puppet warlord but to the whole Somali speaking peoples, be a wake up call to those who thought Xabashiga inuu dadka ka xigo.

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Peace Action, of course they do....first it was the women they brough forward that was supposedly raped, then it was the ethiopian soldiers desacrating the Masjid and now it's this story. I can't wait until the next one!

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Originally posted by Peace Action:


Do you believe the story is true?

This is beyond Somali folks now. It is an internationally known humiliation of historic proportion. A million years from now, Somali of that day will be cursing Col. Yey for this. redface.gifredface.gif


Nin Dhirbaaxo Quudheed dugsaday Dhaqayadeed maal

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Woyanne summoned former Somali PM to Addis Ababa


After a Woyanne general b**ch-slaps the Somali president twice in the face this week, Meles has summoned former Somali prime minister to Addis Ababa for talks. Can it get any more bizarre?


(Garowe Online) - The former Prime Minister of Somalia's transitional government, Prof. Ali Mohamed Gedi, flew unexpectedly to the Ethiopian capital Wednesday amid much speculation.


Gedi, who was fired earlier this year by President Abdullahi Yusuf, retained his position as Somali legislator after resigning from the Prime Minister's office last October and maintains close relations with Ethiopian Woyanne government leaders, including Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.


A reliable source in Nairobi, Kenya, where Gedi is now based told Garowe Online that he will return to Nairobi after discussions with Ethiopian Woyanne officials.


It was not clear who accompanied the former Prime Minister on this surprise trip to Addis Ababa or the real purpose of the trip, but much speculation has been associated with the visit in the Somali press.


Some reports said the Ethiopian government Woyanne is grooming Gedi to become Somalia's next president, following general elections next year when the interim government's mandate expires.


Other reports said Gedi went to Addis Ababa for personal reasons.


Last month, Gedi told reporters in Nairobi that he plans to run for Somali president in the upcoming 2009 general elections.


Gedi resigned after feuding with President Abdullahi Yusuf over the management of government finances and policies.


Earlier this month, UK-based The Independent newspaper reported that former Premier Gedi bought a house in the United States and had negotiated a teaching position.

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You know the story is fake but I guess the truth does not matter when it comes to hating Yey and his dabodhilif. Somalidu waxay dhehdaa beeni raad maleh and will not be remembered in a month just like his near death episode just a month ago.

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Originally posted by somalipride:

Peace Action, of course they do....first it was the women they brough forward that was supposedly raped, then it was the ethiopian soldiers desacrating the Masjid and now it's this story. I can't wait until the next one!

Saxiib, Masjid/s being occupied and decerated is a fact. Nobody can deny that happened. Bring one T.F.G that can deny Masjids were used as bases by Ethiopian forces. We saw the inages and video ourselves. The "supposed" rapes have also being widely reported by Western agencies that are neutral in the Somali conflict and Woyanes are well known to carry out raped! I suppose they are all clanists? I also find somrwhat unlikely that a Somali sisters would come on television and announce she had beenr raped by Ethiopians, with her husband, given the taboo in our society!Thus, there is no comparison with this petty story about some warlord being "supposedly" raped.

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Originally posted by Isseh:

I guess happy slapping has only caught on in Somalia now



This story reminds me of the old lady who accused her so in-law of slapping her. The judge ruled that the mother in-law should not have been in the slapping distance of the son in-law in the first place. ;)

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