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Letter from Ahmed Godane to rer Muqdisho.

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Letter from the Emir of Shabaab al Mujahidiin


(English translation of the speech "A message to our people in Mogadishu" by the amir of the Youth Mujahideen Movement)


In the Name of Allah the Most Merciful


To start, I would like to convey my warmest greetings to the Muslim Ummah, especially the families in Mogadiscu whom Allah blessed with entry into a golden page of Islamic History. The families of this country that has become a place in which any false rule of the kuffar fails.


The struggle between right and wrong is one of the laws of Allah (SWT) in the universe -- it is "the law of mutual defense". As Allah (SWT) said in His Book, "And did Allah not check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief."


If Allah had not granted man the right of armed defense against those who seek to do evil, then the land would rot. This is a battle between good and evil, law and innovation, apostasy and Islam. This is the same battle that began with Iblees and Allah's Messenger Adam (PBUH). It is the same battle that will continue until the last of the Muslim Ummah battles the AntiChrist.



It is not possible that right and wrong will ever be resolved into agreement. It is not possible that they live under one roof. One of these will invoke this as most people of today comit. The truth is that the right which gives up its truth is changed to wrong, and the wrong that reverses itself is right. But there cannot in any case be coexistence between right and wrong.



We want to state here several important matters. First among these is the war in Mogadiscu. The war is Mogadiscu is fighting between the Mujahidiin who are fighting in the Path of Allah and others who fight for the tyrants and democracy and who are working in the interests of the Jews. As Allah said, "Those who believe fight in the caعse of Allah and those who reject Faith fight in the cause of Evil: so fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan".


Allah teaches us that the Faithful are fighting in His Path, but what the kuffar are fighting for is the tyrants. And these tyrants are all that is wrong, whether it is the Parliament that was told that it can make laws or the ulema trying to change the path of Allah (SWT). As it is said in the Hadith on the Children of Israel: "They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah"


That means that they took as their chiefs scholars without Allah, ad they were led to do things that are forbidden and evil. As so Allas says of the people who fight for the Taghout that their tricks and conspiracies are weak.


It is also worth considering that this is the country that is founded on this and built on the 4.5 constitution that was drawn up and signed by the infidels. This is the country whose members of parliament are a committee that violates the two professions of faith and teams Ethiopia from "SRCC" and "Reconciliation". is this the type of country that you can say is an Islamic country? This is the country that protects the foreign Crudsaders. The first trip its head took was a trip to Ethiopia and his first appeal was a request for additional foreign troops to fight what they called extremists. This is a country whose first agreement was reached by the sale of the Somali nation. With Allah as my witness, can this country be called an Islamic country? Leave off describing it s Islam. It is not fit to be called a nation.


Allah (SWT) said, "To the Hypocrites give the glad tidings that there is for them a grievous penalty".


Allah tells us that the hypocrites wil be given the good news of the torture due them. And who are these hypocrites? "Those who take for friends Unbelievers rather than Believers: it is honour they seek among them? Nay, -- all honour is with Allah"


هAnd whosoever searches for AMISOM or the United Nations or the Security Council is a hypocrite against Allah. Of the hypocrites, Allah tells us this -- "These are the ones who wait and watch about you: if ye do gain a victory from Allah they say: "Were we not with you? -- But if the Unbelievers gain a success tehy say (to them) "Did we not gain an

advantage over you and did we not guard you from the Believers?"



Allah tells us that the hypocrites are always working at

treachery and deception and observation and standing in the middle. In order to win the Muslims to them they say "we are with you" and they tell the infidels "we are on your side". For Allah says, "But Allah will judge betwixt you on the Day of Judgement"



Allah will settle matters between you on the Day of Judgement.


Any action that is intended to gain closeness to Allah (SWT) must offer the following two locks: The deed must be pure and for Allah alone It cannot be required by money, the president or wealth. Secondly, it must follow the model of the Prophet (PBUH) as outlined in the Sunnah. Good wises for these two conditions are not enough. There must be a straight path from the behaviour to the objectives.


From this comes the clarification of the struggle among those battling in Mogadiscu today. It is a war of this type - one side fights in the Path of Allah (SWT) and others fight for Satan and the Taghout.


The second matter is this - what is the purpose of war? The realizaiton of the word of Allah and his Oneness and implementing the pure Law of Allah, ad cleansing the country of infidels and apostates to implement justice in the Ummah and Islamic teaching. The purpose is to reach prosperity and progress in this world and please Allah the Almighty in the hereafter.



Allah said, "And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere"



Allah (SWT)commanded that we battle the kuffar but until when? Until there is not idlatry or apostasy in the land. Jihad will continue until Islamic Sharira rules all the corners of the world. Jihad will continue until all countries from the past are returned to the grip of Islam, and all the infidels are expelled. Inshallah the first of these will be Jerusalem.


The last matter is this and it is worth pondering-- what must the Islamic Ummah do in Somalia in general and Mogadiscu in particular? They must stand on the side of the right, because there is no middle ground in this matter. The war is raging between right and wrong. He who wants to stand on the side of the right will be blessed with the satisfaction of Allah and honour and courage in the world. As Allah says, "Said the Disciples, "We are Allah's helpers!" Then a portion of the Children of Israel believed, and a portion disbelieved: but We gave power to those who believed against their enemies, and they became the ones that prevailed"


The Children of Israel are divided into two parts. One side followed Allah and His Prophet while the other rejected Allah and His Prophet. And so Allah granted victor to those who believed. It is clear that Allah told us of the Children of Israel that their behaviour is of two types: apostasy and Islam, and they are one family born to Allah's Prophet of Israel.


It should then be clear to you that whatever the name of the individual or group, then the origin is usually good. If he abandons the right for even one minute then it will no longer have stature before Allah. The Ummah must be patient to achieve the completely correct Islamic state. It comes about that everything is becoming Islam and the correct Islamic state grows closer but then it aborts and everything begins from the zero point a second time and then a third time. Today only a little remains but let us work together to expel the foreign armies and establish the Law of Allah (SWT).


After that, from here I call to the leaders of the armies. Let us say to them that we are not in defense of AMISOM and we are not fighting for the infidel constitution. Tell them that you will not choose our religion for $100. As Allah said, "Allah accepts the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; to them, will Allah turn in mercy; for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom"



Allah holds repentance for those who do evil in ignorance and then soon repent. Allah (SWT) accepts their repentance when they sincerely repent their true conditions.


I say, too, to the media -- Fear Allah ad report the truths as they are. Nevertheless, you are responsible for the Ummah, so take your role in jihad and your committment to the Ummah. The Journalists must respect the credibility and justice of their work. Do not tarnish the history of Islam and the history of the Ummah. If you cannot tell the truth then at least cease changing it and do not oppress the Ummah.


We call on Allah to keep us steadfast on the road to the right and enrich us with an Islamic State that is ruled by His Book.


We call on Allah to make us members of his armies and seal us with the professions of faith. To You we give glory and praise.


Thank you

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Waar horta Ahmad lacagtii uu Dahabshiil ka dhacay masoo celiyey. Lacagtii isaga iyo ninkii kale ay Wajaale ku dhici jiriin. Wali xoolihii Muslimkaa ku maqqan. Xoolaha Muslimiinta iyo Banii Aadamkuna maaha wax kaa hadhaya. Amiir bay maqqashay!

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Dear Red Sea:


Please read the following, so you may educate yourself about the fitnah Godane(The niqaab wearing girlie mujaahid) and his band of deviants have unleashed upon our Somali brethren...


The Khawaarij are those who revolted (i.e. made khurooj) against the ruler during the last part of ‘Uthmaan’s Khilaafah. Their revolting resulted in the murder of ‘Uthmaan (radyAllaahu ‘anhu).


Then their evil increased during the Khilaafah of ‘Alee (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) and they rebelled against him, declaring him to be a disbeliever. They also pronounced disbelief on the Companions, because they would not agree with them in their (false) beliefs. So they ruled that all those who opposed them in their views were disbelievers. As a result, they pronounced disbelief on the best amongst creation - the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). Why was this (?) - because they did not agree with them on their misguidance and disbelief.


Their Beliefs:
They do not adhere to the Sunnah and the Jamaa’ah, nor do they obey the leader
. Rather, they hold rebelling against him and renouncing allegiance to him to be from the Religion,[1] contrary to the advice of Allaah’s Messenger of giving obedience and contrary to what Allaah has commanded in His saying:
"Obey Allaah and obey the Messenger and those in authority amongst you." [surah An-Nisaa: 59]


So Allaah made
obeying the ruler part of the Religion
, and the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) made obeying the ruler part of the Religion, as is found in his saying: "I counsel you to have Taqwaa of Allaah and to hear and obey, even if a slave should take command over you. For indeed, whosoever lives amongst you, will see many differences..." [2]


So obeying the Muslim Ruler is part of the Religion (of Islaam). But the Khawarij say: "No, we are free (from this)." This is the way of insurrection and rebellion today!


So the Khawaarij are those who seek to cause division to the main unified body of Muslims and to revolt against the leaders - and there is disobedience to Allaah and His Messenger in doing this. They also hold that the person who commits a major sin is a disbeliever.


So someone that commits a major sin - a fornicator, a thief, one who drinks alcohol, for example - are all considered disbelievers by them. On the contrary, Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah hold such a person as a "Muslim with deficient Eemaan"[3] and they call him a "sinner in the Religion." So he is a "believer" due to his Eemaan, while being a "sinner" due to his major sin. This is because
nothing expels one out of the fold of Islaam except Shirk
and the well-known things that nullify one’s Islaam. As for the sins that are below Shirk, then they do not cause one to be expelled from the fold of Eemaan, even if they are major sins. Allaah says:
"Verily Allaah does not forgive that Shirk (association of partners in worship) be committed with Him, but he forgives what is lower than that (of sins) to whom He wills." [surah an-Nisaa: 48, 116]


The Khawaarij say: "The one who commits a major sin is a disbeliever, he will not be forgiven and he will reside in the Hellfire forever." And this is contrary to what is stated in the Qur’aan. The reason for this is because they do not have understanding (of the Religion).


Take note that the cause for their falling into these (false beliefs) was
their lack of knowledge
. This is because they are a people intense in their worship, prayer, fasting and recitation of the Qur’aan. And they have a strong fervor for the Religion, but they do not have knowledge - and this is the problem.


So going to great lengths and exerting oneself in piety and worship must be accompanied by knowledge and understanding of the Religion. This is why the Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) described them to his Companions in the following manner: That the Companions would look down upon their own prayer as compared to their prayer and on their worship as compared to their worship. Then he said:
"They will shoot out from the Religion just as the arrow shoots out from a hunted game"[4]
- in spite of their worship and in spite of their righteousness and their praying Tahajjud at night.


So because their exertion was not based upon a correct foundation, nor upon authentic knowledge, it became a misguidance, a plague and evil upon them and upon the ummah.


And furthermore, it is not known from the Khawaarij - for one day - that they fought against the disbelievers ever! Instead, they only fight with the Muslims, as the Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "And they will kill the People of Islaam, while leaving alone the people of Awthaan (idols)." [5]


So we have not come to know in the history of the Khawaarij that one day they fought against the disbelievers and polytheists. Rather, they are always fighting against the Muslims. They killed ‘Uthmaan and they killed ‘Alee bin Abee Taalib. They killed Az-Zubayr Ibn-ul-‘Awaam and killed the best of the Companions. And they have not stopped killing Muslims.


And this is all due to their ignorance of the Religion of Allaah. But in spite of this, they had piety and worship, but since these were not founded upon authentic knowledge, it became a disease on them. This is why the great scholar, Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said in his description of them:


"They have textual evidences, which they fall short of in understanding

So they have been given shortness in knowledge." [6]


So they use texts as evidences but yet they do not comprehend them. They use as evidence texts from the Qur’aan and the Sunnah concerning the threat for committing sins, but they do not comprehend their meanings. They do not refer them back to the other texts, in which there is found a promise for forgiveness and the acceptance of repentance for those whose sins are less than Shirk. So they accept one part and leave off another part - all of this due to their ignorance.


So having an over-protective love for the Religion and enthusiasm are not sufficient. They must be founded upon knowledge and understanding of Allaah’s Religion. This is so that they can be produced from knowledge and so that they can be put in their proper place.


So over-protective love for the Religion is good and enthusiasm is good, but they must be guided and directed by the following of the Qur’aan and the Sunnah.


There is no one with more precedence in the Religion nor more sincere to the Muslims than the Sahaabah (the Comapnions), but in spite of that, they fought against the Khawaarij due to their danger and their evil.


‘Alee bin Abee Taalib fought against them such that he slaughtered them with the worst of killings in the incident of Nahrawaan. By doing this, he realized what the Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) informed us of in that the Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) gave the good tidings to the one who killed them of goodness and Paradise. So ‘Alee bin Abee Taalib, he was the one who killed them - so he received this good tiding from Allaah’s Messenger.[7] He killed them in order to prevent their evil from befalling the Muslims.


It is an obligation on the Muslims in every generation, if they should become aware of the existence of this wicked methodology, that they remedy it by calling to the Way of Allaah first and educating the people about it. But if they do not accept this, then they must fight against them in order to prevent their evil.


‘Alee bin Abee Taalib (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) sent his cousin, ‘Abdullaah bin ‘Abbaas - the Habr (scholar) of the ummah and the Turjumaan (Interpreter) of the Qur’aan - to them. So he debated with them and six thousand amongst them repented and returned back, but many remained behind and did not repent. So at this point, the Ameer-ul-Mu’mineen, ‘Alee bin Abee Taalib, along with the Sahaabah, fought against them. This was in order to prevent their evil and harm from befalling the Muslims.


So this is the sect known as Al-Khawaarij and their beliefs.




[1] In our time, perhaps the one who believes that we must hear and obey the leaders in matters that are not sinful, are labeled as government agents or kiss-ups or gullible simpletons! So you will see them attacking the leaders and exposing their faults to the public from the mimbars and in their gatherings. And Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever desires to advise the sultaan (authority) about a matter, then he must not expose it in public, but rather he should take him by his hand and go in privacy with him. So if he accepts (the advice) then that is (reward) for him, and if he doesn’t (accept) then he has conveyed what will be held against him." Reported by Ahmad (3/404) from the narration of ‘Iyyaad bin Ghanam (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) Ibn Abee ‘Aasim also reported it in his book As-Sunnah (2/522).


And when the leader bars one of them from speaking in public gatherings, they rally together and go out in demonstrations, thinking - out of ignorance on their part - that barring someone from speaking or putting someone in jail justifies rebellion! Did they not hear the Prophet’s statement found in the narration of ‘Awf bin Maalik Al-Ashja’ee (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) in Saheeh Muslim (1855): "...No, so long as they establish the prayer." And in the hadeeth of ‘Ubaadah bin As-Saamit (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) found in the two Saheeh Collections, the Prophet said: "...unless you see clear and open disbelief, by which you will have proof before Allaah in the matter." This was his (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) response to the Companions when they questioned him, seeking permission to fight against the oppressive leaders.


Do they not know how long Imaam Ahmad remained locked up in prison? And where did Shaikh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taimiyyah die?! Wasn’t Imaam Ahmad put in jail for several years and whipped because he would not say that the Qur’aan was created? So why then did he not order the people to revolt against the Khaleefah? Don’t they know that Shaikh-ul-Islaam stayed in prison for more than two years and died while in it? Why did he not command the people to revolt against the leader? And on top of this, these scholars had a high position in terms of virtue and knowledge, so what about those who are less than them??? Indeed these ideologies and actions did not come to us except after the youth began to take their knowledge from such and such modern-day thinker and from such and such literary poet and from such and such Islamic writer, abandoning the scholars and placing their books behind their backs to be forgotten! Wa laa hawla wa laa quwata ilaa billaah!


[2] An authentic hadeeth reported by Ahmad, Ibn Maajah, At-Tirmidhee, Al-Haakim and many others [Abridged by the translator].


[3] Even if they commit a sin thinking it to be trivial (Istikhfaaf), they do not commit disbelief so long as they do not make it lawful (Istihlaal), contrary to what some of them say: That a person who commits a sin thinking it to be trivial, commits disbelief that takes him out from the Religion. This statement is the essence of the beliefs of the Khawaarij as our Shaikh, Shaikh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn ‘Abdillaah Bin Baaz said when he was asked about it in Taa’if in 1415H.


[4] Part of a long hadeeth reported by Ahmad, Muslim, Al-Bukhaaree and others from several of the Companions [Abridged by the translator]


[5] Part of a long hadeeth reported by Ahmad, Muslim, Al-Bukhaaree and others [Abridged by the translator]


[6] Nooniyyah of Ibn Al-Qayyim (pg. 97)


[7] Al-Bukhaaree reported in his Saheeh (6930), Muslim in his Saheeh (1066), Ahmad in his Musnad (1/113), Ibn Abee ‘Aasim in his As-Sunnah (914) and ‘Abdullaah bin al-Imaam Ahmad in his As-Sunnah (1487): From ‘Alee (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) who said: "I heard Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) say: ‘Towards the last days, a people will emerge who will be young in age and have foolish ideas. They will speak with the best speech of the creatures. Their Eemaan will not go past their throats. So wherever you encounter them, kill them, for indeed there will be a reward for the one who kills them on the Day of Judgement.’"


After narrating a hadeeth about the Khawaarij and their signs, Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudree (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) said: "Twenty or more than twenty of the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger narrated to me that ‘Alee was in charge of killing them." Reported by Ahmad in his Musnad (3/33) and his son ‘Abdullaah in As-Sunnah (1512).


A Glimpse into the Khawaarij

By Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan

SOURCE: Lamha ‘an-il-Firaq-id-Daal ah (pg. 31-37) w/ notes by Shabbaab Ar-Raajihee

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What a load of crap he is writing, hadduu qoray waxaan. Koley wax la micneeye u egtahay.


Suu u twist gareynaayo Eebbe's words igu sii daranba, though, misinterpreting them to suit his sick political views.


Yahuud this, Yahuud that. What do Yahuud people have to do waxa ka socdo Soomaaliya maanta? Ma iygaa isku qarxiyo maati, ma iyagaa masaakiin qoorta ka gooyo, ma iyagaa dadka hub soo siiyo isku diro. And does he ever ask meesha uu ka keensado hubka uu ku dagaalamo? Madaxweynaha Eritareeya Muslim wanaagsan waaye miyaa.


Then he has the audacity to claim dadka la shaqeynaayo AMISOM waa 'munaafuq.'

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Does this guy really wear niqaab iyo cilaan?


Cross dressing mujahid!. You just can't make it up can you? :D:D


Red, source?

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North saaxib waa dacaayad waxaasi. How could he wear women clothes; he knows its' Haram.


It's typical of Somalis when they can't defeat, they start insults and nonsense.




It was audio speech translated in English by different individual.

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Jumping the gun, iga dheh.


People 'look before you leap', the net is full of crap, concocted lies and intrepretations. So, don't jump the gun and start accusing/almost rubbishing an individual.

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Baddacas, su'aal ayaan ku weydiinaa, haa ama maya ugu jawaab. Su'aal wax ku qarsana ma'aha, waa su'aal caadi ah.


Su'aasha oo ah:


Ninkaan Godane la yiraahdo hadduu beri Hargeysa tago, kagana dhawaaqo 'jihaad,' uguna waco kuwa meesha ka taliyo 'murtad' iyo wixii lamid ah, maku raaci lahayd aragtidaas? Haa mise maya ku filan jawaabta.

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^ horta hargeisa ha oran ee burco deh.


Second, Red Sea will tell you "hecks no" al mujahid reyaale iyo mafriishkeesa waa muslimeenta dunida ugu wanaagson, see waye athiga...

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

Baddacas, su'aal ayaan ku weydiinaa, haa ama maya ugu jawaab. Su'aal wax ku qarsana ma'aha, waa su'aal caadi ah.


Su'aasha oo ah:


Ninkaan Godane la yiraahdo hadduu beri Hargeysa tago, kagana dhawaaqo 'jihaad,' uguna waco kuwa meesha ka taliyo 'murtad' iyo wixii lamid ah, maku raaci lahayd aragtidaas? Haa mise maya ku filan jawaabta.

Very good question!


I would never trust a person who does not practice what he preaches.


I have respect for Cayrow, Abu Mansuur, Turki and Aweys for they practice what they preach: namely bringing Jihad to the regions in which the groups which they hail from live. We may disagree with their worldview and bloodthirsty struggle for political power, but we must acknowledge the fact that they practice what they preach and involve their communities into their struggle.


For example,


Cayrow is the guy who went to Dhusomareeb and called on the Ugaas of the clan to resign and the region to be ruled by Islamic Law.


Abu Mansuur is the guy who went to Baay/Bakool and fought the puppet/warlord administrations in those regions.


Xasan Turki is the guy who started his struggle from Raas Kamboni and made sure that Jubba regions is ruled by Islamic Law.



That is what I call courage and purity.



PS: I wouldn't be surprised if Godane was a secessionist agent working for the agenda of the secessionist entity: making sure Somalia stays in perpetual warfare in order for the secessionist cause to exist.

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Yours(question) isn't a question of 'yes' or 'no' it needs to be elobrated in little more detail.


You're comparing apples and oranges here. Ahmed Gadone and his Alshabaab group haven't been declaring everyone to be murtad mind you. They have been carefully selections of who to put in that category and thus far each and everyone on their 'murtad list' is well deserved. Dont fall for the PR that Alshabab are mindless and insightful. They are well aware of many things. They are fighting warlords of yesteryears who have had held Southern somalia ransom for nearly 2 decades. In combating such criminal act puts them 100% on the right track. They have made great progress so far in liberating many cities such as Baydhabo from the Xaabsade et al, Kismaayo from Barre Hiirale, merka and barawe from the grip of Indha madoobe. What part of their doings in these areas do you actually oppose or have reason to oppose.


Secondly, The Sh. Hotel initial quest was to rid the country of warlords, and set up Islamic institution. He promised. However, has done 360 degrees turn and failed to keep his promises. And that is where I also justify the Alshabaab opposition to his govt.


Thirdly, While Southern Somalia has been a warzone of waring sides, Somaliland hasn't. Your comparison here is way off. The Alshabab group longes for better, peaceful somalia under Islamic sharica. Well there is peace in Somaliland and the only thing missing I gues would be regime change. That I welcome. :D

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You're all about the "M society". Well my friends, you're clan oppurtunist. You want your clan to dominate the Somali affairs. When non "M society" warlord was at the helm, you all caught the patriotic fever.I'm starting to think maybe you're whole hubbala about EThiopian invasion on Somalia had hidden motive behind it and that you didn't care as much about Ethiopia troops in Xamar as much as who was in Villa Somalia at the forward few months later, replace ina Yey with sh. hotel, and replace Ethiopian guns with Ugandan/burundi forces and everything else the same and what do you get. Those who supported the TFG under ina yey are now against sh. hotel's and those who opposed ina Yey govt are now Pro TFG. What difference few facial changes makes huh. :D You can't be taken seriously people. If you really care about Muqdisho getting back on its feet, you'd support those who actually pursue those who brought so much distraction on Somalia. The warlords have put you in this position, Sh. hotel has rewarded them and even sits down with them. Only Alshabab is serious in ending the violence and bringing the warlords to justice.


As for you take on why Godane hasn't brought the Jihad to Somaliland. then loool :D:D:D So is that how you think? destroy everything and ressurect it later. Southern Somalia is warzone, each and every region you mentioned had no government, no law, no order. The killings and violence ruled the day. Somaliland and Puntland have been very peaceful and have taken care of their problems long ago. The only place that needs to be thoroughly cleansed from warlordism and all things bad is the south. Alshabaab is doing quite steller job there now. ;)



Once security is restored in the South, then expect regime changes in other areas you mentioned. ;)

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