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Maryan Mursal Oo Ka Cadhootay Somaliland

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Maryan Mursal ma la daayo.


Waa fannaanad, maalinba meel bay ka ciyaari




Waryee Aw Tusbaxle goor maan ku diyaariyaa alaabtii?

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Yaa yidhi fanaanadu kolba shaad ha gashato. Haday ku ekaato "saddex cadow ayaa jiray" ma cid baa qabsan laheyd? Anyway, that is not a big issue.


Adigu se Culusow maxaa lagaa siiya? Speaking of him, he has another hit one on wardheernews. Inaan kuu soo diraan damcay saaka! The guy has some ideas. His conclusions are good.

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Abtigiis: calm down, have you ever heard peer preasure? I am not accusing Hadraawi of this sin, but you know the level of (Hayb sooc, iyo kala faquuq) in NW somalia aka S'land, Omar dhule tested this medicine before and he runaway to muqdisho. Maybe I am wrong but that is my reading, otherwise what other excuse could Hadrawi come up with, "Dad iga magac weyn baa soo maray S'land does not stand a chance" we all love to be remembered when we die, so why did he refuse to be reveared and remembered forever.

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Why? could be modesty! Could be he thinks others deserve more. What is certian is that the man is not a believer in what you are saying.

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Maryan lacag ayay iskuul ku dhisto ma haysataa horta? I think we are over exaggerating the whole thing. It's time to get A break from Maryan and her business deals.


Waryaa AT&T, wali ma timi MPLS and dhul caddaan?

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Ask every somlali this quastion, Ma rumeysantahay dadka la liido in ay sax tahay? I can gurantee you even the most extream arrogant supremasist will answer you No No No, its wrong, we are all equal blah blah blah, but at the same time ask them this quastion, Will you give your doughter to a %$£& person? then wait for their reply. Don't believe what ever Hadraawi says, with great respect to him, Somalis are Somalis and ts long way to go. Now let me ask you honestly and sencierly, Would you give your doughter to a *&^%& person? be honest. :D

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^To discriminate (denying someone of all his/her rights) and marrying off your daughter are completely two different animals. Your analogy may not hold water. You can deny any man to marry your daughter, basing on so many other things. By the way, 21th century girls choose whom they want to marry and daddy can't do darn about it!

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sxb your denying the somali reality, your eather an ignorant of our costums or you live in a coocooland, if a man comes to a family, the first thing they will ask is his clan, if he is from an enemy clan then his chances are slim, but if he is from an "untouchable" clan then the result is BIG NO. that is what I am talking about, or are you talking about Somalis from Pluto planet Mr Ghelle.

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It seems that you have deduced the whole "liidid" to mere marriage choices. They face issues way bigger than that, don't you think?

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Absolutly they do face lots of problems, but I took the marriage as an example, it exposes ppl when they claim they don't do discrimination.

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As long as one doesn't deny the basic rights of others and doesn't harm others self steam and dignity, the rest is secondary. Marrying off a daughter or a son to them will not elevate one's righteousness.

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Haddii ay arrintaani run tahay Maryan xanaaq dhowaa? Awal baan ku sheegay in the previous article

Originally posted by Abwaan:

Waxaa la yaab leh. I haven't seen Hadraawi wearing the flag she was wearing...!

Marka Hadraawi tolow maxay ku maagtay?

As many said Hadraawi is a statesperson. I think Amin Amin & Hadrawi so far are on the top of the list...!

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Dugsigaas la dhisaayo asagaa ka qeyb lahaa qaaraan aruurintiisa, oo dadaal ugu jirayba. Soomaali wax walba si meel kale u micneeyaan, una badalaan. Runtiis waaye sida aan u maleeyo sababta u diiday loogu magacdaro ugu wacan tahay in uu yahay qof nool.


Badanaa adduunka meelaha looguma magacdaro dadka nool, dadka tagay ayaa loogu magacdaraa heybad ahaan. Kaliya dadka xukunka jecel kaligiitaliyaasha isku magacaabo ama iskugu waco meelaha iyagoo nool.




Waxa magaalada Ottawa habeenimadii Jimcaha ee taariikhdu aheyd 21 Nofeembar (ee) 2008 ka dhacay
kulan kaalmo (fundraising) loogu ururinayay dugsi ay wax ku bartaan ardey ka soo jeeda beelaha la heybsooco oo ku yaala magaalada Hargeysa


Kulanka oo uu marti ku ahaa kuna yimi codsi dadweyne awgii halabuurka caanka ah ee Soomaaliyeed Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame Hadraawi
ayaa waxa ka soo qeybgalay qeybaha kala gedisan ee bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan magaalada Ottawa ee caasimada dalka Canada.


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