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Baidoa : Clan Courts claim the terror attack on Baidoa.......

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Maxakimta oo sheegtay qaraxa Baydhabo

30 Nov 30, 2006, 12:54


Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan madaxda Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ayaa sheegtay maanta in ay Maxkamaduhu ka dambeeyeen qaraxii is miidaaminta ahaa ee galabta ka dhacay duleedka Magaalada Baydhabo, kaas oo geystay dhimasho iyo dhaawac.


Sida ay faafisay wakaladda wararka ee AFP sarkaal u hadlay Booliska DFKMG ah ayaa sheegay in qaraxaas ay ku dhinteen 12 qof, ayna ku dhaawacmeen ilaa 24 qofood.


Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Islaamiga ah ee Al Bayaan Maxamed Ibraahim Bilaal ee beelaha Digil iyo Mirifle ayaa Wakaaladda wararka AFP u caddeeyey in howsha qarxintaas ay ahayd shaqadii Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah. isagoo sheegay inay qaraxaas ku dileen 24 askari oo Ethiopia-yan ah.


Dhinaca kale Sarkaalka u hadlay Booliska dowlada ayaa sheegay in dad naftooda huray ay ku geeriyoodeen gaadiidkii ay saarnaayeen oo ahaa laba gaari, sidayna waxyaabo qarxa.


Qaraxaan ayaa ka dhacay agagaarka halka lagu magacaabo Bakiin oo ah koontaroolka cirifka laga soo galo Magaalada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Bay.


Cali Muxayadiin Cali, Garowe Online

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Garoweonline reporting, maxakinta oo qiratey in a falka ka dambeyeen.

Sxb ileen markaan wax walbaad ku hadasha, benti laga xishoon jirey darishada ayey ka baxdey.

Nasiib waxaad ku ledahey qaraxaan aya dhacey, hadi kale waxan ka sugeyney goanki QM ay kaga qadeen Soomaaliya cunaqabateynta huubka.

As dor this suicide bombing it will not do the ICU any favours except reveal their true colours, expert in terrorist activities and introducing a new form of combat in Somalia, Suicide bombing...very dangerous.

Bal adeer halke ku qariin dona wa yabe.

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^^^Juje, the garowe online is a pro courts website. Owned by Mr Faroole an opposition figure to Cade. It supports the courts and is against the TFG.. Just visit it mate..


Also if Yusuf was afraid he would have left Baidoa the last time he was attacked in person, remmeber his own brother was killed in that attack.


But a bad day for the courts mate..

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Originally posted by Juje:

this suicide bombing it will not do the ICU any favours except reveal their true colours, expert in terrorist activities and introducing a new form of combat in Somalia, Suicide bombing...very dangerous.

Bal adeer halke ku qariin dona wa yabe.

This is some old folks introducing themselves to the neighborhood with new garb, culture and "fighting" style. Its a sign that the SICU has given up any hope of overunning all of somalia and are afraid of losing what they have in a hurry.

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Car bomb blast rocks Somali town




A government official has blamed al-Qaeda

A car bomb has exploded in Baidoa, where Somalia's fragile interim government is based, leaving at least six people dead.

A policeman told the BBC that a female suicide bomber wearing a veil blew herself up at a check-point.


The explosion also destroyed two other cars. "There were flames everywhere," an eye-witness said.


President Abdullahi Yusuf survived a suicide car bomb attack in Baidoa two months ago, which killed his brother.


He blamed that attack on his Islamist rivals, who denied responsibility.


There are fears of widespread conflict breaking out in Somalia between the government and the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), which controls most of the south of the country, including the capital, Mogadishu.




There have been conflicting reports of how many bombs there were.


Deputy Defence Minister Salad Ali Jelle told the AP news agency that three car bombs had exploded at police check-points, killing the drivers and three others.





Ethiopian convoy 'ambushed'

A local journalist said he had seen three bodies.


Police commander General Ali Hussein told AFP that at least 12 people had died.


"There were two suicide cars full of explosives," he said.


Mr Salad also told AP that three alleged attackers had been captured.


He said they were foreign members of al-Qaeda.


The UIC denies links to al-Qaeda but is opposed to the government and has threatened to launch a holy war to drive Ethiopian troops out of the country.


Ethiopia admits it has hundreds of military trainers helping the government but denies they are taking part in any conflict.


The Ethiopian parliament on Thursday passed a resolution authorising the government to take all necessary and legal steps against any invasion by UIC.


The resolution said there was a clear and present danger to Ethiopia from the UIC.

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At least 12 killed in suicide car bomb blasts near Somali gov't seat



by Mustafa Haji Abdinur



MOGADISHU (AFP) - At least 12 people were killed when two suicide car bomb blasts rocked the Somali town of Baidoa, seat of Somalia's weak government, police commander General Ali Hussein has told AFP.


"There were two suicide cars full of explosives," he said Thursday, adding the blasts had killed one of his officers, several people inside the two vehicles and the occupants of a third vehicle near the Boynunay checkpoint in eastern Baidoa.


The checkpoint is closely guarded by Somali authorities who keep close watch on those entering and leaving the town, the only one held by the government which is on the brink of war with powerful Islamists.


In Mogadishu, a senior Islamist security official said the bombing was an attack on an Ethiopian military post and an Islamist commander in Bay region where Baidoa is located said it was carried out by "Islamic suicide bombers." :eek:


The Islamist official in Mogadishu said at least 24 Ethiopian troops had died but Hussein denied any Ethiopians had been involved and said the death toll was lower.


Witnesses said one of the cars that exploded, a Toyota, appeared to have four people inside. It was not clear how many were in the other, but Hussein said one of the bombers had been captured alive.


"We have captured one survivor," Hussein said. "One of my officers has been killed along with the people in the third vehicle and several civilians have been hurt."


He could not give an exact casualty count but said that at least 12 people had died.


The incident is the second suicide car bombing in Baidoa, about 250 kilometers (155 miles) northwest of Mogadishu.


On September 18, a suicide car bomber unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed as he left parliament in Baidoa. The government has blamed that attack on the Islamists.


Source: AFP, Nov 30, 2006

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In Mogadishu, a senior Islamist security official said the bombing was an attack on an Ethiopian military post and an Islamist commander in Bay region where Baidoa is located said it was carried out by "Islamic suicide bombers."

So Garoweonline was telling the truth?

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