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Senior somali army officers hold secret talks in Washington

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You still havent dealt with what i asked you to evaluate.


Is hit and runs the tactic in which Sheikh HOtel Sakiin is going to win the fight with Shabaab and you define that as progress?


Lets see if you can refrain from reverting the issue to adressing me personally

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

You still havent dealt with what i asked you to evaluate.


Is hit and runs the tactic in which Sheikh HOtel Sakiin is going to win the fight with Shabaab and you define that as progress?


Lets see if you can refrain from reverting the issue to adressing me personally

There are no "hit and run" in Mogadishu. The war today is organized and highly concerted pitting the government troops and the public against some very dangerous anarchists. The fact that the war is progressing to areas of save territories for the anarchists is a real example.


And no-one is addressing you. Just pointing out your character flaws. Nothing more.

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You call over 300 dead people higly organised and concerted efforts when they cant even keep and hold the control of few roads and xaafado... I hope Ilaahey inuu reer Muqdishu ka badbaadiyo adiga iyo qolooyinka kula fikir ah.

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

You call over 300 dead people higly organised and concerted efforts when they cant even keep and hold the control of few roads and xaafado... I hope Ilaahey inuu reer Muqdishu ka badbaadiyo adiga iyo qolooyinka kula fikir ah.

Minus your ingenuous rants, the government is not only holding captured territories but making progress. Today's center of conflict is good illustration.


It is unfortunate that innocent people have to pay for the lack of peace, but, this government is determined to get Somalia rid of International Jihadist and the war will hopefully be concluded soon.


Civilian deaths are expected in urban theaters of war. The government has the responsibility of securing the peace of the land and defending the people it is tasked to defend. This is a mandate that it should and must fulfill.

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

Rants is what people call when you name Ugandan shellings a self-defence exercise and calling over 300 dead people an unfortunate determnination to fight international Jihadists

Ranting, maybe, but ranting seen from a very biased and tainted lenses.

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So my views are biased and tainted because of my clan affiliation rite because i know that where you hinting at..... You only proving that you prescribe to NGONGE's view of clan is everything. Your still a child ee waxaa maskaxda iskaga bixi. Go play fotball and eat ice cream like those of your age.

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

So my views are biased and tainted because of my clan affiliation rite because i know that where you hinting at..... You only proving that you prescribe to NGONGE's view of clan is everything. Your still a child ee waxaa maskaxda iskaga bixi. Go play fotball and eat ice cream like those of your age.

The pious response once again fails to address what I said: that your views conflict and that you have supported the government just 3 months back.


As for playing football and eating ice-cream, you don't tell me what to do.

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the difference between me and you is that I had the courage to differ when that gov started shelling innocents people but who's blindly supporting Shariif's shelling under the pretence of Abdullahi did it and we can too......


Sad for the folks of Muqdishu who've endured shelling of both administrations and your lack of sympathy for your own folks because the president is of your clan.... Keep prescribing to NGONGE's philosophy of clan is everything

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

the difference between me and you is that I had the courage to differ when that gov started shelling innocents people but who's blindly supporting Shariif's shelling under the pretence of Abdullahi did it and we can too......


Sad for the folks of Muqdishu who've endured shelling of both administrations and your lack of sympathy for your own folks because the president is of your clan.... Keep prescribing to NGONGE's philosophy of clan is everything

Hahahah, You are a supporter of the old quisling. I don't have to know you to understand this. Your desperation is touching. It is also self-evident.


I have ALWAYS condemned shelling civilians areas. I have family members that live in Yaqshiid, so I don't need you to tell me to have remorse for them.

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wacdaraha its the rebels who hve refused peace talks.


Its the rebels who are waging their own brand of Jihad against sufi somali nomads and turning peaceful villagers into warzones.


Its the rebels who are intent on turning somalia into some sort of international terrorist playground. Where ethiopian troops could be again given the green light to invade somalia and US missiles could be sent to somalia.


Why must somalia be dragged into the heart of the war on terror because of the rebels who are controlled by arab terrorist.


Since when did arabs care abt us somalis other than only use our country to hurt the united states and the west.


Somalia always first not arab agenda.

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Stop playing the arab card saaxib....



I can see how this plays out in the coming months.


Shariif supporters being cornered and screaming the terrorists dont want to negotiate and calls for more foreign troops and ethiopia come's back. And shabaab gets more foreign troops and the south becomes more engulfed in violence.... Can that be said when the ICU stormed out of the Khartoum negotiations and started the war and in comes the ethiopians.... But know because the highest position has seen a clan change all of sudden Al Qaida is here and everywhere and we must play our part in the global war agains jihadism :D:D This only shows that the shariif supporters are willing to support the government and fight terror when its their guy on the throne...Bal iska celiya hadaba ileen shaleytoole afgankii iyo carabkii wuxuu ahaa mujaahide.


Please spare me that thought. Ahlu sunnah is another group but they have legitimate reasons to fight as they've been attacked and their graves been destroyed.

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Ask yourself as to what happened to the al-shabaab talk of overthrowing the Government?

They hve used their full force and nothing has happened.

Infact the Government is re-asserting its authority and disbanding under aged kids who were brain washed by al-shabaab old men to throw mortars at residential area's thereby killing families while they slept at night.


Hve al-shabaab hve an arab agenda not a somali agenda and that is a fact.

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Originally posted by Hassan6734:

Ask yourself as to what happened to the al-shabaab talk of overthrowing the Government?

They hve used their full force and nothing has happened.

Infact the Government is re-asserting its authority and disbanding under aged kids who were brain washed by al-shabaab old men to throw mortars at residential area's thereby killing families while they slept at night.


Al-shabaab hve an arab agenda not a somali agenda and that is a fact.

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