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Somalia's President Prime Minister- Jowhar +Hiiraan+PUNTLAND+Baidoa

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I second your Comment, I am both amazed and inspired by the pictures, I mean, did not you feel your head expanding when you saw those pictures... And try watching this while listening tot he president's speech.

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Soo dhawayntii abid ugu balaarnayd oo Garoowe lagu soo dhaweeyay Madaxda DFKS

Posted to the Web Feb 25, 22:27



Garoowe:-Kumanaan qof iyo kumanaan gaari oo isugu jira xubnaha Dawladad Puntland oo uu hogaaminayo Madaxwaynaha Cadde iyo Wasiiradiisa iyo kunaan qof oo ka kala socda dhammaan Ururadaa Bulshada ayaa wafdiga DKFS ku soo dhaweeyay garoonka diyaaradaha Garoowe ee Kanook o ee u jira Magaalada 40KM dhanka waqooyi bari.


Wafdiga uu hogaaminayo madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya Md. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Raysal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi oo ay waheliyaan qaar ka mid ah Golaha Wasiirada DFKS iyo Xubno katirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa soo caga dhigtay garoonka diyaaradaha ee ku yaala Caasumada Puntland ee Garoowe.12:00 maqribnimo


Madaxwaynaha ayaa markii uu ka soo dagay diyaaradii uu la socday ayuu intii uu san hadlin dadkii ayuu sheegay in ay soo socoto diyaaradii 2aad ee uu la socdo Raysal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi, qadar daqiiqado ah kadib ayaa waxaa soo caga dhigatay diyaaradii uu la socday Raysal wasaare Geedi.


Madaxwaynaha DFKS C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa salaan ka qaatay cutubyo ka mid ah Ciidanka Booliis ka Puntland. Kadib markii uu madaxwaynuhu salaantii ka qaatay ayaa isaga iyo Raysal wasaare Geedi ay si wadajira u fuuleen meel taalo ah oo aad u qurux badan oo ay ka dul babanayaan Calanka- Soomaaliya halkaas oo ay ka salaameen kumanaan qof oo ka qayb qaadanayay soo dhawaynta DFKS.


Madaxwaynaha iyo Wafdigii kalaba ayaa waxaa loo soo galbiyay Caasumada Garoowe halkaas ay tubnaayeen wadada laamiga ah ee dheer ee dhaxmarta magaalada gudaheeda kumanaan kun oo qof oo lulayay calanka Soomaaliya, Sawirada Madaxwaynaha iyo Raysal wasaaraha, waxayna ku dhawaaq ayeen soo dhawaada soo dhawaada Soomaaliya hanoolaato iyo hadal ku dhagyo aad u badan oo ay ku soo dhawaynayaan DFKS.


Madaxwaynaha iyo Raysal wasaaraha iyo Wafdigii kalaba ayaa waxaa la geeyay xarunta Cilmi baarista Puntland (PDRC) halkaas oo si wayn loogu agaasimay soo dhawaynta Masuuliyiinta DFKS.


Madaxwaynaha DG Puntland Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (Janaraal Cadde) ayaa khudbad kooban ka soo jeediyay halkaasi, madaxwaynaha ayaa u sheegay wafidga ka socda DFKS ee uu hogaaminayo Madaxwayne C/laahi Yuusuf in Puntland ay diyaar u tahay in ay soo dhawayso oo la shaqayso DFKS, ayna aad ugu faraxsan yihiin in meelihii ay soo mareen si aad ah loogu soo dhaweeyay sida Magaalo oyinka Jawhar iyo Baladwayne iyo inta u dhaxaysaba.


Madaxwayne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa isna halkaasi ka hadlay, wuxuuna ugu horayntii uu mahad ballaaran u soo jeediyay Maamulka Puntland iyo shacabkaba oo uu madaxwaynaha u yahay Cadde Muuse , sidi qaymaha badnayd ee ay u soo dhaweeyeen,wuxuuna raali galin ka bixiyay daahi taanka ay soo daaheen.


Wuxuu si gaara uu ugu mahad celiyay Madaxwayna Puntland Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (Janaraal Cadde) oo uu ku sheegay nin wax wayn ka badali kara Puntland, uuna u leeyahay aqoon aad u dheer oo gaarasa ilaa 50 sanadood.


Madaxwayne C/laahi Yuusuf mar uu ka hadlaayay is badalkii ka dhacay Puntland ayuu aad ugu nuuxnuux saday in uu aad ugu farax san yahay doorashadii dimuqraadiga ahayd oo ka dhacday Puntland ee lagu doortay maamulka cusub ee aysan wax dhibaato ahi ka dhicin.


Madaxwaynuhu wuxuu sheegay in ay mar ka cabsadeen in Puntland ay qul –qulado ka dhacaan, isagoo hal qabsi u soo qaatay dhibaatadii ka dhacday Puntland 2001-dii oo uu kuu sheegay mid aad u xumayd.


Madaxwaynuhu mar uu ka hadlaayay u jeedada ay u yimaadeen ayuu sheegay in ay soo booqanayaan dalka ayna soo guurayaan isla markaasna ay u yimaadeen in ay ka qayb qaataan tacsidii Islaan Maxamed Islaan Muuse maadaama ay u suurtoobi waysay ina ay ka soo qayb galaan aaska Islaanka Allaha u naxariistee.


Madaxwaynuhu wuxuu xusay in Caasumada Soomaaliya ay Muqdisho tahay hase ahaatee ay ka jirto amaan xumo ayna tahay markastaaba Caasumada Soomaaliya oo iyada mar kasta la tagi doono.


Mar uu madaxwaynuhu ka hadlayay Ciidamada nabad ilaaliyaasha ah ee ay dalbadeen ayuu sheegay in ay jiraan dad kala qaaday Ciidamadii Africa oo yiri kuwa safka hore ma imaan karraan Soomaaliya, aniga ma garanayo u jeedada loo kala qaadayo Ciidamadaas, waad ogtihiin Nayroobi waxa ka socda in ay rag yiraahdeen yaan la keenin Ciidamada safka hore ma iyaka kaliya ayaa ah Soomaalida wax la waydiinayo, meelihii aan soo marnoo dhan waxay noo sheegeen in ay Dawlad Soomaaliyeed rabaan oo ay doonayaan in dalka la keeno Ciidamo nabad ilaaliyaal ah, idinkana waa la idin waydiin in aad rabtaan in ciidamo dalka la keeno iyo in kale.


Intaas kadib ayaa waxaa loo dareeray casho sharaf loogu sameeyay isla xarunta PDRC wafidiga uu hogaaminayo madaxwaynuhu.


Si kastaba ha’ahaatee maalinimada bari ah insha’allaah ayaa madaxwaynaha iyo Raysal wasaaruhu khudbad aad u dheer ka soo jeedin doonaan garoonka kubada cagta Istadio Mirre Awaare ee magaalada Garoowe.


Axmed C/salaam


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What a development I say! I don't see why people should be surprised though. It's no wonder that there is a tremendous hunger on the citizens side concerning a working viable government. If the president hadn't been shown that before, now he sees. Now it is his turn to stop this transitional government from ending up in the same way the last 14 had.

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Somalia's Exiled Leaders Visit Homeland to Assess Move to Mogadishu By Alisha Ryu



25 February 2005


For the first time since taking office last October in neighboring Kenya, the leaders of Somalia's government in exile are visiting their homeland, assessing conditions for moving the government to the Somali capital of Mogadishu.


Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Gedi began their five-day, six-city tour in the town of Jowhar, about 90 kilometers north of Mogadishu.


The two leaders arrived there late Thursday, as part of a fact-finding and confidence building trip for the new government. Because of security concerns in the Somali capital, the government has been based in Nairobi, Kenya since it was formed four months ago.


In speeches, President Yusef focused on reassuring Somalis that a functioning government would be established in the country after 14 years of chaos and lawlessness.


The president declined offers from leaders in Jowhar to temporarily host the government in their town. He insisted that the government must be seated in the capital to be seen as legitimate. He further vowed, "to thwart the efforts of the minority in Mogadishu who reject peace."


Somalia has been without a government since 1991 when a coalition of warlords overthrew dictator Mohammed Siad Barre and then turned the Horn of African nation into a violent patchwork of fiefdoms.


Despite the presence of several top Somali warlords as ministers in the new government, there has been no consensus about how to move the government safely to Mogadishu, where the warlords' well-armed militias still fight on a regular basis.


President Yusef and Prime Minister Gedi are planning to visit the capital, where many people say they are eager to see a government take office. But some Somalis vehemently oppose the government's plan to deploy between five and 7500 peacekeepers from the African Union and the Arab League to pave the way.


Some people oppose the idea of including Ethiopian soldiers in the African Union peacekeeping force. The two neighbors have bitter relations over long-standing territorial disputes and Somali claims that Ethiopia helped fuel the civil strife in Somalia by backing one of the country's factional leaders.


Other Somalis, particularly hard-line Islamic clerics, reject the idea of deploying any foreign peacekeeping force on Somali soil. In early January, the head of the country's Supreme Council of the Islamic Courts, held a protest rally in Mogadishu calling on Somalis to prepare for a holy war against all foreign, non-Muslim, troops if they arrive in the country.


A spokesman for the Addis Abba-based African Union, Desmond Orjiako, says his organization is prepared to contribute whatever the new Somali government needs to ensure its safe return.


"For us here in the African Union, we believe it is in the interest of the people of Somalia that all the people embrace the government that is coming there. There is prospect for peace if all the people of Somalia embrace themselves and their neighbors because at the end of the day, they have to live in peace," Mr. Orjiako said.


But a Brussels-based research organization, the International Crisis Group, has warned that if the concerns of Somalis are not adequately addressed, they could result in further violence. The group notes that the deployment of U.S. and U.N. peacekeepers in the early 1990s sparked some of the worst fighting in Somali history.

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i have predicted this that mr c/y is gonna land in hiran!! many didnt believe what i was saying!!


many believed the bait! dont believe that, its for the suckers!! holla ..if u feel it!! aint gonna be no baidaba!!

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