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Garaad's Coallition Failed ------ Devision is in the Making

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Waxa anshax xun kuwa dagaal iyo dhiig muslin ku baaqaya ee u guntan habeen iyo maalin sidii ay maatada ugu khamaari lahaayeen ,,,, they should be ashamed. Waxa ka sii anshax xun kuwa kula midka ah ee difaacaya ee raba dadka dhimanaya inay debedda iyo TV yada ka daawadaan lakin aan lahayn xiniinyo ay qori ku qaataan oo ay ragga isku arkaan ,,,,,,,,,,,

The Hypocrisy here is really sickening. JB, your better then that, stop insulting the leaders of SSC. Are they your Garaads? Why do you insist on attacking them personally, has it not always been clear to you that you are on to different sides of this war. Cheer for your militias occupying SSC, thats really understandable, but this non-stop attack on other peoples entire Isims is confusing to say the least. These people were attacked in their own home and they are the blood thirsty? its one thing to cheer for your side but clearly we all know who the aggressor is and that you would think people would fall for this attempt at painting these elders as blood thirsty aggressors in their own land only belittles those who read this thread.

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The problem with the residents of the ssc is they follow there garaads instead of there politicians I think that is a major problem what can garaad selebaan do for you what xaabsade cant

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So all of rer SSC politicians are xaabsade? Caqli Xumo! Listen children, how these people govern themselves is really none of your business. Speak for your administration, not the people of SSC.

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People of Sool have chosen their path and their way and they joined Somaliland regardless of those few Garaads who chose to create chaos and kill their own people but still lack the support of their people. Meeting after meeting, conference after conference, from Garowe to Boocame and from boocame to Tukaraq and from tukaraq back to Garowe and no one is supporting them then they cry like a baby.


They are my Garaads sxb markay khaldan yihiina way khaldan yihiin ,, i attack everyone who is to create civil war in my country ,,, that includes my OWN FATHER if he takes the same path as them ,,, They can be oppose to some ideas but taking guns against their own supposedly people is something else.


Who are they going to fight bal tell me ?? ,, against Canbaarshe, against Xaabsade, against Fu'aad addan cadde ?/ ,, aren't they all their people ?? , don't they have sub-clans who will then fight aginst other sub-clans ?? ,,, it is creating chaos sxb and they better join their poeple or they will spend their lives in those dooxooyinka for the rest of their life.


CONGRATULATIONS to those who chose the peace over the bloodshed.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

I support my government and i support any government for Somaliland ,, that is what made me survive ,, that is what made me different from those vampires you support on Qabiil bases name them what you want ,,,,,,,,,


Peace and stability is my first name and no one is allowed to break it say it politician, businessman, garaad, suldaan, arday, etc.


Good to know that some of them are back to their sense and calling for peaceful negotiations after all.

You support an institution entirely born out the SNM which soley based on one Somali Qabiil. Atleast be honest yourself.Till a proper Somali government rises,everybody can mind their own business. I support peaceful coexistence!


P.S. LooooooooL@chosen their path..I guess you tell lie to yourself long enough, even you start believeing it. Let's hold referendum and we can put that to rest.

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Who are they going to fight? Sometimes i wish you would stop with all this pretense. Xaabsade is nothing, he is for rent. Fuad his been chased from Xudun every time he tries to go back to his own native village. No my friend, xaabsade and fuad are of no consequence, the bigger fish to fry are troops from burco and hargeisa. Where was the chaos that you speak of before you administration reached that peaceful city? Is it not a self fulfilling prophesy that you created, that the Garaads and the elders of that region warned you about. When they were saying stop the aggression and you admin invaded those regions, guess your troops were not blood thirsty but now that these Garaad are doing what they told you they would do, they are blood thirsty.

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I support my government and i support any government for Somaliland

Here is one thing you wrote Jb, and then you go on to say this calling the traditional leaders of SSC vampires while accusing of Qabyaalad.


that is what made me different from those vampires you support on Qabiil bases

And to top of it, you potray SSC people as one tribe against one tribe while measuring on the basis of statehood. You can't interject Qabiil everywhere cuz it farthers ur argument and then you support government that uses Qabiil divisions as the basis to gauge SSC people's choice in this matter. Like any good democratic government hold referendum and see where it takes. Afterall, this is standards which you judge by yourself. You can't have both ways


Who are they going to fight bal tell me ?? ,, against Canbaarshe, against Xaabsade, against Fu'aad addan cadde ?/ ,, aren't they all their people ?? , don't they have sub-clans who will then fight aginst other sub-clans

P.S. an oppurtunist like Xaabsade represents no one.

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He will represent if he is killed and/or attacked ,,, iska jir inaad ku daganto taas.


Naxar, you don't need more evidence than the fact that the SL flag is over the region and the ministers and even the vice president are visiting there on regular basis. Haday garaadadu taageero haystaan beri hore ayay qas iyo dagaal bilaabi lahaayeen lakin cidna gacan bay ka la'yihiin and that is what keeping them isolated.


Believe me ,,, anigaa ku tusi doona iyagoo Hargeisa dhex mushaaxaaya ,,, bal maxaad odhan markaana ??


Xaabsade dantiisuu wataa aniga waxba ilama aha ee idinka uun baa buunbuuninaya ,, markuu arkay halkay wax marayaan uun buu hor cararaye wax uu soo kordhiyay ma jiraan.


Is bedelka ha lala qabsado waxba yaan la ooyine oo runta aqbala xataa haday qadhaadhahay ,, taas uun baa idiin fiicane.

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Balayo, marna wad amaaniysa odeyga marna wad caayeysa, i feel compiled to defend the old man now. smile.gif How silly of you though, to say you have gauged the will of the people of SSC by a flag you hoisted in a building in Las caaanod. If this is the standard, then the Somali flag was there longer, and still remains in most parts Sool, Cayn and Sanaag. Your Flag was burned in Las Canood but not the Somali Flag. Lastly, the Somali currency is used as far as Burco, sense that is the currency of Somalia, does that mean Burco is not part of Somaliland?

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Somaliland waxa ugu ayaan daran ninka dagaal ku dhawaaqa ,,,, waxaanuu ku dambeeyaa useless meelahaa war wareega oo dadkiisa ka dhex baxa sida kuwii horeba ku dhacday. Hadii aanay maanta ayay fursad haystaane ka soo noqona sidaasay ku dambaynayaan believe me.


Xabbad hadii ay ridaana kuwa ugu horeeya ee iska hor imanayaa waa iyaga ,,, taasna way og yihiin.


Now don't get me wrong ,, kuwaas waxa ku jira kuwa dad iigu dhow qabiil ahaan oo aanu isku abtirsano ,, lakin waa unfortunate inay halkaas maraan wayse qoomanayn doonaan hadaanay miyirkooda ku soo laaban.

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