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^^Indeed the ********* are wondering how they fit in in the new Somalia. Remmeber the TFG controls through Puntland SOOL, SANAG & CAYN whic means 1/2 of what was British Somaliland.


[ January 03, 2007, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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It is about time to make clear for once and all: Name-calling or aflagaado or afxumeyn of any kind is not allowed on here, people. We are trying to clean this site, truly. No more the SOL members can be subjected, including, but not limited to, being to:

  • Terrorists
  • Doorknobs
  • Secessionists
  • Xaar
  • Gaalraacyo
  • Gaallovers
  • Dhabadhirif
  • Xabashilovers
  • Defeated lot
Iyo wixii lamid ah that is inflammatory. We are seriously trying to clean this site. Dulqaad waa dhamaaday, haddii la kala xishoon, we will enter to nadiifis the site. We put a warning sign up there front section, still the rules are broken daily.


We know the tempers are high, the situation damningly is high, but, but, and another but, dad waa weyn ayaa la yahay hala isdhaamo. People have usernames, if you can't call their usernames, xoog ma'aha inaad u jawaabtid. No body is forcing you to.


You can call public figures any allowable name, including the above listed, but not at the expsense of the members of this site. There is a huge difference between public figures and private members of SOL. Starting now, I will edit any post that has the names above and its counterparts.

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^^^You have even gone further and made threats, though I dont much care for what you writte, but remmeber the place has rules. You can not make idle threats, remmeber what happened to your leader IndaCade when he made such remarks.

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^^^You have even gone further and made threats, though I dont much care for what you writte, but remmeber the place has rules. You can not make idle threats, remmeber what happened to your leader IndaCade when he made such remarks.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Terrorists Doorknobs Secessionists Xaar Gaalraacyo Gaallovers Dhabadhirif Xabashilovers Defeated lot

What's wrong with using "Xabashilovers"? I am asking the question, because I see nothing derogatory about it. It's a fact there are many Somalis (especially TFG members and their supporters) who love the Xabashi. And what do you mean by "Dhabadhirif"? Is that how you say it in af-Maay?

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^I am not affraid to say I will kill for my religion, even if you happen to be the enemy of my religion.


So, don't try to conceal yourself with the flexible rules of SOL, that always favors for the treasonous and ********** members in here!


[ January 03, 2007, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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^^^What religion are you killing for? Saxib you will kill for the clan, and nothing else.

Even the clan courts did not call the TFG Kaffirs, Munafiqs, thus you are on your own comando.

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As I said, you can call any name on that list any public figure [TFG members you speak of], since they are public figures, but not at the expensive of the members of this site. We patiently let the last couple weeks, thinking dad waa weyn maadaama ee yihiin waa isdhaami doonaan, but it is getting worse. When you call a member "xabashlover" or a "secessionist" of this site, you are name-calling, no?


For a long time ayaa dhaafi jirnay this inflammatory words, but not anymore since the situation is especially high, and aflagaado is answered aflagaado. No more cycles in caay iyo afxumo.



Alleubaahme, walaaltinimo ee iga tahay ee jooji aflagaada. Next time it won't be edit only, and I hate to do that.

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A little too harsh no MMA?


Will you outlaw personal insults? I believe Senor Castro referred to General Duke as 'General Puke'. Can we get that on the list too?

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man i really love "doorknob" and "dhabadhirif" .. its unfair to ban those two. i mean these boys are liable to take it out on some old person in the street if they cant get is out here...


as a compromise, how aboout:

* Terrorists = [extra muslim]+

* Doorknobs = [Caqli Badne]

* Secessionists = [Madaxwayne]

* Xaar = [Caraf Badne]

* Gaalraacyo = [George]

* Gaallovers = [Fabulous George]

* Dhabadhirif = [Double D]

* Xabashilovers = [Fabulous Mesfin]

* Defeated lot = [Looozers]

And of course the plurals apply


+ (in the somali context alone)

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Is it? I can't possibly read any thread for I am busy, ee which thread aad caydaas ku aragtay? Any "counterpart" aan ka hadlaaye is on the list, any personal name-calling.


It is a bit too harsh for we are forced to, because caayda iyo aflagaada daily ayee ka noqotay meeshaan.




Caanogeel, :D:D Saaxiib, we hated to interfere wax meeshaan ka socdo, but not again since the vicious cycling insults became a pastime. I personally logged in today out of shaqadaa haaye for this reason since most insults daytime la isdhaafsado.

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