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Is ONLF Breaking Up ??

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ONLF oo u kala jabtay laba garab


Jabhada ONLF oo dagaal kula jirta xukuumada Addis Ababa ayaa u kala jabtay laba garab, iyadoo garab ka mid ah uu sheegay inay dhisteen maamul cusub oo la xisaabtama maamulka kale.


Gudoomiyaha Jaaliyadaha ONLF C/weli Xuseen Gaas oo wareysi gaar ah siiyay BBC-da qaybteeda Afka Soomaaliga ayaa sheegay in mas'uul cusub lagu badalay Max'ed Siraad Doolaal oo ay dileen ciidamada Ethiopia.


"ONLF waxay sameystay maamul cusub, waxaana madax ka ah: Eng. Saalaxdiin Macow, iyadoo gudoomiye ku xigeeno loo magacaabay G/sare Xuseen Mursal Kaahin & Fu'aad C/qaadir Faarax" ayuu yiri C/weli Gaas.


Mas'uulkan wuxuu intaas ku daray in la dhisay waaxaha kale ee maamulka Jabhada oo isugu jira gudiga fulinta iyo kan wadatashiga, isagoo ku eedeeyay Maxamed Cumar Cismaan inuu sabab u ahaa kala jabka Jabhada.


"Max'ed Cumar Cismaan wuxuu u bareeray inuu kala jabiyo ONLF, balse ururka wuxuu xooga saari doonaa inuu dib isku urursado, isla markaana uu maxkamad soo taago Max'ed Cumar Cismaan" ayuu yiri C/weli.


Hadalka Mas'uulkan u hadlay Jabhada ayaa kusoo beegmaya xili bishii hore lagu dilay weerar gaadmo ah madaxii fulinta ee ONLF Marxuum Max'ed Siraad Doolaal, iyadoo lala dilay saraakiil sarsare oo ka tirsan ururkaas.


C/weli Xuseen Gaas, wuxuu qiray inay jiraan saraakiil sarsare oo ka tirsan jabhada oo ku baxay gacanta ciidamada Ethiopia, isagoo xusay in ONLF aysan burburayn oo ay sii jiri doonto, tan iyo ay ka xoreynayso Ismaamulka Somalida Ethiopia.


Max'ed Cumar Cismaan ayaan ka hadlin eedeynta loo soo jeediyay, isagoo madax u ah qayb ka tirsan ONLF oo go'day, iyadoo kala jabkaas uu ururka ku keenay in gaadmo lagu dilo madaxdooda.

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Ethiopia rebel group ONLF splits into two factions



JIGJIGA, Ethiopia Mar 3 (Garowe Online) - Ethnic Somali rebels fighting for self-determination against Ethiopia's federal government have split into two factions, Radio Garowe reports.


Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi considers the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) a terror group, although the resistance group has been spearheading a liberation war for ethnic Somalis that predominately inhabit eastern Ethiopia's vast ****** region since the early 1990s.


Mr. Abdiwali Hussein Gas, a senior leader of a breakaway ONLF faction, told the BBC Somali Service that a new ONLF chairman has been appointed following the assassination of Mohamed Sirad Dolal by Ethiopian security forces.


"The new ONLF chairman is Salahudin Ma'ow, who will be aided by two deputy chairmen named Col. Hussein Mursal Kahin and Fu’ad Abdulkadir Farah," Mr. Ma'ow said.


He accused Mohamed Omar Osman, the ONLF's well-known chairman, of "inciting the breakup" of the ONLF rebels.


"We will re-organize our forces and bring Mohamed Omar Osman to court," Mr. Gas said.


The late Mr. Dolal was a senior commander of ONLF rebels. He was recently assassinated by Ethiopian agents alongside other ONLF figures.


The Ethiopian government is accused of committing war crimes in the ****** region, a vast territory largely under the control of Somali clans.


Foreign journalists and aid agencies operating in the ****** region have been repeatedly harassed or silenced by the Ethiopian government, which fears factual reports about the ongoing plight in the ******.


Somalia and Ethiopia fought a bloody war in 1977 as the Somali army attempted to re-capture all Somali-speaking territory that fall under Ethiopia's internationally recognized boundaries.

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