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General Duke

Baidoa: TFG takes over Diinsoor Bur-Hakabo...

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Bay iyo Bakool: Dawladda oo sheegtay in ay la wareegtay gacan ku haynta degmooyinka Buur hakaba iyo Diinsoor.


Khamiis, December 21, 2006



Bay iyo Bakool (AllPuntland)- Dagaallo aad u kharaar ayaa waxa ay ka soconayaan agagaarka deegaanada Diinsoor iyo Buurhakaba.


Dagaaladaasi oo la isku adeegsanayo hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa waxa laga soo sheegayaa in uu gaystay khasaare aad u ballaaran.


Afaheen u hadlay madaxtooyada Soomaaliya oo lagu magacaabo Maxamed Deeq C/qaadir ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dagaal maanta ka dhacay degmada Diinsoor ay kula wareegeen gacan ku haynta degmadaasi.


Waxay sidoo kale xukuumadda dawladda Soomaaliya sheegtay in dagaal ay malayshiyooyinka maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho ku la galeen deegaanka Buurhakaba ay guulo ka soo hooyeen.


Xildhibaan Xasan isxaaq Yacqub oo ka tirsan golaha baarlamaanka dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa waxa uu cadeeyay in uu ku sugan yahay deegaanka Buurhakaba oo ay dawladdu gacanat ku hayso.


Waxa ay maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho cadeeyeen in ay sii wadi doonaan dagaalkaasi, ayna ku khasaare soo gaarsiiyeen ciidamadii ka soo horjeeday.


Mar aynu la xiriirnay qaar ka mid ah dadka deegaanka ee degmada Diinsoor ayaa waxa ay inoo xaqijiyeen in uu jiro dagaal magaalada ku dhex maray ciidamada dawladda iyo kuwa maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho.


Mahad Jama Koronto


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Dawladda oo sheegtay in ay la wareegtay gacan ku haynta degmooyinka Buur hakaba iyo Diinsoor



Dagaallo aad u kharaar ayaa waxa ay ka
agagaarka deegaanada Diinsoor iyo Buurhakaba

And then:


Afaheen u hadlay madaxtooyada Soomaaliya oo lagu magacaabo Maxamed Deeq C/qaadir ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dagaal maanta ka dhacay degmada Diinsoor
ay kula wareegeen
gacan ku haynta degmadaasi

Ka bacdina:


Xildhibaan Xasan isxaaq Yacqub oo ka tirsan golaha baarlamaanka dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa waxa uu cadeeyay in
uu ku sugan yahay
deegaanka Buurhakaba oo ay dawladdu gacanat ku hayso.

All these quotes are contradicting one another. My somali is not perfect but they seem to be saying different things. Which is which?


Yaa la aaminaa? Where does one get credible news?

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^^^The news is accurate, there is fighting in the area of Diinsoor and Bur-Hakabo.

Abdi_2005, its not how you thought huh, rushe into Baidoa, has turned into a fight for survival.

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Dagaalka oo hadda dib uga qarxay Diinsoor iyo afka hore ee maxaakiimta ee dhinaca Buur-hakaba oo ku sugan Garasyaal.



(Baydhabo)-Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Baydhabo iyo aagaga dagaaladu ka socdaan ayaa sheegaya in dagaaladu aysan istaagin marnaba sidii ay u bilowdeen oo ilaa xalay ay soconayeen, waxaana uu sii laba kacleeyey saaka arootii ka dib markii uu si xoog leh uga bilowday labada dhinac ee sida xooga leh laysaga soo horjeeday ee agagaarka Buur-hakaba iyo Diinsoor.




Dhinaca Diisoor ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in madaafiic xoogani hadda ka bilaabtay ka dib markii dagaal lagu hoobtay shalay uu ka dhacay, kaas oo sida dawladu sheegatay ay kaga awood roonaatay dhanka maxaakiimta oo ay kaga soo qabsatay gaadiid dagaal oo gaaraya 17 gaari iyo weliba maxaabiis aan tiradeeda la xaqiijin.


Ilo ku dhaw dhaw maxaakiimta ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in maxaakiimta dhaawacooda loo qaaday magaalada Muqdisho iyo Afgooye, waxaa kale ilahaasi noo xaqiijiyeen dagaalkaas lagaga awood roonaaday maxaakiimta, waxaana dagaalada laga dareemay magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Kismaayo.


Buur Hakaba


Wararka ka imaanaya degmada Buur hakaba ayaa sheegaya in afka hore ee ciidanka midowga maxaakiimtu hadda ku sugan yihiin halka lagu magaacabo Garasyaal oo 10 km dhinaca muqdisho kaga beegan degmada Buur hakaba.


Mid ka mid ah ragga wada gaadiidka Tiknikadda oo jooga indha hore ee maxaakiimta ayaa xaqiijiyey in dagaalku ahaa mid aad u adag lagana soo riixay aagagii shalay ilaa xalay ay ka dagaalamayeen ee deegaankii Mooda Moode iyo agaaga ku teedsan deegaanka Buur hakaba, waxaase la sheegayaa hadda in degmada Buur hakaba aysan labada dhinac midna gacanta ugu jirin.


Dawlada Ku meel gaarka ah


Dhinaca dawlada ku meel gaarka ah ayaa iyagu ka gaabsaday inay war bixin dheerada ka bixiyaan sida wax u jiraan dhinacooda,waxaase xalay la keenay magaalada Baydhabo dhaawac gaaraya 13 ruux oo sida la sheegay dhaawacoodu sahlan yahay, waxaa iyana la sheegay in dhinteen laba ka mid ah ciidanka dawlada.


Waxaase loo malaynayaa in dhaawaca iyo dhimashaduba inta ka badan yihiin marka loo eega baaxadda dagaalka iyo dheeraanta waqtiga uu socday.

Dagaalkan oo ilaa shalay soconayey ayaa faah faahintiisu aad u gaaban tahay oo labada dhinacba aysan wax faah faahina ka soo saarin, iyadoo meelaha dagaaladu ka socdaan aad uga durugsan yihiin magaalooyinka waaweyn ee isla markiiba xogta la heli karo.


Wixii ka soo kordha ha moogaan

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^The news is accurate, there is fighting in the area of Diinsoor and Bur-Hakabo.

Abdi_2005, its not how you thought huh, rushe into Baidoa, has turned into a fight for survival.

kkkkk talking is cheep so talk as long you can.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^The news is accurate, there is fighting in the area of Diinsoor and Bur-Hakabo.


If there is fighting,Then why do you say that they have taken over? Its either they have finished fighting thus have the town or there still fighting[Thereby NOT taken the town]. Waa ku sidee adiga niyow?


Mise,Waa sidaad rabto adu inee dhacdo? There is a difference ma'ogtahay?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^The news is accurate, there is fighting in the area of Diinsoor and Bur-Hakabo.

rushe into Baidoa, has turned into a fight for survival.

You are too optimistic, man. Adeerkaa and all his daba dhilif waa la soo qaban and they will be prosecuted for all the people they're murdering now.


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Abdi_2005, those who attacked should not be hiding behind words. The TFG is defending itself, which it has a right to do.


Brown, the fighting is outside Bur-Hkabo now, in the road towards Mogadishu.


Fanisha, no optimisam, from my side, I am just reporting on the news.

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Originally posted by General Duke:



Brown, the fighting is outside Bur-Hkabo now, in the road towards Mogadishu.


So,the Tigre Fedeal Gov't is now on its way to Mogadishu? Kool,That should solve all this ICU issues once & for ALL.

but anyway,I know where Burhakaba is sxb,I Just wanted to clarify from your news which of those contradicting statements in one page is the correct news. Simple as A B C.


Maqabsadeen,Madagaalamayan mise wee usocdaan? The news is correct iyo hakaba banaashe buurto kitaale kuma weydiin anu. Wah!

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We are still waiting for the pics of Ethiopian POW's and armed carriers captured by the ICU. Wonder why they are taking so long to publish.

In this on going current skirmishes it was instigated by the ICU in attempt to capture the government seat. Though recent news emerging from Xamar indicate it was not a unanimous decision on the part of the ICU to go on war, people like the chief Sheikh Sharif were isolated and to this day he is an outsider, hence showing the friction within the ICU itself.

On the other hand this afternoon it was announced by the ICU that all final exams, which were due next week, of Mogadishu numerous Universities and high Schools has been indefinately postponed due to unforseen circumstances. Dadka siyasada indha indheya waxay leyihiin that this is due to the fact that the ICU might attempt to forcefully recruit into armed combatants the youth of the universeties and high schools.

Another suprising story is the announcement of the sole spokepersons of the ICU , Ibrhanim Shukri and Ibrahim Suley. Hence nulifying the importancy of those that held that position before today, eg. Sheikh Mudey.

People sometimes you need to look into the smaller pictures in order to understand the bigger picture. The ICU is in tatters.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^No, I dont think there will be an attack on Mogadishu now. The fighting will probably lead up to Bali-doogle, but not any further..

You have side stepped my question 5times. I wont back off. Sxb,Which of those contradicting news you have pasted up there is the correct one? Have the captured dinsor? If they have why is the second quote saying that they are on its way and the third quote indicating there is still fighting? As of since you posted that news bite,Nuthing has changed,so therefore this final assertion that they are now in B/Hakaba cannot be taken serious until the original news clip is first verified. Since you have not done it,I have no reason to beleive otherwise.


As for not going to Mog,Why shouldnt the TFG not go? They should finish off this issue once and for all.And carry the mandate given to them by the people of somalia,Igadd,AU & the UN to bring a lasting peace and governance to this lawless country. Let president come into Mog & take his seat as the president of the republic of somalia,inst that what he was elected for? Root out of Al-qaeda off Hamar Cadey and greater somalia,bring peace and final government to these obstacles of peace[The IUC]. Isnt that what this TFG was made for? :confused:

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^^Brown, the majority of reports as well as the reaction from the courts highlights that it has been a bad day for them.


As for the TFG it does not need to rush anything. Take incremenatal steps, Lower Shabbele first. This is my opnion and I am not a millitary man.

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