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Peace Caravan v1.1: The coming of the Somali Republic!

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Adam Zeyla said:


"Just imagine how strong they would have been today had they not been so myopic.Now there power resembles June 2006 (so basically there myopic policies made them crumble and then they re-organised and returned to their previous status but at the cost of 10 000 Somali people, how disgusting is that?) I don't see how one can ostracize Shaykh Shariif when there are other 'very important' characters who we all saw a few weeks after the invasion living in fancy hotels"

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Wafdigii uu horkacayay Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo ka anbaba baxay Magaalada Beledweyne


Jimco, November 07, 2008(HOL): Wafdigii uu horkacayay Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga dib u Xorneyta Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo labadii cisho ee la soo dhaafay ku sugnaa Gobalka Hiiraan ayaa maanta ka amba baxay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Ugaas Khaliif ee Magaalada Beledweyen.


Wafdiga ayaa waxaa garoonka Diyaaradaha Magaalada Beledweyne ku sii sagootiyay Saraakiil ka tirsan Midowgga Maxkamadaha Gobalka oo uu hogaaminayay Shiikh C/raxmaan Ibaraahim Macow, lamana oga halka Safarka wafdigu ku sii wajahan yahay walow wararka qaar ay sheegayaan in laga yaabo in wafdigu gaaro Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya, halka ay jiraan warar kale oo sheegaya in uu Jibouti u amba baxay.


Laakiin waxaa ka haray Xubnaha maanta ka anba baxay Magaalada Beledweyne Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan oo ah Xog-hayaha Arimaha Gudaha Isbaheysiga dib Xoreynta, waxaana la filayaa in Cumar Xaashi uu sii wado kulamadii ku aadanaa hirgalinta Siyaasadda Isbaheysiga Dib u Xorynta garabka Jibuuti.


Maalintii shalay ayuu Shiikh Shariif waxaa uu kulamo waqti dheer qaatay la galay inta badan qeybaha Bulshada Gobalka Hiraan iyo waliba Saraakiishii ka tirsaneyd Ciidamadii hore ee Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed oo ay ka wada haleen xoojinta Nabadda.


Sidoo kale dhinacyadii ay is-arkeen Shiikh Shariif intii uu joogay Magaalada Beledweyne waxaa ka mid ahaa Beelaha ku dhaqan Gobalka oo uu kala hadlay in uu dhameeyo dhammaan wixii khilaaf ah ee jira si loo gaaro Nabad waarta.


Mudadii uu ku sugnaa Magaalada Beledweyne Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed waxaa si weyn loo xoojiyay Nabad-galayda guud gaar ahaan xiliga habeenkii oo dhaq dhaqaaq dadka iyo waliba Gaadiidka laga joojiyay Hotelkii uu ka daganaa Magaalada.


Dhinaca kale waxaa maanta shir Jaraa'id ku qabtay Magaalada Beledweyne Guddi dhawaan loo saaray xilinta khilaafka soo kala dhaxgalay Saraakiisha Maxkamadaha Gobalka Hiiraan, waxaana shirkaasi Jaraa'id ka hadlay Shiikh Aadan C/llaahi oo ah Guddoomiyaha Guddiga xalinta khilaafka labada dhinac, waxaana uu sheegay in kulamo gaar gaar ah oo ay la qaateen labada dhinaca ugu dambeytii laysku af-gartay in laga heshiiyo wixii khilaaf ah ee jiray, isagoo shirkiisa Jaraa'id ku soo bandhigay qodobo dhowr ah oo lagu saleeyay heshiiska labada dhinac.


C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Beledweyn, Somalia

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Originally posted by Gheelle.T:

AT&T, I am guessing Bashe's line of "Latter-Day-Patriots" hit a nerve..OOch


War ninyahow meel un raac dee, waxaagu waa flip flip a la John Kerry style. Alshabaab waa taageeraa waana ka soo horjeedaa isma raacdo. Either embrace them just like brother Kashafa, ama Peace caravan dhinac ka soo raac.

Gheele T.


The tyranny of medicority! Ah!


My friend, we have become narrow, as if between and beyond the the multitude of oppossing factions' dialectic, is nothing. The oppressive and overbearing weight of orthodoxy, of the regning spirit of the age: WE MUST BELONG, willy-nilly. Judgement, classification, and labelling has become mass hysteria. Inevitably, free thoughts wilt.


That is why commending the Alshabab for their gallantry against the enemy and oppossing their misdeeds at the same time is deemed flip-flopping, ala John Kerry style.


Far more tragic than the poor politics of the day, is the frightful way thought space has so shrunk, so constricted, before the relentless march of militant and thought-free bigotry.


In the present climate sincere and different thinking requires courage, reckless courage whose other name, ironically, is bravado. You gird your loins to think beyond conventional orthodoxy and demagoguery, outside factions thought regimentation.


In our society this time, thought has a label, a name, and too often a wrong label, a wrong name. The label, the names, stems not from the desire to make ideas knowable, less from a wish to describe accurately, to encompass a thought phenomenon for greater enlightment, for better understanding.


It stems not from the desire to expand knowledge, to deepen the ken of human understanding. NO! The urge to label, to name, is prompted by a merciless desire to condemn, to lynch, to kill innovation, to kill facts.


As to me subscribing to the label " latter-day- patriot", well, I guess it is still better than '"latter-day traitor'. considering I am not old enough to have particpated in the misrule of Somalia and not close enough to affect proceedings in that country, which rules out me ever being "early day this or that", I can live with the new label! :D

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Sheikh Sharif to Step Down As Islamic Courts Chief..


I am not ready to become a candidate because I have been holding [the post] for a long time and I must now give an opportunity to new people," Sheikh Sharif said


I haven't read anything about ^^ that news on here and wanted to learn what Mr. Caravan thought about this.


Obviously the Sheikh is on to bigger and better things. It's yet another proof of Kashafa's earlier post ie; the memorable janta-fagax that made Ciigaal Shiidaad look like Wiil-Waal.

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Maxkamada oo ciidamo qoraaya




Saraakiil ka tirsan Maxkamadaha Islaamka ayaa ka bilaabay gobolada dalka inay qoraan ciidamo cusub, kuwaasoo la sheegay in lagu darayo ciidamada DF, si ay u hantaan amaanka guud ee Muqdisho.


Ciidamadan ayaa lagu wadaa in tababar lagu soo siiyo dalka dibadiisa, sida ay Garowe Online u sheegeen saraakiil sarsare oo ka tirsan Maxkamadaha, waxayse ka gaabsadeen xiliga la qaadi doono.


Madaxa siyaasada Gobolada ee Ururka Al-shabaab Sheekh Xuseen Fiidoow ayaa hore uga digay ciidamo la sheegay in la qorayo, isagoo aan xusin cida ciidamadaas qoraysa, wuxuuse muujiyay walaaca uu ka qabo arintan.


"Ciidamada waxaa laga qorayaa dhamaan gobolada dalka, waxayna la wareegi doonaan sugida amaanka, waana 10,000 askari, qaarkood ayaa la geyn doonaa gobolada dalka" sidaa waxaa u sheegay Garowe Online sarkaal ka tirsan Maxkamadaha.


Goobaha sida weyn ciidamada looga qorayo ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana jira tiro dhalinyaro ah oo ku qulqulaya halka lagu qoray ciidamadan.


Heshiiskii lagu gaaray dalka Jabuuti ee u dhexeeyay DF iyo ARS-Jabuuti ayaa dhigayay in la sameeyo ciidamo isku dhaf ah, kuwaasoo sugaya amaanka guud ee Magaalada Muqdisho.


Mas'uul u hadlay Al-shabaab oo isaguna magaciisa qariyay ayaa sheegay inay walaac aad u xoogan ka qabaan ciidamada ay qorayaan Maxkmadaha, kuwaasoo lagu biirinayo ciidamada DF.


Heshiiskii ay DF iyo ARS-Jabuuti ku gaareen dalka Jabuuti ayaa waxaa ka biyo diidan kooxo ay ka mid yihiin: Al-shabaab, ARS garabka Eritrea ee taageersan Sheekh Xasan Daahir, Kooxda Raaskambooni iyo kuwo kale.

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The caravan has arrived.


Hope for the thirsty nomads not to fight over the goods it carries.


By the way, where’s the brother who thought Jabbuuti caravan would never arrive? I am talking about the Miyyi man who in his lame attempt to defend the status quo the only critique he could muster against Jabbuuti deal was it would take too long to materialize. Well it’s materializing now. Will ye come out and support it now yaa wiil Miyyi?


What Sharif is doing is both bold and radical. Bold because it departs from the policy of indecision, which many a knowledgeable sheikhs are inflected with. Radical because of what it proposes is so fundamental that many of us would not fathom and support it a year ago. That, my friends, is the leadership quality this Sheikh posses.


Some one asked whether Sharif would resign from the ARS post he now holds. If the rumor mill is to be believed this man will be in the next transitional government to sooth the wound of the civil war.


Perhaps he will head it.


I don't know. Feels good though.

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^^^Saaxiib, Keep the good news coming.


I would like to see sheikh Sharif become our next PRIME MINISTER-- The naysayers can all rot in hell for all I care-- and deliver the long awaited goods on that bloody caravan of yours.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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You are dreaming my friend, if anything this signing up of tribal militia will do, is cause more battles to occur in somalia.


But rest assure they too will turn their tails between their legs like their brethren.

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^For how long though?. It is bad that they are Tigray stooges, but it is even worse that they can't run a shop, let alone government. I have said long time, one need viable partner to make any progress. In fighting is the trademark of all Somali factions.

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^^Che, it's slow, tedious, and very lowkey. But it's important to take that road.


The reason it's important to save and salvage current tfg is two fold:


1- Since it enjoys token recognition from the powers that be it makes easier for the transition to complete or at least make progress.


2- It provides a skeliton of governance and political framework useful to appease rogue elements who tend to be at thier best when in opposition mode .

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Xiin awoowe do they even know who Sh. A/Rahman of Minnepaolis is and what he stands for. We are talking about Sh. A/Rahman. If he can't persuade the malcontents to embrace the peacefull resolution path they are phony Islamist sympathizers.

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