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Who is going to remove the roadblocks in Puntland???????? The safety of Galkacyo.

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My brother Duke has stated that time is up for the Muqdishu warlords to remove the roadblocks, but I want to know when will the time be up for the Puntland adminstration.



Isbaarooyinka sharcidarada ah oo laga soo sheegayo meelo kamid ah gobolada Puntland


Maal mahii la soo dhafaay ayaa waxa ka jirey gobolada Puntland isbaarooyinka sharcidarada ah ay dhiganayaan dhaliyaro aan cidna ka amar qaadan tasoo keentay in dadweynaha reer Puntland ay ku kal soonaan wayaan madaxdooda cusub .


Tan iyo markii uu xilka Puntland isaga tagay madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf ayaa waxaa la sheegayaa in habacsanaanweyn soo wajahday gobolada Puntland dhinaca amaanka tasoo loo aneynayo mushaar la´´aanta ciidamada nabad galyada oo xiligii madaxweyne Cabdulaahi yuusuf ahaa kuwa si fiican loo dhaqaleyn jirey .


Dadka degan gobolada Puntland ayaa sheegayaa hadii arimaha sidaan ku sii socdaan ay gobolada Puntland isku badali doonaan fowdo iyo kala danbeen la´´aan


Taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka boliiska Puntland Sayid Jaamac Cabdulle ayaa sheegay in dhawaan la soo qab qabtay kuwii dhigtay jidgooyooyinka sharcidarada ah lana soo taagi doono maxkamad asagoona sheegay in ay wax weyn ka qaban doonaan dhinaca amaanka oo uu sheegay in maal mahaan gacanta ka sii baxayo .



Cumar Cabdi , Gaalkacyo Dayniile

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Taliye kuixgeenka Ciidamada Booliiska Puntland oo loo xilsaarey amaanka Gaalkacyo

Gaalkacyo-18.July.2005 Madaxwenaha Dawlad goboleedka Puntland Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi(Gen.Cade) ayaa wareegto uu ka soo saarey magaalada Galkacyo wuxuu si gaar ah ugu xilsaarey amaanka magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka Mudug Taliye kuxigeenka ciidanka Booliiska Puntland G/lle sare C/casiis Siciid(Gacamey).


Wareegtada Madaxweynaha oo numberkeedu ahaa 100 ayaa ku aadaneyd ka dib markii Madaxweynuhu uu arkey xaalada nabadgalyo ee gobolka mudug ku sugan yahay, iyo sida loogu baahan yahay adkeynta nabadgalyada gobolka Mudug dastuurka Puntland.


Wareegtadan ayaa waxay xeeqaysaa in G/lle sare C/casiis Siciid(Gacamey) uu u xilsaaran yahay dhamaan hawlaha la xiriira sugidda iyo adkaynta nabadgalyada gobolka Mudug.


Dhammaan Hay'adaha DGPL ayaa wareegtadan oo ku saxiixan yahay Madaxweynaha DGPL wuxuu ku farayaa inay masuulkaas gacan kasiiyaan hawlaha loo xilsaaray.


Saadaq Cabdi-Guumbe

SBC Gaalkacyo.

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Its impossible for Gaalkacyo to have roadblocks. Only the southern entrance which leads you to Baraxley has a roadblock which is controlled by Cusmaan Caato, whose primary lineage of his subclan borders Puntland unlike Caydiid's reer et al and thusly being the most dominant family in Baraxley, Gaalkacyo. On the other hand there are two checkpoints of the Puntland authorities in the northern entrance of Gaalkacyo and the Eastern entrance of Gaalkacyo when you come from Gaalkacyo International Airport to check the indentity of people coming in and out of town.


The refugees from the South might as well return to their homeland if Gaalkacyo is even half as worse as the south, don't you think nomadic activist?


PS: Brandnew prison complexes are under construction in Gaalkacyo along with Qardho. And Colonel Gacamey who is from Bosasso and thus not sensitive towards Gaalkacyo's family vendettas is going to give Gaalkacyo its long overdue clean-up.

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nin farsamayaqaan ah oo xamar dowladii siyaad barre ku qasabtay inuu gaalkacyo ka shaqeeyo aa waxuu ku arkay Sabuul Galeey suuqa, yaabka yaabkiis eey ku noqotay! waxuu sabuulkii ku dhahay " aniga waa la i fahmay dawlo aa i keentay meehaan, ee adiga yaa ku keenay?"



hadda waa yaab! road blocks and Galkacyo! the city is itself a road block from Hell!! a small rocky deserted city having a road block reminds me a scene of the Mad Max Movie!

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Without a doubt, you are possibly one of the biggest bigots I have ever met in a while. Sxb you talk trash and spew trash.

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the city is itself a road block from Hell

Honestly Galkacyo is much more safer and more progressed then the war-heaven Muqdishu you hail from, Muqdishu's infastructure that you boost about today was built by the kinsmens of Sky and horn ;) from northern Galkacyo,to Bosaso to Las qorey, to Las-canod,to Cabudwaq, to Beledxawo, to Kismayo, to afmadowe AND NOT BY THE WARLORDS AND LIKES WHO CONTROL IT UNLAWFULLY AND XARAAMLEY. smile.gif

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The city it self a road block from hell

Although I am not from Galkacayo I was there last year when I was passing through, there are two parts of it, almost compleatly from different planets. One is peacful, prosperous, and without a doubt has one of the best buildings I have ever seen, the other one is Baraxleey, very dusty, very violent,lots of AK47s, and lots of buildings without roof tops, you wonder where are its people? then it hits you that they occupied Marka, Jamame, Xamar, Barava, Qoryoleey, etc

So baraxleey could be the gates of hell.

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Wacadalle dad walaan baa tihiin! Gaalkacyo iyo Xamer waa labo magaalo oo kala nooq ah? let me break it down for ya dadkiinan Gaalkacyo waa magaalo safe ah yidhi been baa isku sheegten maxaa yeelay Gaalkacyo intaas dad ba lagu dilaya

Gaalkacyo iyo xamer waxeey ku kala duwaan yihiin! Gaalkacyo Warlord yaasha baa ku yar! taas daraded xamer xooga weey ka xasillon tahay!

And for you OLOL waa ruunta Gaalkacyo have Road blocks as well! laakin waa 2 ama 3 Xamer on the other hand have 20+




You are all in denial none of your cities are as safe as you claim! no stop hiding behind the cities! illen Gaalkacyo iyo Xamer ruunit maa laga hadlayo!


"Honestly Galkacyo is much more safer and more progressed then the war-heaven Muqdishu you hail from, Muqdishu's infastructure that you boost about today was built by the kinsmens of Sky and horn from northern Galkacyo,to Bosaso to Las qorey, to Las-canod,to Cabudwaq, to Beledxawo, to Kismayo, to afmadowe AND NOT BY THE WARLORDS AND LIKES WHO CONTROL IT UNLAWFULLY AND XARAAMLEY"


Kinsmen? ohh markaas Somaliyo o dhaan waxaa dhisaye hal qabiil? get alife dudes

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Wonderful boys. Why don’t we just bury the concept of Somalia while we are ahead?


I mean here we have one individual attacking a certain city because it is occupied by Clan X which he despises; another shooting two birds with the one stone (i.e. this topic)- attacking Administration X with one stroke (funnily enough using one of the sickening Somali media outlets as supposed ‘proof’-yet I’m sure they are bad when against his own clan) then going on to attack Clan W by basically stating that they contributed absolutely nothing to development and building of Somalia because Clan Z built the whole country; and finally we have a young man trying extremely hard to sound just and unbiased by first refuting the points raised by the initial poster (which is fine) yet somehow goes on stating the obvious of Gaalkacyo in a way which degrades Clan Y whilst uplifting Clan X (without even acknowledging differential circumstances and achievements in different cities).


Yep, Wonderful boys. Who needs warlords now? We can destroy our country all by ourselves.


Now, now, don’t fight over the AK47s, there is plenty for everyone, otherwise learn to share.

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I`m just being honest! none of the cities they mentioned are safe!anyway forget the cities they are using the cities as shield!

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Its best to delete this whole topic. I sense that this forum is going downhill.


Calaa kuli xaal this thread was about the security of Gaalkacyo. In my opinion Gaalkacyo's security is relatively normal. With the emphasis on relatively. In my visit to Gaalkacyo the summer before. You could sense that the city is tense and its people no matter north or south are volatile.


The Puntland authorities in Gaalkacyo are corrupt, intimidating and irresponsible. Nevertheless they control all the public assets of Gaalkacyo district inherited from the SSDF:

  • Gaalkacyo International Airport (Ex- Air Force Base)
  • Irrigated farmlands of the Yamayska
  • Dayax military base
  • Darwish military base
  • Gaalkacyo police station
  • Gaalkacyo prison
  • Local government offices of Mudug province and Gaalkacyo district
The USC/SNA counterparts in Baraxley, Southern Gaalkacyo aren't much worse than the cowboyish Puntland authorities. But they are responsible of the worst incidents that affect the security situation of Gaalkacyo and Mudug as a whole. They are also responsible for the bad condition of Baraxley. Gaalkacyo had two secondary schools. The prestigious Cumar Samatar secondary school in the north for the boys related to C/Yussef and Cabdullaahi Ciise secondary school in the south for the boys related to Caato. Both schools named after the clan's respective historic heroes. Now the school in Baraxley is still closed, while not only Cumar Samatar has been opened, rehabilitated by UNDP, counts 600 students and the orphans relocated, but the amount of secondary schools in the north is up to 10 or more, such as Xaaji Cali Biixi secondary school with a whopping 1500 students. Not to mention the PSU in Garoowe and the EAU in Bosasso opening new faculties in the north of Gaalkacyo. The USC/SNA in Gaalkacyo is responsible for the crooked development of Gaalkacyo. If this poor leadership continues it will have disastrous consequences for Baraxley.



So North and South are both not fantastic, albeit one more severe than the other. But I would say the only solution is to get rid of the poor leaders of both parts of Gaalkacyo through local elections and make sure that Gaalkacyo reunites. Gaalkacyo is one and as long as both parts won't intermingle, work together and share the city together Gaalkacyo will never reach its full potential.

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People stop the hate, Galkacyu is a wonderful place, it has various problems but it has progressed since the dark days of the early ninties. As for the roadblock article, its interesting they say Road Blocks in Puntland, do people know the size of Puntland? And there is no mention of a location where the supposed roadblock exists, while we all know Xamar has over 40 roadblocks all owned by our dear warlords.. So stop the excuses get the job done people...

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You were not in my analysis ;) .




Both schools named after the clan's respective historic heroes. Now the school in Baraxley is still closed, while not only Cumar Samatar has been opened, rehabilitated by UNDP, counts 600 students and the orphans relocated, but the amount of secondary schools in the north is up to 10 or more, such as Xaaji Cali Biixi secondary school with a whopping 1500 students. Not to mention the PSU in Garoowe and the EAU in Bosasso opening new faculties in the north of Gaalkacyo. The USC/SNA in Gaalkacyo is responsible for the crooked development of Gaalkacyo. If this poor leadership continues it will have disastrous consequences for Baraxley.

This problem of the schooling lies not at the feet of the USC as such, but rather those good-for-nothing sufi/xerta odayaal. The problem although is too much to get into here is very deep rooted and alxamdullilah steps are been taken to tackle them, their backward thinking and the hold they have on the people of Southern Mudug in general. The clansmen of the people of Southern Mudug run the best teaching institutions in Mogadishu (from Imam Shafici, Imam Nawawi, Banadir University, SIMAD...) and whilst I was in Somalia, along with well-known businessmen/women they were at the planning stage of taking marked steps to alleviate this problem.


At the moment, all the folks of Southern Mudug who want their children to receive an education send them off to Mogadishu-it would be much better if they could receive that right in their home town rather then trekking across the country and obviously paying what is for the average family considerable amounts of money.


As for the unification of Gaalkacyo-I can’t see that happening. No doubt Gaalkacyo is a volatile town-arguably the most volatile in the country. I personally think that people should learn from their past, these two tribes were at each others throats even before the war; they never leave each other alone. I believe that the best solution lies in their separation.

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