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Is Somalia Cursed With Clanism????

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I was reading the recent events that have been unfolding in Dhulka-Udgoon. in one of the articles a commentator, alludes to that these events might be happening because the administration sinned, because they held fanciful parade in front of hungry and thirsty population (inkaarta/isha masaakiinta ayaa ku dhacday), when they could use that money to feed and quench the thirst of some of the people at least.


Anyway this thread is not about that, but it reminded me of something that i believe - that has merit, when you looked from theological view point as well as practical and religious view point.


it is a well known fact that in 1975, Gen M.S Barre executed ten religious leaders for publicly opposing the government’s new Family Law.

Many of the religious figures who agreed with them or opposed their deaths were subsequently sent to detention centres. Those who were not arrested either left the country or went underground and stopped being imams in their local Masjids.


When this happened nobody made a big fuss about it save few students who burned some tyres on the streets of Mogadishu. There no movements/guerrillas set up to overthrow the president or revenge the cold blooded murder of those sheikh who spoke their mind and was killed for it.



three years later in 1978, ten (they were 12, but 10 from the same clan) soldiers were killed for attempted coup. well as they say the rest is history. there were immediate call for arms and avenge, there were movements/guerrillas /jamhads set up. which culminated in the ouster of the president. What happened then? they turn on each other and others even said; no we are breaking away.



We fought for clan, when we could have fought for right then.


Sheikh Al-Albani was talking about the Somali situation in the early nineties, when talked about the incident in 1975 he said "on that day, a train to Janna, traveled thru Somalia and only ten men got on it" - well i say, three years later a train to hell traveled thru Somalia and majority of Somalis got on it.



Do you believe that Somalia is cursed with clanism????

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^^^lool. The Duke maybe but you aint that important to need armed guards adeer.


Joke aside, Puntland is no more violent than the US we live in. Seven Somali's were murdered in MPLS in 2008/2009 and it had nothing to do with clan. Security can be improved but its not a clan curse as the poster alludes to.

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the clan curse i am talking about is reference to the wider/greater somalia/somalis. in regards to the above two incidents i mentioned. if you don't agree with it - come up with substantial agruement to disprove it or keep trap closed and stop your fingers waggling over the keyboard.



As for you two being guarded in Qardho? well guards or no guards one of you will be karbashed for insulting the decency and morals of Qardho. the other will be stoned for too much cantarabaash and claiming to come from dhulka-udgoon when he stinking of clan wailers. :D

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Sayid, I dont think you can do anything to anyone since you aint even from Qardho or any where near it. Thus come again. Che for all his pretences is from the outskirts of my base of Burtinle, and we know each other. You are as fake as dawn, even Juje I know can lay more claim to Qardho than you. :D

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waxa hadaba loo bahanyahay qabiilka waxa lugu baddalo uu ah qarranimo laakin somalidu ma yaqanaan hanaanka dawladnimo marka halkasay ku jiirayaan maalin ba madaxweyne aan wax ba tarrayn ba hayb loogu sacab tummaya.

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Cheap Jeep & Fake Orange from Mugdi Mudug :D - same place that gave birth the two most notorius somali warlords inni Caydiid iyo inni Yey; one started the curse i am talking about and the other took it to the next level of depravity & immorality. hence you two shouldn't even speak on this topic.


Xundhuf - first time i seen you make sense - were you sober when you wrote that??? :D


Maroodi - what do you know about honesty - since you ca not even spell it properly :D



Abwaan - marka adigu ma toobad kentay?? :D

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Somali's are cursed with clannism because they use to wonder the desert and migrated from watering hole to another. They were reduced to the lowest common denominator because the family unit and the size of the clan determined how many water holes you controled, more water holes, more land more power.


This is so instilled into our DNA that there is no going back, its eatheir we become seperate states or we wipe each other off the face of the map.

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Originally posted by GAAROODI:

This is so instilled into our DNA that there is no going back

Since it's the very fabric of ourselves and there's no hope in changing it, what's to stop you and your cousin fighting over waterhole or perhaps should you become separate states as well?

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Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

Abwaan - marka adigu ma toobad kentay??

I don't understand why you had to ask me this question...but I will make it easy for you just incase cajaladi kugu jaban tahay already maaddaama aanan aniguna waxba isku ogeyn.


Alxamdulillah I haven't killed, injured, robbed, looted or assisted any of the above but rather assisted saving lives of many(Ilaah Ajarka ha iga siiyo) and as I am human being and not immune from dembi Ilaahoow toobada hannaga reebin wakhti kasta.

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It would change if only Somalis see this is not the way forward, even these days you will hear Somalis saying dhulkayagii baa nala ka qaadi, our land is being taken, Somalia is too big for 10 million, what is with this isolating, and fixating to a land which see no benefit.


For example, late Siyad moved alot of Somalis refugees from Western Somalia to Somalia, and it created alot of tentions there, Every Somali ctizen should have the right to live anywhere in Somalia without fear.


I would advice to kill the nomadic life for good,move pple to cities, and create jobs for them. Most problems start at rural areas, and from there it is a chain reaction.

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I am proud to say that I have never paid clan qaaraan, never attended a clan meeting, never sent money for clan cause (even positive ones, like isbitaal ama iskool lagu dhisaayaa, you never know), never advocated for my clan and of course never fought for it, whether verbal or physical.


How many adult Soomaali would claim that? Let's see on SOL. It is not that impossible.

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