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Eritrea: Hardline Somali opposition confess their Arab financiers

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Qaahira: Isbaheysiga Asmara oo shaaca ka qaaday in ay dhaqaale & Taageero kale ka helaan Dawlado Carbeed.


Qaahira(AllPuntland)- Hogaamiyaha Isbaheysiga la baxay Dibu Xoreynta dalka Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay dawlado Carbeed ka helaan dhaqaale & taageero Siyaasadeed.


Hogaamiyahan oo ka hadlayay magaalada Qaahira oo uu hada joogo ayaa sheegay in ay Xukuumada Masar ka heleen Dhaqaale fara badan wuxuuna sheegay in ay Masar dhaqaalahaasi ugu talagashay sidii dalka Soomaaliya looga saari lahaa Ciidamada dalka Itoobiya.


Sheekh Shariif wuxuu sheegayaa in aysan Masar ka helin wax hub ah ,markii ay soo baxday Eedayn ka timid dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya oo ku aadan in hub ay Masar siisay Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawladda faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Sarkaalkan ka tirsan Isbaheysiga Asmara wuxuu kaloo shaaca ka qaaday in ay wadamo kale oo Carbeed ka helaan taageero badan ,balse wuxuu diiday in uu sheego halka ay Hubka ka helaan.


Qiritaanka in ay Isbaheysigan dhaqaalaha ka helaan dawladdo Carbeed ayaan meesha ka saareyn in ay dhici karaan talaabooyin kale oo ku aadan taageero Hubeed oo lasiiyo Isbaheysiga Kooxaha ka soo horjeda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


F. C. Geylan


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Fadlan address me as ADAN HASHI CEYROOW(ex-Abtigiis & Tolka) when replying to my comments or posts. I need to keep the name of the hero stay on the lips of Somali's for a long time.

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