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An anti TFG, anti Yusuf web portal describes the actions of the cowards raining mortars on the people and city of Mogadishu..





Kooxo sheegto Muqaawimo ayaa falal qaraxyo ah la beegsado goobaha ay ku sugan yahiin Ciidamadda Itoobiyaanka iyo kuwa dowladda laakiin inta badan Weeradooda waxay noqdaan kuwa dhicisoobo oo Rayid Soomaali ah uun ay ku waxyeeloobaan sida dhacday xalay oo ugu dambeeysay.


Kooxaha weeraradda qaada ayaa la sheegaa in hoowlgaladooda ay cabsi badan hareeysay taasna ay sabab u tahay inay habeen walba meelo qarda jeexo ku tuuraan hoobiyaasha iyo B10-yadda ay ay la doonayaan Xerooyinka Ciidamadda Itoobiyaanka iyo kuwa dowladda federalka ee Soomaalida u dhashay.


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