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Gantaalo lala dhacay qaar kamida warbaahinta guracan ee ka hawl gali jiray Muqdisho.


Ciidamada Dawlada Somalia iyo kuwa ethiopia oo iskaashanaya ayaa markii ugu horaysay si toosa gantaalo dhawra ula beegsaday xarunta idaacadda & TVga Hornafric oo iyadu ah idaacad kulan satay sharka Muqdisho ka socda iyadoo maanta gantaalo lala soo beegsaday ay baabi'iyeen gabi ahaanba galabkii idaacadda iyo TVga iyadoo labo kamida Hawlwadeenadii Idaacadda Honrafrik ay ku dhaawacmeen mid kamidana wararku sheegayaan in dhaawaciisu halis yahay.


DFK Somalia ayaa marar badan digniino u jeedisay Idaacadda hornafrik looguna baaqay inay joojiyaan barmaamijyada guracan ee ay dadwaynaha u tabinayaan iyadoo ay dhagaha ka furaysteen arintaas hawl wadeenada idaacadda iyo TVga.


Arintan ayaa daliil cad u noqonaysa inuu dhamaaday dulqaadkii ay dawlada Somalia u samaynaysay kooxaha wax rabsha iyo warbaahinta taageerta iyadoo maanta idaacadda Shaballe shaqaalihii ay isaga kala carareen inta badana marmaamijyadii ay sii dayn jireena ay hoos udhigeen iyagoo ka cabsanaya inay maraan wadadii ay martay Hornafrik oo ay ku mataanaysnaayeen dibin daabyada dadwaynaha.


Sidoo kale ciidamada Dawlada SOmalia ayaa markii ugu horaysay dagaal kafool kafoola kula jira kooxa waxrabsha iyadoo maanta si toosa faraha ay isula tageen labada dhinac walow aan lahayn warar faahfaahsan oo ku saabsan natiijada la kala gaaray iyadoo warar dhinaca dawlada ka soo baxa sheegayaan in ciidamada dawladu ay guulo waawayn ka soo hoyiyeen dagaalkii ay la galeen waxa loogu yeeray haraadigii maxkamadaha.


Afhayeen u hadlay madaxtooyada somalia ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Dawladu ay gacanta ku dhigeen wadada Fagax,Jamhuuriya,Juungal iyo meelo kale oo farabadan iyadoo wali la baacsanayo haraadigii maxkamadaha. news desk. (Muqdisho)

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It's the 3-strikes-and-your-out strategy and I welcome it. Press freedom is a great thing that should be upheld and promoted but stirring the pot in a sensitive period like this is more close to foul play and taking advantage of the rights using them as weapons rather than for benefiting the overall society. Thus they need to be dealt with immidiately or the case would be similiar to the one at the overthrow of Siyad Barre when there was "total freedom" i.e. anarchy.

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Kan iga koreeyo, hokey if I edit your post to show you how your 'freedom of expression' can be curtailed too, will you advocate and accept that as well? Especially you 'stirring the pot' in a 'sensitive' [your very word] period like this.


Don't you think you are abusing [or in your word, 'using'] and 'taking advantage' of SOL space advocating Xabasho flattening Xamar and massacring its residents, including SOLer's own relatives that live in that besieged city?


As much as we detest what you mindlessly utter -- i.e. wanting eagerly the complete destruction of Xamar and genocidal crimes against its residents by Xabashadda -- you still have a platform to say whatever you want since we are not Xabasho. We still respect your opinion, as unbelievable, sickening and inciting hatred as it is.


Dad ayaa Xamar inoo degan, not dugaag, ee ka fiirso intaa leedahay "I welcome its flattening," which supposedly includes its residents.

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