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This should be a war to uphold the word of Allah, not qabiil based.

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Salamu calaykum and Allahu Akbar.


The Ethiopian troops have been rattled thus far, cut off. Those that were fighting near the Muqdisho staduim have been supressed and isolated inside the Muqdisho Studium. They have no where to go, and their reinforcements have been cut off and eleminated. Even the helicopters they were hoping to provide for air cover has been shot down. The only thing they have been doing is shelling civilian populated areas with heavy artillery and BMs.



Dagaal lagu Hoobtay oo ka Socta Suuq Bacaad ilaa Xaafada Xamar Bile

Posted to the Web Mar 30, 17:24



Muqdisho:-Warar aan ka helnay ilo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in dagaal qaraar uu ka socdo suuq Bacaad ilaa Xaafada Xamar Bile dagaalka ayaa waxa uu yahay mid fool ka fool ah iyada oo ay Ciidamad Itoobiya ay isku dayayaan in ay qabsadaan Isgoyska Xamar Bile.


Kooxaha la dagaalamaya Ciidanka Itoobiya ayaa badalay tabtii dagaalka iyaga oo u galay dhamaan wadooyinka soo aada Garoonka kubada cagta ee Stadiyo Muqdisho halkaas oo ay ku go,doonsan yihiin sida la sheegay Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah.


Madaafiicda iyo BM ka ayaa si daran ugu soo dhacaya Xaafada Suuq Bacaad taas oo sababtay in dagaalka ay ku dhintaan dad rayid ah oo badan.



Ilaa iminka lama oga khasaarraha dhabta ah ee soo gaaray Ciidamada Itoobiya waxaase la xaqiijiyey in ay dhaqaaqi waayeen oo ay la kulmeen difaac adag.


Culumaudiinka Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku booriyey in la dagaalmo dagaalkana uu ahaado in kalimada alle kor laga dhigo lagana gudbo qabiil.

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