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Ethiopia/Somalia: a new Black Hawk Down.

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Ethiopia/Somalia: a new Black Hawk Down.


Permalink 18:35:44, Categories: Ethiopia, 443 words English (EU)

Ethiopia/Somalia: a new Black Hawk Down.


According to Legesse ‘the name thief’ Zenawi, Crime Minister of Ethiopia, the Union of Islamic Courts does not exist. They have disbanded themselves when they left Mogadishu, he said. But the United States Ambassador in Kenia, Michael Ranneberger is negotiating with Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, who is residing in a first class Nairobi hotel room, about the release of 11 American Marines that were captured in the South of Somalia.

If these militia are capable of keeping 11 marines as prisoners of war, it seems that their role is not finished at all. As many observers already noticed, many of the militia members just went back to their clans and will be available any time in the future.


With the POW’s the Union of Islamic Courts militia hold a powerful stake. One of the demands of Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed is that the Ethiopian troops should leave Somalia immediately and that he can leave for another country where his safety will be guaranteed. Also he forced the Americans to make the capturing of the POW’s public. So while the butcher of Addis Ababa crows victory, his allies from Washington have yet created themselves a new disaster in Somalia. A new Black Hawk Down you might say.


As usual the Ethiopian government does not publish anything about their casualties. They never published who and from which state was killed or missed in action during the war with Eritrea. And up until now they didn’t report on what happened to the soldiers in Somalia. Are there Ethiopians hold as prisoners of war? How many soldiers died during the fights? These are questions that should be answered. We have a right to know. But as with so many rights the ruling gang even does not obey their own rules.

We can predict that Somalia is not at all over and done with. And that with the unlawful and ****** interference of the Ethiopian army, the Somali won’t hesitate to revenge what was done to them. Thanks to the war mongers of the gang the region has become less peaceful and stable.


On Ethiopian television "Information was attained prior to the African Union summit that senior Eritrean government officials were involved in secretly placing explosives in Addis Ababa," Zemedkun Tekle a government spokesman said.

No names no further information. A device that might have been a bomb was shown. These type of reports we remember too well from last year and before.

All we know is that prior to the summit security officers arrested, tortured and murdered supporters of the opposition. Probably this is just another scam to hide the crimes committed by the rulers.

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