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Villa Somalia: President Yusuf holds court clarifies issues

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Yuusuf oo ka hadlay khilaafka u dhexeeya DFKMG

12 Aug 12, 2008 - 6:33:31 AM


Madaxweynaha Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay khilaafka kala dhexeeya Ra'iisul wasaare Nur Cadde, wuxuuna sheegay inuusan khilaafku ahayn mid siyaasadeed ee uu salka ku hayo dastuurka. Ka dhageyso


Yusuf oo shir jaraa'id ku qabtay Villa Somalia ayaa sheegay inuusan ka horjeedin dib u heshiisiinta, oo ay DF ku dhisan tahay dib u heshiisiin, isaguna uu daacad u yahay dib u heshiisiinta socota.


"Khilaafka taagan waa mid ka dhashay dastuurka oo lagu xadgudbay, balse ma ahan sida loo sheegayo, waana ayaan daro in waxa la isku hayo dhinac kale loo rogo" ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Yuusuf.


Madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in 71-ka qodob ee uu ka kooban dasturka dalka uusan jirin qof ku xadgudbi kara, cidii ku xadgudubtana aan laga ogolaan doonin, isagoo sheegay in xil ka qaadista Maxamed Dheere iyo magacabida wasiirada cusub ay yihiin kuwo dhinac marsan dasturka dalka, waxayna noqonayaan buu yiri waxba kama jiraan.


"Hadii lagu xadgudbo sharciga dalka u yaala waxay noqonaysaa qof walba wuxuu doono ha sameeyo, waana jaantaa rogan, waxayna u ekaanaysaa qofkii itaal roonba wuxuu doono ha sameeyo, sida hada jirta oo kale" ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed.


Mar uu ka hadlayay inuu diidan yahay xil ka qaadistii lagu sameeyay Max'ed Dheere ayuu yiri: "Aniga waa la i badali karaa, Max'ed Dheerena waa la badali karaa cid walbana waa la badalayaa, balse waa in sharciga loo maro".


C/llaahi Yuusuf wuxuu si kulul ugu gacansayray eedeymo loo soo jeediyay, kuwaasoo sheegaya inuu diidan yahay nabadda wuxuuna yiri: "Ma hortaagni nabada dalka, kuwa wararkaas sheegayana waa fidno wadayaal aan dowladnimo iyo heshiis doonayn".


Mar uu ka hadlayay dib u heshiisiinta dhexmartay Mucaradka iyo DF ayuu ku tilmamay mid dalka u horseedaysa nabad, wuxuuna carrabka ku dhuftay in bishaan la isugu tagayo dalka Jabuuti, halkaasoo lagu eegayo qodobadii heshiiska laguna saxiixi doono Saudi Arabia.


"Mucaaradka waxaan jeclahay inay qayb ka noqdaan DF, waayo in laga keeno dibadda Baarlamaanka Ra'iisul wasaaraha iyo 9-wasiir waxay ahayd heshiis la gaaray, mana jirto cid aan anigu gooni u laaluushayo" ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Yuusuf isagoo intaas ku daray: "Cidii nabad qaatada waan soo dhaweynaynaa cidii diidase waxba nagama dhexeeyaan".


Madaxweynaha JFS wuxuu ka codsaday shacabka Soomaaliyeed inay taageeraan nabada iyo dib u heshiisiinta, ayna dhowraan shuruucda dalka u dagsan, iska ilaaliyaan cid walba oo si guracan u shaqeynaysa.


Ugu dambeyntii wuuxu sheegay Madaxweyne Yuusuf maadama ay DF ku dhisan tahay dib u heshiisiin inay diyaar u yihiin inay dhowraan dib u heshiisiinta iyo axdiga dalka u dagsan; ayna soo dhaweynayaan cid walba oo ka shaqeynaysa Horumarka dalka, nabada, dib u heshiisinta iyo xasiloonida.


Garowe Online, Muqdisho

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Muqdisho: Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo ka hadlay Sharciga uyaala Axdiga dawladda Soomaaliya & Khilaafka dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ..Warbixin...


12. August 2008


Muqdisho(AllPuntland)-Madaxweynaha Dowladda KMG Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo maanta Suxufiyiinta kula hadlayey Xarunta Madaxtooyada Villa Somalia ayaa ka hadlay khilaafka soo kala dhexgalay madaxda dowladda iyo Warar sheegayay in uu dib u heshiisiinta ka soo horjeedo, ayuu sheegay dhamaanba wararkaasi in ay yihiin kuwa laga been abuuray.


Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in aysan dibu heshiisiinta Soomaaliya cusbeyn maanta ,ayna tahay waxa kaliya ee loo dhisay dawladdan Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Madaxweynaha dalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in uu soo dhaweynayo,isla markaana taageersan yahay dib u heshiisiinta socota iyo qodobadii lagu gaaray dalka Jabuuti ee Dowladda iyo Mucaaradka ,isagoo tilmaamay in dhamaadka bishan si rasmi ah qodobadaasi loogu saxiixi doono Magaalada Maka Al-Mukaramah.


Mar la weydiiyay Madaxweynaha in uu ka soo horjeedo xil ka qaadis ay Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ku sameysay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Caasumada Soomaaliya Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) ayuu sheegay in uusan ka soo horjeesan xil ka qaadistii Maxamed Dheere,laakiin Madaxweyne Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay in qaabkii loo maray talaabadaasi ahayd mid ka soo horjeeda Axdiga dawladda Somaaliya.


Madaxweynaha intaasi ku daray in hadii ay timaado xil ka qaadis iyo magacaabid ay lagama maarmaan tahay in uu Madaxweynaha ka war qabo hadii aysan dhicina ay noqoneyso sharci darro ,ayna tahay ku tumasho lugu sameyeey Axdiga udagsan dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


"Aniga waa la i bedeli karaa, Maxamed Dheere-na waa la bedeli karaa ,laakin waa in loo maraa qaab sharci ah maxaa yeelay waa in lagu dhaqmaa Sharciga dalka u yaalo " ayuu Yiri Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo ka hadlayay Xarunta Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya.


"Awooda Baarlamaanka ayaa leh, midna Xukuumadda ayaa leh, midna Garsoorka ayaa iska leh, mida kalena Madaxweynaha ayaa leh, weyna ay kala qeexan yihiin "ayuu mar kale yiri Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf oo ka hadlayey awoodaha sharciga waafaqsan.


Madaxweynuhu wuxuu ka soo horjeestay Ogolaanshaha waxyaabo ka soo horjeeda Axdiga dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ,isagoo sheegay in uu sharciyan yahay Ilaaliyaha Axdiga dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo shirkiisan Jaraa'id halkaasi ka sii wadey ayaa cambaareyn xoog leh dusha ka huwiyey Idaacadaha Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasumada Soomaaliya ,qaarkood kuwasoo faafiyey hadalo uusan shaacin Madaxweyne Yuusuf.


Madaxweynuhu wuxuu sidoo kale sheegay in khilaafkii udhaxeeyey Isaga & Raysalwasaarihiisa Nuur Xasan Xuseen ay Idaacadaha Caasumada qaarkood uga qeybqaateen si beel ahaan ,wuxuuna ku sheegay falalkaasi kuwa ka soo horjeeda Sharciyada Caalamiga ah ee Saxaafada ,isla markaana lidku ah oo ka soo horjeeda Xeerka madax banaanida.


Md. Yuusuf wuxuu ugu baaqay Idaacadahaasi in ay ka waatoobaan falalkaasi ,ayna ilaaliyaan Sharuucda Caalamiga ah oo ah waxa kaliya ee laysku fahmo.


Shirkan Jaraa'id ee uu qabtey Maanta Madaxweynaha dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ayaa ku soo beegmay ,xiliyadii ugu dambeeyey uu Wasiirka Gaadiidka ,Cirka & Dhulka ee dawladda Soomaaliya Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade & Wasiir la fikir ah sheegeen in uu Madaxweynuhu ka soo horjeedo howlaha ay wado Xukuumada Nuur Cadde.


Balse Madaxweyne Yuusuf eedeynta ka timid Xubnahan wuxuu ku sheegay mid aan waxba ka jirin ,markaasna uu sheegay in ay ka soo horjeedo Xeerarka Caalamiga ah.




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Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada oo shir jaraa'id oo uu maanta qabtay kaga hadlay arimaha dib u hehsiinta dalka iyo xaalado kale oo haatan taagan.


Madaxweynaha jamhuuriyada federalka soomaaliya Mudane cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta shir jaraa'id oo uu ku qabtya xarunta madaxtooyada ee Vila somalia,waxaa uu kaga hadlay arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta iyo guud ahaan xaaladaha uu haatan dalka soomaaliya marayo.



Madaxweynaha jamhuuriyada federalka soomaaliya Mudane cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta shir jaraa'id oo uu ku qabtya xarunta madaxtooyada ee Vila somalia,waxaa uu kaga hadlay arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta iyo guud ahaan xaaladaha uu haatan dalka soomaaliya marayo.


Madaxweynuhu waxaa uu warar aan sal iyo raad toona lahayn ku tilmaamay wararka sheegaya in uu caqabad ku yahay hanaanka dib u heshiisiineed ee soomaaliya,wararkaas oo dhawaan qaar ka mida warbaahinta qarandiidku ay shaaciyeen.


Mar uu ka hadlayay dib u heshiisiinta u dhexeysa dowladda federalka iyo kooxaha kasoo hor jeeda waxaa uu madaxweynuhu sheegay in ay haatan dib u hehsiisiintu mareyso meel aad u wanaagsan,dowlada uu madaxda ka yahayna ay rajeyneyso in dib u heshiisiintaa lga guulgaaro.


"Dowladda soomaaliya waxaa ay ku dhisan tahay Axdiga qaranka oo ka kooban 71 qodob,waana saldhiga keliya ee lagu gaari karo dib u heshiisiin waarta"ayuu yidhi madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada oo sheegay in isaga iyo baarlamankuba ay ku fadhiyaan qodobada ku cad axdiga qaranka oo saldhigiisuna yahay dib uheshiisiin,hadii aan axdigaa la dhowrina aan la gaari kareyn sinaan iyo cadaalad,waxaana uu dalbaday in masuul kasta oo soomaaliyeed uu ilaaliyo dasturuka qaranka.


"Waxa la isku hayo waa dasturuka oo dabadani ku xad gubbeen,waxaana jeclaan lahaa in masuul kasta uu dhowro waxa dastuuru qabo"ayuu mar kale yidhi madaxweynaha jamhuuiryada soomaaliya Yuusuf oo sheegay in nabad waarta lagu gaari karo,dib u hehsiisiin iyo arimaha siyaasada ee la isku hayo oo la isla meel dhigo.


Shacabka soomaaliyeed ayuu meel kasta oo ay joogaanba ugu baaqay madaxweynaha jamhuuriyadu in ay gacmaha is qabsadaan dowladda federalkana ku garab galaan sidii looga guul gaari lahaa dadaalada dib u heshiisiineed oo ay wado oo haatan meel wanaagsan maraya.


"Waxaa jirta mu'aamarada ka dhan ah dalka iyo dadka soomaaliyeed oo ay maleegayaan dad diirka Soomaali ka ah,waxaana shacabka ka socdanayaa in ay meel ugasoo wada jeestaan kuwa mu'aamarada maleegaya"ayuu hadalkiisa sii daba dhigay madaxweynaha jamhuuriyadu.

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Yusuf has the right to question what version of islam allows the bombing of innocent women, just as I can impose that question to the militias. However, yusuf can not excuse his meddling by summing it up with " I can be fired, and so can mohamed dheere". He can't meddle in city or munipal affairs when he has bigger issues to deal with, such as finding ways of dealing with the opposition. His energy ought to be focused else where and not who gets hired or fired.


What kind of a president doesn't have time to sit in the peace table to negotiate with the other side, but has time second guess his pm decisions and reinstating a major that was fired for apparently good reasons?


If there is proof that the major of mogadishu is mismanaging funs that are meant for the city, then as a pm, Cade has the right to fire the man.


Yusuf needs to remember that he is holding a position that is ceremonial, since he left all the decisions to nur cade, aka why he feels that cade isn't delivering peace and putting stop to this madness that was ofcourse created by Yusuf and CO.


You either let your pm do all the work and butt out or share the responsibilities as well as the failures that come with it.


As far as Yusuf is concerned, he can't do wrong. He had all the time in the world to resolve the somali crisis, but instead he is too busy reinstating a thief into a bogus position as city major.


Yusuf needs to act like a president and deliver, or else sit tight and and wait and hope that tii allah comes for him before someone gets to him.


This is for Dukey and CO, why is adeer not coming out and saying, I am a failure, I have had many chances and my administration has yet to deliver on its promise therefore I will leave at the end of my terms if comprise can't be reached with the opposition by the end of the year?


Before you start with listing the improvements, remember that thousands of our people are starving and have no place to stay.


Folks from the ground are calling and saying that they are all fled, ie afgoye and saying there are thousands and thousands of people that don't have a place to sleep. The camps set in afgooye have reached its capacity, so you tell me exactly what your adeer has done other than to drive the very same people oo u dhaho president aan u ahay from their homes??


Why are more people dying? why hasn't anyone stopped these animals aka kabaabs? C'mon, what is holding up a yusuf?


Its time A yusuf looked in the mirror. He has some tough decisions. He can't just sit go through pm after pm and not once take the blame himself. What kind of a president hides behind this so called "constitution" he keeps making a reference to?

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Good points Lazie, SOmali Leaders should have more prioties than fighting/arguing themselves. It is time to move forward. Waste of energy and time, and Somalis don't have time.

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It's apparent that outside powers have put pressure on A. Yusuf. For a change, he's attempting to present himself as a democrat and strict constitutionalist. Contrasts with the 'strong man' image he campaigned on. Two possible sources of pressure - 1)Ethiopian military support 2)E.U. financing of administrative salaries. It's even possible that's it's a combination of both.

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Adeer you did not even make a single valid point.

1. The President is the executive head of the country he has the power he is elexcted by the parliament and it is he who appoints the PM: No decision can be made without him and no law can come into being without his signature. The Somali presidency is like that of France which also has a PM.

2. As for the peace talks the TFG came to existence out of a two year peace confererence, the TFG has also set up the most comprehensive peace conference held in Somalia which was attended by all clans. Thus the peace initiative did not start with Nur Cade nor will it end with him.

3. Nur Cade has failed in that his cabinet does not function he has not even set up his budget after 9 months, he has left security on purpose deteriorate and has made treasonous remarks against his own government.

Thus Yusuf remarks were spot on, its about the system and Nur Cade has to face the parliament which has the power to either give him more time or show him the door.

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What did the outside powers achieve?

Yusuf has clearly made his move, he has stuck to the two main points.

Nur Cade made a grave constitutional error and needs to apologize and resubmit his request to Villa Somalia .

Nur Cade has lost the confidence of his cabinet 12 out of 15 have resigned and has to seek parliamentary support.


Show us a single decision influenced by these outside powers?

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Ya general, if only you had a moment to go back and re-read your reply you would realize that it is you and not I that didn't make any point, valid or not.


My question is clear and I am asking you dukey, an avid supporter of adeero, why hasn't adeero taken responsibility for the failure of his administration? (security, corruption, negotiations etc)


Why hasn't adeero come out for once and said nothing has worked and its time I step down and not put a blame on a pm or anyone for that matter?


If adeero wants to sign off on every aspect of the governing, why can't he also take responsibility for every aspect of the peace negotiations as well as the stability in the city and these budget talks?


The very idea that you will not admit adeero's failures is disturbing to say the least.


For once dukey come out and say that adeero has not once taken a blame for anything.


So, exactly what is adeero doing? just signing off on things and thats it? Is that what his job function is all about?


Adeero is immune to having put blame on his head?


The only way adeero can leave a legacy for his children is if he did the right thing. By that I meant, he needs to set a time and say if at that period nothing is resolved with the opposition and security improved, I will not only step down but I will take all the blame that comes with it.


Adeero can't continue to afford pointing fingers at anyone but himself, sooner or later the time will come when everyone will see what I just pointed out to you and they will be fed up.


PS: I applaud your sense of patritosm, but at the same time, you have to admit to yourself once in a while that adeero is just not right in the head eedo.

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Adeer again you mistake waffle for reasoning. The point here is that the TFG successes and performances have always been centered on Yusuf. He has brought his regional admin of Puntland, he has brought his military personal and experience and he has risked his own life to help restore the state.


Thus from a basketball court in Kenya to Villa Somalia a great deal has been achieved.

However Yusuf appointed two PM from the same clan and what have they achieved? none could bring his clan and regions and all they did is get rich and one lives in Kenya, the other will no doubt return to London.


Thus who has failed and needs to through in the towl? The mindless clan militias who blow up women and take instructions from Asmara hotels or the government that has steadily grown into power from a weak point ?


No my dear this government has grown up and is moving forward central to its success is the never tiring former Colonel and hero. ;)

Nur Cade has broken the law and tarnished the constitution and no crying and wailing and talk of nonsense peace gatherings will get him out of this.


Maybe the EU will send Sarkozy to save him, I doubt it.

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However Yusuf appointed two PM from the same clan and what have they achieved? none could bring his clan and regions and all they did is get rich and one lives in Kenya, the other will no doubt return to London.

I would very much appreciate if you take the "clan" language out of your reasoning. If you want to discuss success and failures lets just discuss individuals.


He brought this clan or that clan is not a way to govern and thats one of the main reasons we will probably not get along for sometime to come.


Just for a moment, lets forget about whose clan is represented in the top seats.


You can't elect anyone from across the street based on your adeero's need to complete his numbers on the 4.5 formula.


If clan representation was a successful formula to govern, we would have had peace sometime ago.


Our inability to reason and discriminate among this clan and that clan won't allow us to function based on how many is representated from each clan.


NOw, getting back to clan play. If we really need to be honest with ourselves, Nur cade's clan is not the folks that are bombing women, its another sub sub clan etc whatever you want to call them, we both know who they are without naming names. We both know their aim has been destruction for a very long time, long before and after their general died. The notorous warlord aka gediid.


That said, adeero can't just put a blame on cade or one before or one after cade based on failing to bring their respective clan to the peace negotiations. If Adeero truly believes in somali weyn, he will forget this notion of his or her clan talk and serve the people, as he is the "people"s president". If he wants to leave another man to deal with one of the important challenges facing his administration based on qabiil affiliation, then nothing will ever work.(his 4.5 formula was doomed before it was ever announced)


I repeat, your adeero has got to learn to put the the interest of somali weyn before anything else and it seems he can't do that. He would rather wait on someone else to take care of their qabiil before he decides that the man just isn't suitable for the position and there goes the hunting for another nur cade's clan when the problem is not the men but the way adeero operates.



PS:without taking anything from adeero's accomplishments in p-land, p-land is not south somalia, and p-land was not crushed the way south somalia has for a good 15 yrs +, and p-land didn't lose as much as south somalia has lost for over a decadate, close to two decates. Yes he did establish p-land state, but so what? It isn't not as thought p-land was affected by the civil war era in the 1990's. Anyone could have went in there and did what he did without being adeero.

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Adeer LazyG: The only reason you attack the President of Somalia and defend Nur cade is because of clan thus why not bring the truth out in the open and the two former PM were from the same clan and achieved nothing.


The fact that there is slowness in progress with regards to security is due in large part in the incompetence of Nur Cade and his predecessor.


The President is aman of peace who is skilled at war. When Somali’s were killing each other he made peace with Aydeed and the USC in Galkacyu a bold move then and which its fruits the people of Mudug have enjoyed for decade and half.


Thus all your prancing and cheap talk equates to nothing more than anger at the fearless success of the Somali Presidnet and the toothless failures of the groups who you sympathize with dare I say dues to kinship and blood.


Listen to the audio of Yusuf and compare it to the confused utter nonsense of Nur Cade or the fake religious sermons of the Asmara hotel occupants.

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When Somali’s were killing each other he made peace with Aydeed and the USC in Galkacyu a bold move then and which its fruits the people of Mudug have enjoyed for decade and half.

Dukey, I am glad you brought this one up.


Why can't Adeero adapt the same strategy where the kabaaks are concerned? why can't he reach a deal with them? Why does he have to wait for a pm from same clan to do the job if he has long proven he can do it without losing sleep over it?


C'mon dukey, what is keeping adeero?


If adeero did anything right, I would give him his due, but he hasn't and he continues to point fingers and I personally find it disgusting.


It isn't my fault or anyone who is critical of adeero when his appointees fail him. It is his own fault for appointing Cade and geedi, no one made him pick folks from the sidewalks.


Tell me what qualifies Geedi or Nur cade for the position of PM? Geedi is a loser and Cade is not a man of politics. The only reason he keeps appointing losers is because of what qabiil they represent and then he goes pointing fingers when they fail him, seriously, do you want to go on and on about this?


Maybe what he needs to do is forget about appointing PM's and should take the duty of pm and president. Who cares about pleasing clans when adeero has the skills to negotiate with different types of warlords that represent numerous clans?


I want to see the day Adeero takes the matter into his own hands, but I am sure you can't tell me that day is near, can u?

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