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General Duke

Sharif Ahmed lies catch up to him, the opposition are based on lies; Audio

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Let me put it in simple context sxb. Since Qeybdiid is a “leader” in your view, salute him for making men out them wimps. I on the other hand have An esteemed President, A Head of State, a leader who has both intellectuality and the political experienced to make him one of the finest in Somalia if not Africa..


For some reason I look forward to never seeing you reduced to insulting GMS but were wrong to think that well of you.


Maybe it’s the well intended activities in Galkacyo City that’s worrying you or maybe it’s the unattractive arrangements of the Ethiopians in Mogadishu City that made you feel the need to put down others to feel that little bit better.


TFGs days are numbered. So I’d be less offensive and more diplomatic about political affairs regarding Northern Mudug ;)

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^^^Xiin, a General does respect his enemies, but I never considered the fake religious groups as my enemies, they are not that important.

As for the Sharif Ahmed dude, he made a meal of this interview.


Thats his weakness, his voice and thus why shoot at me?

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Galbayte, adeer all that you wrotte was meaningless, Abdiqaybdeed is more powerful than Kimiko even within the clan?

He is chief of police of Somalia, from the largest sub-clan and Kimiko is head of a small sub-clan section of Somalia.


But hey we all hold our delusions dont we now?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Galbayte, adeer all that you wrotte was meaningless, Abdiqaybdeed is more powerful than Kimiko even within the clan?

He is chief of police of Somalia, from the largest sub-clan and Kimiko is head of a small sub-clan section of Somalia.


But hey we all hold our delusions dont we now?

LOL. So you’re going to teach me about my neck of the woods now. Wonderful stuff


…. Next you’re going to tell me what color under wear I wore last week.


We need to stick to discussing debatable, questionable or at least arguable matters and lay off the the distasteful One liners.


So again. Praise your leader as much as you please for I have mine to praise equally. I appreciate that you aspire to Mr.Qeybdiid greatness so passionately. Believe me I do.


BTW i had to quote that

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You should have left it at the argument that the sheikh was playin the game of politics, saaxib. Lakin wad imaan la'dahay! You just had to go for the biggest bite you can take. Bal ha kaa saarto, try and chew with such a mouthful. :D


I am not taking sides here but I can't stand mad exterems. As the Goat man said: the sheikh is a human and he's prone to error (just like AY is). The important thing to remember here is that this is (when all is said and done) a game of politics. One is not judged by their honesty (and if you do judge them in that way then god help you). A man of politics is judged by his ability to appear good to all. In that regard, the sheikh is still ahead of Yusuf. However, in this particular round it's obvious that he stumbled and made a silly mistake. You have every right to point it out and claim bragging rights. :D

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They asked me, adeer do you know who is a desperate man? The most desperate of men are those grown men reaching or over 40 [that’s real old back home]who do not even know if they are shooting blanks, because they do not get the opportunity for target practice to even find out if their weapon is effective, thus they live in doubt haunted by their failure to get that beautiful space and that place necessary to put into practice what nature has given them. Worse of all is when these old desperate men look at the success of the younger men who occupy the fertile land and the fruits from their harvest are abundant.



War ninka xuu ku hadloyaa. Bisinka. LoLing at "fertile land and fruits..." What an allegory.


Sheekadii aan iska biyo biyeysto aaba soo xasuustay. Targeting practice, shooting blanks kulahaa.

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Galbayte, or the once banned dude of SOL.

A/qaybdeed is a much more powerful figure than Kimiko, so is Ato, Aydeed Jr. This is clan stuff adeer and Kimiko's sub group are not that strong compared to Qaybdeed, I am an insider you forget ;) . Sorry to burts your bubble.


NGOONGE, I will take my bite adeer.


MMA, got it. :D

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Apparently you’re confusing me with some other dude.

I’m very close to Qeybdiid and Aato to give you an idea. So would you please spare your blushes?


GMS ensures all its citizens relative peace and progress. No individual, group or entity will be treated above the law, be it worst of warlords or the best of sheikhs equally.


So I'll look forward to you welcoming your leader in the dusty village of Burtinle or buuryaqab.

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^^^Adeer I am not mitsaking you for anyone but you have unmasked yourself old boy. As for your comments about Galmudug, its a good idea a local admin, but Kimiko is not a heavyweight by any account and even within the sub-clan he is a lightweight.

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