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General Duke

Sharif Ahmed lies catch up to him, the opposition are based on lies; Audio

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Saxiib laugh as much as you want Sheikh Ahmed Diiriye is back in the streets he belongs the mercenaries your uncle so cowardly brought aint got nothing on him, them and the TFG soldiers are being ambushed day in day out and only couple months left before the TFG Disney ride comes to an end. Should not concern yourself with Diriiye well being the shabaab are still around the corner time is running saxiib why don’t you ask General Gabre for reinforcement.

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Saxiib nobody in the world is infallible and all are error prone but let the Somali people decide between:

Sheikh Sharif: Ahmed Diiriye has been killed or

Yey: Bringing thousands of foreign merceneries to massacre his on people.

Gives us a brake saxiibayal you support the scum of the earth a man who we all knew how rotten he was but gave a chance for the benefit of the nation, but like the say the chicken has come home to roost.

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Adeer, if Ahmed Diriye is your Shiekh then you have something else coming. Yes he was arrested for opening his mouth, he was released by those who arrested him, his silly clan militia can not protect him and in Mogadishu like elsewhere him, you and everyone has to adjust tot he fact that the law has returned.


Sharif Ahmed once gave valuable info on his friends and was rescued by the US army and taken to Kenya


Now many doubted he was such a man, but hey that interview highlights what kind of person he is, just a talker.

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Lool General your conspiracies are getting ever more ridiculous are you sure you didn’t produce the loose change documentary, now you say Sheikh Sharif ratted on his men, saxiib the proof of the pudding is in its eating.

Ahmed Diiriye said what he believed in, that the aggressors in Somalia are the Ethiopian forces, the mercenaries arresting him only elevates his position amongst Somalis.

Saxiib is this the silly militia that you promised your Ethiopian friends would eradicate a year ago, like I said saxiib go and ask Gabre for more troops because he has clearly under estimated the strength and endurance of the Mogadishu fighter.

Hows the 2009 campaign coming along by the way, you still believe Somalis leaders or masses are going to make the same mistake they made in 2004

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Originally posted by GJ_Goate:

Terrorists training bases in Shimbiraale?



Guess who said that?


No need to remind us this. Wuxuu been iyo kutiri kuteen uu dhaho that stooge buug weyn laga qori karaa, with Eebbe knows how many chapters. Every time he almost opens his mouth, it seems, he either insults, demeans, lies or other craps he utters.

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Adeer the terrorist were there at Shimbiraale at the time and they scaped like goats. You can't prove they were never there.


I can prove Axmed diiriye is alive and I can prove Shariif said he is murdered. There goes your logic.


Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi is a great stateman and when he speaks people listen unlike the stooge of Aweys.


Remmeber IndaCade and his threats, Mansuur and his promises and Sharif Xasan and his flip-flops, no wonder they lost. :D

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quote:You can't prove they were never there.


Can you prove they were there? Can you prove they escaped like Goats? Can you prove that Sheikh Shariff snitched on his friends?



I bet your information is based on other peoples accounts, which can turn out to be wrong or right? Forget about Indhacade for a second or too!

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You have MMA here talking, while he supports the former Qad merchant and stooge of warlords Qaynyare/Sudi.


The same man who as speaker chaired the vote by the parliment to allow support from foreign troops.


Toure adeer the TFG has crushed its opponents who were getting support from Aferwarki and the Eritreans[/b]


Now we have Sharif Ahmed talking rubish as usual.


He aint no saint, he was the lackey of Aways and IndaCade, nothing more and now a refugee in Asmara.

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Mr Goat, the proof of Sharif's lie is in his audio and the existence, good health of former prisoner Ahmed Diriye.


The proof of his snitching is the fact that while his other friends like Abukar Cadaan were caught and put into prison at the border, while he was rescued by US special forces, and housed in a hotel in Nairobi. It was not us who made up these facts, they are facts. Why was he given such treatment? :D


As for Shimbiraale, they ran, just like they ran in Idaale, Manaas and in the Juba's.

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Duke you dissapoint me mate. I asked you for proof to show that there were indeed terrorists in that particular area. Your proof is that they ran as in the other places. Logically, this would mean that in those latter places they were pictured there in the first place?


No pics, no eye witness reports, no evidence saxiib?


But here you are, lecturing to us about lying, whilst you are presenting unseen-running(vanishing men) as proof to back up a claim made by your hero.


Either your hero was lying or the people that told him the evidence mislead him?


Know your proof for the Sheikh being a snich is nothing short of hearsay. Another man not being arrested is pure tabloid-street gossip.



Indeed it is possible that Mr Shariff could have `completely made this story up or it is plausible that the evidence given to him was misleading. But how are you and I too know this? You don't know know exactly what goes in his heart nor do you know what exactly occured when he travelled to Kenya.


But one thing is certain and must be taken as a complete fact: Terrorists were in Shimbiraale and they ran away. Evidence?


Abdullahi Yusuf said so!





ps. do you remember what some SOL members and T.F.G officials said when Somali eyewitness and groups reported thousands of Ethiopians crossing the border?


perhaps u need a reminder?

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Tony Blair gave his speech about Iraq threat when there was non because that was the information received by his intelligence thus not making him any less of leader.



It was practically impossible of Amiir sheikh shariif to know exact well being of "Mandela" Ahmed diiriye.... SH.shariif said .."we believe he is dead" Which was what all odds indicated.


Excuse Amiirka for not being there in bay while Ahmed endured a shameful imprisonment by Ethiopians inside SOMALIA (BAY) to report a more accurate description.


His leadership skills is not for a second damaged by this pressure on TFG which paid off and allowed them to correct an earlier mistake which took place 4 months ago.

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The only lie that’s still justified by Melez today is his call to with draw after crushing maxaakimya last February, after they supposedly posed a threat to them. yet he's today contemplating on permanent military bases.

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