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Somali president confirms: Peace talk with the opposition will be two phases

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lol@keyboard warrior.


Everyone is obsessed with ethiopia leaving the somali soil, and I too felt that way, until realized that the people that want this army to vacate are the same ignorant folks who are killing in the name of islam, cutting hair, oo loo dirsan.


Priority maqabaan dadkaan, so how can we trust them to sit down and talk with anyone, even among ourselves, when they are out cutting hair and bombing movie theater full of innocent pple, just because they think watching a movie is unislamic.


I ask you again, the supports of the "people warriors" aka al shabaab or which ever name they have this week, is it really worth putting all your faith on a bunch of hungry pple that were given weapons and told to do what they think is right and they think bombing their own people is the right thing? Can you trust these individuals to sit down without ethiopia and actually come to a sound judgement?


Give it a rest @the supports of the wadaado, you are a broken record and so are your fighters.

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