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General Duke

Washington DC: President Yusuf meets Secretery of State Rice, Senator Coleman

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Washington: Madaxweynaha dawlada Fedraalka Soomaaliya oo la kulmay Xoghayaha Arimaha Dibada USA

23. april 2008


Washington (AllPuntland) - Madaxweynaha dawlada Fedraalka Soomaaliya Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo maalmahaan booqanayay dalka Maraykanka haddana lugtii ugu dambaysay safarkiisa ku jooga magaalada Washington ee caasimada dalkaas ayaa maanta kulan la yeeshay Xoghayaha Arimaha Dibada ee Maraykanka Condoleezza Rice.


Kulanka labada dhinac ayaa looga hadlay xiriirka labada dal iyo iskaashiga dhinaca amaanka.


Dawlada Maraykanka oo ah tan dal ahaan dhaqaalaha ugu badan ku bixisa taageerada Soomaaliya ayaa ku celisay inay sii balaarin doonaan taageeradooda Soomaaliya, iyadoo sheegtay inay si weyn uga taageeri doonto soo celinta nabadgalyada Soomaliya iyo hawlaha lagu gargaarayo bulshada.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa uga mahadceliyay Maraykanka taageerada ay siiyaan dalkiisa.


Madaxweynaha ayaa lagu wadaa inuu saacadaha soo socdo uu soo gabogabeeyo booqashadiisa USA.



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Washington: Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf oo kulan la qaatay Senator ka tirsan Aqalka Cad ee Mareykanka & Mss Jendayi Frazer.

23. april 2008


Washington (AllPuntland) - Madaxweynaha dawlada soomaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf axmed ayaa kulan kula qaatay Magaalada washington Senator ka tirsan Aqalka cad ee Mareykanka.


Madaxweynaha oo wali booqasho ku jooga Mareykanka ayaa ku guda jira La kulmida maamulka Madaxweyne Bush, waxaana kulamadii u dambeeyay uu la yeeshay Senator ka soo jeeda Gobalka Minnesoto.


Senator-kan oo magaciisa lagu sheegay Norm Cole-man ayaa madaxweynaha kala hadlay arrimo dhowr ah uu ku aadan xaalada soomaaliya, gaar ahaan dib u heshisiinta.


Senator Cole-man ayaa ku bogaadiyay Dawlada dadaalada ay wado ee ku aadan dib u heshiisiinta, wuxuuna usoo jeediyay in ay albaab u furaan kooxaha dhex dhexaadka ah ee mucaaradka ah, kuwaaso uu tilmaamay in ay yihiin kuwo lala xaajoon karo.


Wuxuu ka codsaday Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya inuu horumariyo barnaamijka dib u heshiisiinta, si kooxaha siyaasada iska soo horjeeda ay fikradahooda isaga soo dhowaadaan.


Laakiin Senator-ka ayaa xusay in ay lagama maarmaan ay tahay in meesha laga saaro Kooxo uu ku sheegay Argagixiso, aan lala xaajoon karin.


Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa kulan albaabada u laaban la qaatay Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibada u qaabilsan Arrimaha Afrika Jendayi Frazer, waxayna ka wada hadleen arrimaha ku saabsan sidii Ciidamo caalami ah loo keeni lahaa Soomaaliya.


Madaxweynaha ayaa kala hadlay Mss Frazer sidii Mareykanka u taageeri lahaa qorshaha la doonayo in Ciidamo ka socda Qaramada Midoobay loo keeni lahaa soomaaliya.


Dawlada soomaaliya ayaa dadaal dheeri ah waxay ugu jirtaa sidii Ciidamo ka socda qaramada Midoobey loo keeni laha Soomaaliya, si ciidamada Tirada yar ee ka socda Midowga Afrika loogu badalo.


Cabdicasiis Maxamed


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Coleman meets with Somali President



Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Senator Coleman today hosted the acting president of Somalia.The two discussed efforts to promote reconciliation in the war-torn country and paving the way for a U.N. peacekeeping force to replace Ethiopian forces.


The U.S. backs Somalia's government and wants to strengthen it so the country doesn't become a haven for terrorists.


Coleman told president Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed that national reconciliation is key to peace, and urged him to reach out to all Somali parties not associated with terrorism.


Source: KEYC TV, MN, April 22, 2008

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What did not happen lads? lol. He met with the secretery general of the UN, whats good old Condi? Oh and Senator Coleman and spoke in the security council of the UN.


LOL. How desperate the opposition to governnance.

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^speaking of adeerkaa's meeting, why hasn't he met with Dick Cheney?(someone higher up like the house speaker aka nancy or any of the presidential candidates? I am not downplaying condoleeza's role or anything)


Is bush still in new orleans?


Even if he was in town, I highly doubt he would meet up with adeerka, but I am sure we can agree to disagree on that instance.

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^^^lol. Who has your adeer met?

Anyhow the President of Somalia was there to meet UN officials, he has done that. This was not an official visit to the US. However Yusuf has so far met the highest officials ever met by any transitional leader since the war.


Never mind that he has met many otehr world leaders, including the new super power China's Hu Jintao. The Kings of the Gulf and of course two UN secretaries.


Thus dont compare my adeero to

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I heard he received no invitation to the White House despite repeated requests :D , warkaas maxaa ka jiro, Mr Spokesman?


Ok, so, no pics. Kinda how I figured it would go!

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No pics yet adeer. As for the White House thats not an issue for us adeer, and we made no such requests. The US admin is rather bussy these days.


If pics of the Somali President makes you happy, well you are fortunate to be in SOL. lol

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^EEDO, my adeero's aren't officials representing a country who can't even get hold of the house speaker. Nancy is not that hard to spot, and anyone can meet up with a senator, all you need is to make an appointment, especially the ordinary citizens with concerns and such.


speaking of pictures, here is Dukey's adeer with Senator Coleman



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Originally posted by General Duke:

No pics yet adeer. As for the White House thats not an issue for
adeer, and
made no such requests.
The US admin is rather bussy these days.

:D:D . Who is 'us' and 'we'?


What's more important is that Uncle will be OUT in a mere 323 days 22 hours and 15 minutes!

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War heedhe Duke dad baa adeer ku indhakuusha, you made them very disappointed today by not posting pics - toloow caawa sey useexan doonaan? Shame on you Duke! :D

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