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Arab league not invited to the New York meeting.?..

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J/carabta oo wel wel ka muujisay in aan lagu casumin shirka New York

Last Updated::2006-06-14 05:22:17


Masuulka J/carabta u qaabilsan arrimaha afrika Samiir Xusni ayaa maanta sheegay in J/carabtu ay amakaag iyo layaab ku noqotay in --


Dawlada Maraykanka aysan ku casumin J/carabta kulanka kooxda xiriirka la leh Soomaliya berri uga furmi doona magaalada New York.


Waxaa masuulkani sheegay in J/carabtu ay rajaynayso in dawlada Maraykanku ay dib uga fiirsata go'aankeeda la xiriira qaab dhiska kooxaha xiriirka la leh Somaliya si loogu daro J/carabta iyo IGAD oo iyagu ka mid ah dalalka iyo ururada sida wayn u daneeya arrima Somaliya



Faysal Wakaalad

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^^Its unfortunate that you know how to post news stories, (mostly bogus and plain propoganda), but don't understand how to connect the dots and make a sense of them. Keep posting it, I know it will only increase the level of dillution in your mind.

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I welcoem your comments, why you found that article more threatening than others I do not undestand. As for connecting the dots, give me one, the fact that the so called courts rely on warlord/drug baron Inda Cade and Co. I know it did not take much effort but at least thats one.. :D

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