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Interesting Sheikh Sharif Song

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What is interesting about sheikh sharif is, he was elected because he is from hamar and therefore stood a better chance at negiotating with the warring parties in the capital.


But that hasn't been the case. I mean on the battle-ground which tribes are fighting, I used to be of the assumption it was mainly the medina people, however i've read in other places they come from all regions of somalia.


Therefore if they come from every region in somalia the people battling in hamar, it doesn't really matter what clan the president is, their policy will remain the same.


However if they do indeed come from the medina area of mogadishu sheikh sharif stands a better chance at negiotating with those people and bringing about peace. I mean lets not forget in 2006 he did bring security to mogadishu for 6 months before the ethiopians came. The question on everyone mind is; Can sharif do that again?


Like i said if the people fighting in hamar are from all tribes, then i doubt sharif can do it. However if they mainly from his tribe, I think he can.

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