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What is Geedi playing at, and dont you think it is late?

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Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi oo ka tacsiyeeyay Tacaddiyo Dadka Muqdisho loogu geystay Magaca Dowladda Federaalka




Talaado, October 09, 2007(HOL): Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo maalintii shalay ahayd kulan la qaatay Odayaasha Beesha USC, Garabka uu Hoggaamiyo Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa mar uu ka hadlayay kulankaas waxaa uu ka tacsiyeeyay tacaddiyo magaca Dowladda Federaalka loogu geystay Dad rayid ah oo ku dhaqan Magaalada Muqdisho.

Ra’iisal wasaare Geeddi waxaa uu sheegay in aysan Dowladda Federaalka amrin in Dadka la dhibaateeyo, isla markaana la barakiciyo, wuxuuna caddeeyay in Ciddii bixisay awaamirtaas ay Dowladda ka qaadi doonto tallaabi sharci ah.

“Waan dareemi karnaa in Askar aan lahayn tababar ku filan, anshax iyo dhaqan wanaagsan oo weliba lagu sii daray Dad Dharka Ciidamada Suuqa ka iibsaday in ay dhibaatooyin geysanayaan, hayeeshee waan ka tacsiyeynayaa dhibaatadii lagu geystay magaca Dowladda”ayuu yiri Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi.

Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi waxaa uu ugu baaqay Dadkii Muqdisho ka barakacay in ay guryahooda dib ugu soo noqdaan, isagoo caddeeyay in aaney jiri doonin dad kale oo la barakicin doono, balse waxaa uu ka dhawaajiyay in la joojiyo Falalka Nabadgelyo-darrada ah ee ay ka midka yihiin Qaraxyada iyo Dilalka.

Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi ayaa hadalkaas jeediyay kadib markii Odayaashii ka socday Beesha USC ee uu la kulmay ay u gudbiyeen codsi ah in ay Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka dhibaatada iyo barakicinta ka daayaan, isla markaana loo ogolaado in ay guryahooda dib ugu soo noqdaan.

Odayaasha Beesha USC oo ay u hadleen Maxamed Xasan Xaad iyo Axmed Diiriye Cali ayaa iyana waxay ugu baaqeen Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda Dowladda Federaalka in ay joojiyaan Qaraxyada iyo Dhibaatooyinka kale ee ay geysanayaan, isla markaana ay nabadda qaataan.

Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Kulanka dhexmaray Odayaasha Beesha ****** garabka uu Hoggaamiyo Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmay iyadoo la sheegayo in uu khilaaf soo kala dhexgalay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi, iyadoo khilaafkooda la sheegayo in uu gaaray in uu Ra’iisal Wasaaraha raadsado Beeshiisa, halka Madaxweynahana uu Baydhabo ka wado kulamo ka dhan ah Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi oo uu la leeyahay Mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka qaarkood.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online


Mogadishu, Somalia

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It is another lil game from the xabashis ,, nothing more.



balse waxaa uu ka dhawaajiyay in la joojiyo Falalka Nabadgelyo-darrada ah ee ay ka midka yihiin Qaraxyada iyo Dilalka.

That is tha main purpose .......

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Wasnt it him who said the Ethiopian aggression was to bring order back, and that people should evacuate house that are in conflict areas - why is he all of a sudden a 'Duke' and mincing his words? :D:D

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Waryee!,Waad iga hormartay ma istiri? ana post baan ka qoray. Anyways,naar galahas is fighting for his position and like every politician,he is appealing to his base!


Dhaaf,qarka haa lagatuure,haa loo been guuro

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:

Dhaaf,qarka haa lagatuure,haa loo been guuro



Do you think that is what Axmed Diiriye and co. are doing.... :D:D:D

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Originally posted by Juje:

quote:Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:

Dhaaf,qarka haa lagatuure,haa loo been guuro



Do you think that is what Axmed Diiriye and co. are doing....
Oh no doubt,waxaan rag baa uqayilay see waaye adig?

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^Amaa wax kadaran asaga lakeenaa? One thing I like about him is how he frustrates Yey.....we need someone who can say NO to Yey atleast.

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loool...Juje oo kuwaan soo kuwuu shalay Geeddi lahaa ma ahan cidna ma metelaan? Maanta miyey isaga metelaan maadaama laga taqalusi rabo?

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yalqaaki yaxlifo enaho bika wathiqon

wa eda tawaara menka fa howa al caqrabu

yo'teeki men tarafi el lisaan xalaawatan wo yaroo'go menka kama yaroo'go el taclabu.


He meets you and swears he trusts you

But as soon as he’s out of your sight, he turns into a scorpion

The sweetest words drop from the tip of his tongue

and he always evades you just like a fox

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Who is this 'he' I wonder - cause for the record Geedi cant afford to deceive.

However though I cant wait to see Duke's reaction to Geedi meeting 'adeerkis' Axmed Diriye, wonder whether he will approve or not - my wage is on that he will not.

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Somali PM strikes deal with Mogadishu clan leaders


MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's prime minister has reached a truce with Mogadishu's dominant clan, whose fighters had supported Islamist-led insurgents in battles with government troops and Ethiopian forces earlier this year.

USC clan elders met Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi amid tight security on Monday in the capital, which has been rocked by insecurity since January when his soldiers and their Ethiopian allies routed a hardline Sharia courts group.

Some USC militia have joined remnants of that movement to wage a rebellion since then. But speaking after the talks, Gedi said the clan leaders would now work with his administration to take on the insurgents.

"We agreed a truce and we agreed that we do something about their complaints ... We agreed we work together against anyone carrying out violence," Gedi told reporters late on Monday.

Prof-Geedi.jpg Responding to accusations that government troops have been heavy-handed in their hunt for rebels, Gedi called on his army officers to control their men, who he said should perform their duties with respect and discipline.

Gedi's government -- the 14th attempt to forge central rule in Somalia -- has struggled to impose its authority in the face of roadside bombings, grenade attacks and assassinations.

But rubble-strewn Mogadishu has been relatively calm in recent days, and the outcome of Gedi's meeting with the clan leaders was eagerly anticipated by many war-weary residents.

USC spokesman Ahmed Diriye told Reuters the government and insurgents both had a responsibility to end the violence.

"If the truce gets enforced, I do hope that all people who have political agendas on their mind, opposing the government, will compromise with it," he said.


Source: Reuters, Oct 09, 2007

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They have finally embraced the prodigal son haye? The mantra seems,your enemy's enemy is your freind.


So,What will the Habashis do? What will the Americans do? What will the Wadaads do?


if Geedi can deliver peace to Mogadishu,then,will the Etobia & the US keep in him in Power? Geedi just pulled one on Yey walle!

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:

So,What will the Habashis do? What will the Americans do? What will the Wadaads do?

That is the big question, though I dont think whether the wadaads will care less who is in top of TFG whether Geedi,Yeey or Qamar for them they are all enemies.

It is how these other two will behave , lets see we dont have long to go now :D

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