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Maxamed Dheere oo ka codsaday Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra'iisal Wasaare Geedi in ay jawaab ka bixiyaan hadal uu Cabdalla Deerow ku duray Heshiiskii ay wada gaareen Yuusuf Indha Cadde


Talaado, December 20, 2005(HOL): Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Siyaasadda Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) oo maanta shir jaraa'id ku qabtay magaalada Jowhar ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in uu ka doonayo Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra'iisal Wasaare Geedi in ay jawaab ka bixiyaan hadal uu Wasiirka Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka Xildhibaan Cabdalla Deerow ***** ku duray Heshiiskii ay dhawaan wada gaareen isaga iyo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad (Indha Cadde).


Maxamed Dheere waxaa uu sheegay in haddii aysan u jawaabeynin wasiirkaas ka tirsan Xukuumadda Federaalka ay madaxweynaha iyo Ra'iisal Wasaaruhuba caddeeyaan sida ay u doonayaan in u dib u heshiisiin loo gaaro, "Haddii aan laga heshiineynin wixii dhacay iyo dhibkii la isu geystay, taasi micnaheeda ma wuxuu noqonayaa in aan la heshiin weligeed oo la kala aar-goosto"ayuu yiri Maxamed Dheere oo ka gaabsaday in uu u jawaabo Cabdalla Deerow.


Maxamed Dheere waxaa kale oo uu sheegay in hadalkaasi uu wax u dhimi karo heshiisyo ay gaari lahaayeen Guddoomiye goboleedyo badan oo jidka ku soo jiray, wuxuuna ku cel celiyay in ay tahay in ay mas'uuliyiinta sare ee Dowladda ay jawaab cad ka bixiyaan.


Maxamed Dheere waxaa uu su'aal ka keenay waxa ay ku kala duwan yihiin Yuusuf Indha Cadde iyo Barre Hiiraale oo labaduba ka soo wada jeeda Gobolka Galgaduud, "Madaxweynaha marka uu golayaasha Dowladda qoraallo u dirayo wuxuu ugu yeeraa Barre Hiiraale Guddoomiyaha Heshiisiinta labada gole ee Dowladda, labadoodana waxaan ognahay in ay isir ahaan ka soo jeedaan Galgaduud, marka Madaxweynaha isaga ayaa laga rabaa in uu sheego wixii uu ugu yeeri lahaa Yuusuf Indha Cadde"ayuu yiri Maxamed Dheere.


Cabdalla Deerow ayaa shalay warsaxaafadeed uu ka soo saaray magaalada Jowhar waxaa uu ku sheegay in heshiiskii ay wada galeen Maxamed Dheere iyo Yuusuf Indha Cadde uu ahaa mid sharci darro ah, isla markaana ay dagaal la gelayaan Maxamed Dheere haddii uusan ka laaban heshiiskaas, isla markaana ay wax ka qaban waayaan dadka uu ka soo jeedo.


Wasiirka Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka Cabdalla Deerow waxaa uu ku sheegay sababta uu warkaas u soo saaray in Yuusuf Indha Cadde uu xoog ku heysto Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose, Maxamed Dheere-na uu la heshiiyay ninkaas.


Hadalkaasi ka soo yeeray Cabdalla Deerow oo xiisad xooggan abuuray ayaa waxaa ka jawaabay labada maamul ee Shabeelaha Dhexe iyo Shabeelaha Hoose iyadoo Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Maamulka Shabeelaha Hoose Cali Bariire uu sheegay in hadalkaas uu ahaa mid aan waxba u dhimi karin heshiiska labada dhinac, isla markaana uusanba aqoonsaneyn Wasiirnimada Cabdalla Deerow, sida uu hadalka u dhigay.


Wasiirka Dhulka Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed Mowliid Macaani Maxamuud ayaa isaguna dhaliilay hadalka ka soo yeeray Cabdalla Deerow, wuxuuna Mowliid sheegay in ay nasiib darro tahay in Wasiirro iyo Xildhibaano ay ka soo horjeestaan heshiiska ay gaareen guddoomiyayaasha Shabeelooyinka.


Mowliid waxaa uu intaas ku daray in aysan u habooneyn Cabdalla Deerow in uu ka hadlo arrimaha Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay Cabdalla Deerow nin aan tegi karin gurigiisa iyo deegaanada uu ka soo jeedo oo markaasina sida uu hadalka u dhigay taleefoon kaliya kula xiriira.


Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, waxaa jawaab looga fadhiyaa madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra'iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi oo maanta u amba baxay magaalada Boosaaso ee gobolka Bari.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia
















Maxkamadda Islaamka Al-furqaan oo xukun dil ah ku riday wiil dhalinyaro ah oo dil geystay


Talaado, December 20, 2005(HOL): Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Islaamiga ah ee Al-Furqaan Shiikh Axmed Macallin Yuusuf ayaa xaqiijiyay in ay xukun dil ah ku rideen Axmed Maxamed Xasan Malaaq oo 16 jir da'diisa ku sheegay kaasi oo horay u dilay Ibraahim Xuseen Maxamed Naasir oo 14 sano jir ahaa.


Shiikh Axmed waxaa uu sheegay in ay xukunkaas rideen kadib markii ay sidaas dalbadeen dadkii wiilka laga dilay, wuxuuse caddeeyay in ay ilaa 2 asbuuc heyn doonaan gacan ku dhiiglaha xiligaasoo ay soo dhameysan doonaan baaritaan dheeri ah oo arrintan la xiriirta bacdamaa ay fulin doonaan xukun qisaas ah.


Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda waxaa uu sheegay in wada hadallo kadib ay labada qoys ku heshiin karaan in ay diyo kala qaataan, wuxuuse sheegay in haatan uu heerku joogo in Aabaha dhalay wiilka la dilay uu doonayo in wiilkiisa loo qisaaso wiilkii dilay.


Maxkamaddan oo ka mid ah Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ee Muqdisho ayaa waxay dadka deegaanada u dhow dhow u qabataa howlo muhiim ah oo isugu jira sugidda nabadgelyada, la dagaalanka anshax xumida iyo kuwo kale, iyadoo dhawaana howlgal nabad sugid ah ka fulisay Isgoyska KM4 oo ahaa meel ay isku baheysteen dhalinyaro burcad ah oo isticmaala maandooriyayaasha Qamriga nooca calaqa loo yaqaano iyo weliba Xashiishka.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Are we seeing the first fallout of the government in Jowhar, this looks more serious than we think, Is Max'ed dheere looking for excuse to switch sides and kick the gov out of Jowhar.??? I smell something fishy here...

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Is there a need to worry? The cracks had been there ever since the warlords devided themselves into jowhar and Xamar Camps. This just makes the crack wider a little with more cracks to come and Ali dheere seems to be beating some people at their game. Maxaa kaloo cusub?



More important development is the news up there you quoted about the courts doing an excellent just work. It was only few weeks ago they went after a man who killed his neighbours for their money after the neighbours sold their home. He escaped to Balcad thinking his sub clan would protect him, but the courts who were united in their pursuit of justice, arrested him in Balcad and brought the thug back to the town. We wish them good luck and that their power grows exponentially so that they can eventually bring the warlords and the bigotted business men(like hotel asuxufi owner) who oppose law and order to justice.

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Is there a need to worry?

Well to be honest I am worried, and any sensible Somali will worry, its not something to be joyfull of. anyway there is attemts to narrow the gap between the two groups in Xamar and Jowhar, wouldn't it be nastier and more complicated if the two group split into three, then four, then five, like bacteria, and then you have another 15 years to bring them together, isn't that how qabiil ended up, Tribe split into clan, clan split into subclan, subclan split into subsubclan, subsub clan split into god knows what.

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Scientist, your worries are sublime as you stated them and there is hope should the TFG melts into the sand. Besides, I am not celebrating a dispute between Warlords, rather, I am in a deja vu state of mind. I would be worried if I had all my hopes placed on some of these characters and I feared of their failure.


I hope you learn to mistrust these men when they fail to come closer to each other again since you spoke of efforts to mediate between them. People expected them to come back to the country from nairobi holding hands and singing Soomaaliyeey toosoo. I didn't forget the fact that these same men spent two whole years together to ace out who was going to be the top dog among them, and finally, when they chose one among them, they came back devided like they had been before they went to the meetings two years prior. Damiiraa loo baahan yahay, they are taking everyone for a fool and unfortunately, many are willing deafs who don't heed the call of reason.


Anyhow, Inshallah the country will come out of the dark ages once again. It is a matter of time and possibly when things get too extreme, waxaa laga yaabaa maalin cad in lawada laayo nimankan dadka rigeestey. Waa loo xoogeysanaa hadda as they dispute. At least, in the nomansland, wa loo tabaabusheysanaayaa and their power eroded significantly and will erode as the supply of ignorant men dry up, they shall find themselves alone and unprotected by mad men. If we can be safe from the other mad men, it will be success in the meantime.

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Xooga I share your optimism of the future but worried at the same time, the question is who is going to get rid of these warlords, the ordinery people are weak or supporters, the educated are exile or supporters, the Culamaa are weak and can not challenge these people, the wealthy are mostly supporters as long as their interest is safeguarded. these people are the once who can get a nation out of its darkness and they are mostly silent or corrupt, so who will get us out of this mess??????

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Scientist, as far as Muqdisho is concerned, the islamic courts are the most likely group to usher in law and order. Their influence has been growing steady lately and they were establishing centers of justice wherever they can. They face setbacks now and then like when a war is waged on them by militia owned by some businessmen as was the case when they cleaned Number-Four of Beer Brewers and Drug traffickers. It is possible for them to eventually succeed and overtake the whole city. Characters like Atto and Yalaxoow lack the credibility they need to enforce any law as they are the law breakers themselves, so groups of people with stellar character are required to enforce the law and impose an order. This is where the courts come in and can succeed where others failed.

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