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The target, it reads, is Bakara market

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For this who missed the important piece of "dhuso" contained in this thread:





"We don't hit civilians with mortars; they are not meant for civilians," he insists. "The Bakara market is out of bounds.
We don't fire on the Bakara market.
Wherever there are civilians, we cannot fire."


But just a couple of hours later, a group of foreign reporters stumble into an African Union mortar position in a Mogadishu neighborhood.


There is a piece of wood with several numbers written on it: mortar settings for striking a target
about a mile away
. The target, it reads, is Bakara market.


So, once again I ask any Shariff Blind followers with an ounce of intelligence: did you not claim that Amnisom doesn't target civilian and far away districts on purpose? What do you say about the quote in the article? There will be no answers because the puppets can not brng themselves to criticise their awliyah and masters, even in the face of such concerete facts. The only thing they are good @ is bila macni philosophical exchanges like the two above.

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Originally posted by Polanyi:

Yes, maybe the educated and englightened pundits of Sol can find a way to spin this. Where are the hypocrites who pretend to champion the cause of civilians on this board?Or even better, maybethe holy ulema and their blind followers can find a rationale for Amisom's purpose shelling of civilian areas which are miles away from the areas of combat?

:confused: Clearly that's a bit of selective reading there. The very article you quote:


"The African Union troops in Mogadishu, when the fighting starts, they shell where the civilians live,
because al-Shabab is firing from there,
" she says.


After al-Shabab attacked the parliament building last month, Hassan and other witnesses say the African Union troops retaliated by shelling Bakara, Somalia's main market and an al-Shabab stronghold. Members of a local family were killed in their home.

AMISOM: trigger-happy soldiers who don't give a flying duck about civilian casualties outside of bad PR.


Alshabab: Nutjobs who delight in the suffering of those they claim to champion.


Being able to see the true obscenity of the conflict in Somalia doesn't make you neutral, by the way. It just means you don't live in some warped fantasy land of "Four legs good, four legs baaaaaaaaaaaad"

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Cara, We are not disputing that Amisom responds to shab shelling, as the women in the article said. What we are differentiating between is that purpose shelling of Bakara market and other areas. Amisom is carrying out this type of shelling as a form of collective shelling and not because shells were fired from there(as SOL puppets claim). This is the point!In the article, Amisom claimed that they do not shell Bakara as there are civilians living there. But the journalists clearly saw that they had coordinates to shell places which are miles away like the Bakara Market. I want the hypocrites on this board who pretend to champion the cause of "somali civilians" and care about the "suffering" of the people to condemn this. But, knowing how diseased and wretched individuals like Xiin operate, they won't, all they are good@ is attacking posters and waffling. It's nothing personal though.



xiin, keep barking.


for the record: I am not angry. Puppets need some amount of sense karabashed into them every so often, even this early in the morning.

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^^Weli ma hadlaysaa :D




AMISOM: trigger-happy soldiers who don't give a flying duck about civilian casualties outside of bad PR.


Alshabab: Nutjobs who delight in the suffering of those they claim to champion.

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Karl, what did you expect from the Kuffar anyway? Them to save Muslim lives? Al Shabaab are no better too.

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Sh. Aweys oo kulan qarsoodi ah la yeeshay Abu Mansur

6 Oct 6, 2010 - 8:57:16 AM




Ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay oo ay heshay GO ayaa sheegay kulan qarsoodi ah ay Muqdisho ku yeesheen Sh. Mukhtar Robow Cali [Abu-Mansor] iyo Sh. Xasan Daahir Aweys oo ah hogaamyaha ururka Xisbul Islam, kaasoo ay kaga hadleen dhismaha urur cusub oo ay ku mideysan yihiin.


Sh. Abu-Mansor oo ahaa hoggamiyaha labaad ee Al-shabaab ayaa wuxuu khilaaf awgiis uga baxay kooxdan, isagoo maalmo ka hor tagay Muqdisho dibna ugu soo laabtay Muqdisho, si uu u dhiso urur la loolama kooxdii uu horay uga tirsanaan jiray.


"Waxaa jira kulan lagu dhisayo urur lagu magacaabo Al-Islamiyah oo ay ku mideysan yihiin garab ka mid ah garab ka go'ay Al-shabaab iyo Ururka Xisbul Islam, si ay ula xifaaltamaan kooxda Al-shabaab oo inta badan koonfurta Somalia maamusha" ayuu yiri sarkaal ay si weyn isugu dhowr yihiin Sh. Aweys oo la hadlay GO.


Sarkaalkan, ayaa sheegay in Sh. Aweys iyo Abu-Mansor aysan weli isku afgaran cidda majaraha u qabanaysa ururka cusub, taasna waxaa la rajeynayaa in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan go’aan looga gaaro.


Khilaafka Al-shabaab ayaa waxaa sababay dagaalada lagula jiro dowlada iyo mas’uuliyada ururkaas, iyadoo Abu-Mansor uu ku eedeeyay hogaamiyaha sare ee kooxdan Axmed Cadi Godane inuu jagooyinka wanwanaagsan ee ururka uu u dhiibay rag ay hayb-wadaag yihiin.


"Qodobada la isku qabsaday waxaa ka mid ah mas’uuliyada qaybta maaliyada oo loo dhiibay ruux ay hayb wadaagaan Godane, waxaana laga gaari waayay xal" ayuu sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Al-shabaab u sheegay saxaafada.


Sarkaalkan, ayaa sheegay in dhowr shir oo la damcay in lagu dhexdhexaadiyo hogaamiyeyaasha kooxdan ay burbureen, waxaana Abu-Mansor uu go'aan ku gaaray inuu ciidankiisa kala baxo Magaalada Muqdisho.


Kooxda Al-shabaab ayaa ugu awood badan kooxaha dagaalka kula jira DF iyo ciidamada ilaalada ka haya ee AMSIOM, waxaana khilaafkan oo aad u xoogan uu sababi karaa inuu ku yimaado burbur, ayna awoodoodu dhantaalanto.

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