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General Duke

Seeraar an MP again? Indacade's clan support TFG

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Its posative development, lets forget the past. The clan had nothing to do with the actions of the few. Though all these former warlords should be contained and not trusted.

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^^^Whats funny buddy? The situation I wanted has come about, the TFG has liberated the lower Shabbele from the gangsters. There are no more checkpoints, fake admins, fake wadaads putting the people under their heel.


So lets forgive and forget,no revenge, but no coming back, and no out gunning the government of the republic.

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^^^Dont be a hater my man. The republic of Somalia of course. As ever your priorities are mixed up, you was supporting the clan courts with their Eritrean, Ormo backing and their occupation of the lower Shabbele, Juba's. Now that they have been out gunned, the unarmed clans liberated and the country has one government you question the republic?


As for this dude, he put himself in this situation, I remember him insulting the TFG when his group seem powerful, what has changed, that now he supports the TFG?


As for the pic, it was splashed over the net already..

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^^^I dont think Geedi has any moves what so ever.

On a serious note the man with the greay hair third from right Minister Nuur has always been a staunch supporter of the TFG and he must be commended for this.

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^^^Saxib, you always play down the significance of this government, no one is being oppressed, the system is working. As for Ethiopia it has neither the will nor the funds to keep its troops in the country for any long periods, hence the coming arrival of the Ugandans, and other AU countries to help the TFG recruit, equip and train the 40,000 new Somali troops.


The oppression of IndaCade, Cirfo, Dhuxulow, [ who you miss], Xasan Dahir is gone, they can no longer hold large unarmed population hostage.

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^^^I know your government is the one led by President Bush, oh maye you are a lieral as you reside in the East coast. The Somali people are enjoying the return of their government to power.


Remmeber the detractors used to ask, when will the TFG move to Mogadishu? It has now.

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Remmeber the detractors used to ask, when will the TFG move to Mogadishu? It has now.

Yup, it is in Xamar Caddeey by the way of Ethio tanks stationed in Mogadisho Intl Airport. Iam sure Somalis will welcome the Ethios who occupy Somaligalbeed. Meesha dowlad ma joogtay, wax kale ma iishagay. If Zenawi boys leave, Xamar will return to the same choas.

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His clan support the TFG,clan this clan that.So when politically corrupt individual joins hall shamers,does that make his clan join the dulmi too.You are in error to think this and is very offensive to somali pats out there belonging to whatever his clan is thus appose the illegal occupation and naked aggression of EThiopia which he collabrated with.


Funny thing is that,with Ethiopia's tanks,Daba dhilif Duke is all talking tough,even raised his voice on Somaliland which he "respected" so much before,refering to it as peaceful state which will not be touched by no one,I wonder what he will say about it this time. Hub iyo raganimo yeelo,markaa hanjab.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^I know your government is the one led by President Bush, oh maye you are a lieral as you reside in the East coast. The Somali people are enjoying the return of their government to power.


Remmeber the detractors used to ask, when will the TFG move to Mogadishu? It has now.

No..the question is when will we get this Xabashi classes going and start ripping our Somali identity.Mr.door knob,how is your Amharic coming? icon_razz.gif

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