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Displacement of ****** nationals


Today, because of state sponsored violence, and a century long protracted ethnic-based conflict, the people of ****** are internally displaced and are forced to flee from their homes. It is important to note, unfortunately, this had happened too many times. Just like what is happening right know, massive displacement of people and mass exodus from the ******.


The 1977 Somali – Ethiopian war reeked havoc in this region. After this war, there was a mass exodus from this region into neighbouring countries in the Horn of Africa. And there were thousands of people who ended up in refugee camps in Somalia. For instance, there were no less than ten refugee camps in Northern Somalia, and five refugee camps in Central Somalia.


In 1991 when the Somali state totally collapsed, and the Somali civil war erupted these refugees were once again forced to repatriate into ******. However, a large number of them fled to Kenya and to seek refugee status again under the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in northern Kenya.


Many of them switched their nationality and claimed to be Somali nationals after they arrive in northern Kenya refugee camps due to the following reasons: -


*The discouragement by UNHCR for the registration of non Somalis new asylum seekers

*Fear of persecution from the Kenya government since there were good political relation between Kenya and Ethiopia.

*Lack of education towards our people, who do not understand the importance of record keeping


Discrimination against ****** Refugees /Asylum Seekers in Dadaab/Nairobi


Members of the ****** community who were victims of human right abuses find their way to the eastern Africa refugee camps specially those at Dadaab refugee camps. A large number of them who smuggled themselves in, all the way to Dadaab refugee camps were subjected to discrimination, fear of persecution and stress.


Asylum seekers under go a long time, Refugees Determination Test (RDS) under the UNHCR; this may take as long as two years without and any other humanitarian assistance. Moreover, quiet significant numbers were given rejection letters sending them into disbelief and distress, this was not applied to other asylum seekers i.e. Somalis.


A survey and interviews conducted by ****** rescue committee (O.R.C) on July 2006 in Dadaab refugee camps shows statistic of asylum seekers known as the Bahaane ( the hungry) were denied recognition as a refugees.


Some even posses vital document in support of their claims for Refugee Determination Status and proved their nature of origin but an unexpectedly give rejection letters, a number of them have physical injuries and traumas that were inflicted upon them by the brutal regime.


****** refugees in Dadaab refugee camps are being discriminated by UNHCH on the bases of benefiting from the beneficial programmes offered to the registered refugees in the camps i.e. Resettlement, Scholarship, Minority groups programmes, Social service programmes, rape cases and registration of new arrivals.


In 2001, ****** asylum seekers arrived at Nairobi UNHCR Branch office for their refugee’s status, since there was registration exercise taking place, but a number of them were given rejection letters after their Determination Test, with no farther explanation as to why they had been denied their rights.


Habiba Aden Korane 42, is one a good example of ****** single women of asylum seekers who had suffered in the hands of the Ethiopian army after she was detained in 1998 in Godey town of ******, International Red Cross Committee (I.C.R.C) Delegation had visited her in the cell at Godey, and facilitated her release and hence documented it, (please see attached document).


Habiba happened to be one of the asylum seekers who came to Nairobi, Branch office in Nairobi and was as well denied recognition, Habiba possessed her ICRC document and with a broken arm that clearly shows her physical injuries which she tried to explain to the UNHCR officer interviewing her case.


Habiba is now desperately living in Garissa slums after she failed to live in the harsh living condition in Nairobi, with less hope in her life. There are other scores of similar cases. ****** nationals were also denied other programmes like scholarship and settlement that were offered to other refugees by the UNHCR branch office. This was not applied to other refugees.


However, on 2004, a huge influx of asylum seekers were totally denied registration at the Nairobi branch office compared to the other Ethiopian ethnic communities I.e. Amharas, Oromos, Gambelas ,etc, simply because they could not be differentiated between them and other Somalis by UNHCR, Somalis were scheduled to register at Dadaab refugee camps.


Persecution of Somalis from the ****** in Hargeysa.

Somalis from the ****** region who fled from Ethiopia government unceasing infringement on their basic human rights are being persecuted in Somalia (Somaliland, Puntland and TFG Area), where they are constant imprisoned, tortured and then handed over to the Ethiopian government in exchange for ammunition, materials or simply to prove loyalty, cooperation and friendship to Ethiopia.


Nevertheless, in the past 12 years many Somalis from the ****** were detained, tortured, their properties confiscated and then handed over to the Ethiopian government against their will, in exchange for ammunition and other materials. Most of them were traders, residents and visitors, who were not involved in any illegal activities and have no any political affiliation whatsoever.


On 31st July1996, three Somalis from ****** were detained in Hargeysa, while they were visiting their relatives in the area. On 20th October, 1996, they were handed over to the Ethiopian government against their will.


On September 2nd 2005, 28 detainees have been brought before the Hargeysa Court, to examine their cases and the court acquitted them, ordering their immediate release for lack of evidence. However, the police and the public prosecutor, in defiance of the court order, returned them to their respective cells which consequently lead to the death of two detainees in custody. (Please find their names)


Hiis Musse Jamaa was subjected to extensive physical and psychological torture in Hargeysa Central Jail. He was denied medical treatment and died in his cell in September 2005.


Ahmed Mohamud Hussein died in Hargeysa central jail on December 30 2005, due to unsaid circumstance.


On April 10th 2002, a large number of Somalis from the ****** were rounded up and detained without charges, Hargeysa, by Somaliland and Ethiopian security forces. Many of them were transferred to Baligubadle a border village between the ****** and Northwest Somalia – and were handed over to the Ethiopian government forcefully.


On November 30th 2003, Somalis from the ****** were arrested and their properties confiscated, in Hargeysa, following raids conducted by Somaliland militia and Ethiopian security forces. The detainees were humiliated and beaten up, and were held in incommicado detention,


On April 10th 2002, a large number of Somalis from the ****** were rounded up and detained without charges in Hargeysa by Somaliland and Ethiopian security forces.


In Galkacayo, Puntland, on May 05th 2007, members of the Ethiopian forces killed Gurey Abdullah Tababi and Khadar Hassan Tamin both civilians from the ******. No reason was give for their assassination. Scores of civilians from the ****** who fled from the Ethiopian atrocities are also been held in harsh conditions without charges or trail in Bosaso prison, Puntland.


****** Refugees Faces Roundup, Killings and Deportation in Somalia.


Since December, 2007 after the occupation of Ethiopian Military in Somalia in support of the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) have caused havoc to the ****** Refugees.


Right groups and other international organizations i.e. ****** Human Right Committee (OHRC) has constantly reported on the said issue. Report by OHRC says refugees are fleeing to the neighbouring countries after arrest, killings and forcible deportation by the Somali authorities and handed over to the Ethiopian troops.


The news released by the Voice of America (VOA) bureau in Nairobi says ethnic Somalis are escaping Ethiopian government crackdown. The report indicates that the Somali authorities are trading and capturing refugees in return of ammunition and other materials or simply prove loyalty and friendship to Ethiopia.


Senior Ethiopian government official Bereket Simon denied the allegation in an interview made by the VOA’S Peter Heinlein, Bereket says those arrested were terrorist, “we have detained terrorist groups, this is normal, he said, we will do it again if we got the chance, I do not think we should be denied the rights to defend ourselves”.


There are other numerous incidents that occur in different parts of Somalia that are not able to be documented in any local or international human right organization.


Kenya Illegally Arrests and Renders ****** Somalis to Ethiopia[n] Military in Somalia


On December 31st 2006, the Kenyan government have arrested Bashir Ahmed Makhtal, a Canadian citizen, age 42, Makhtal returned to Somalia about four years ago run his business. Abdi Abdullahi Osman, a Somali citizen age 41, Ali Afii Jamaa a Somali citizen age 33 and Hussein aw Noor Guraase age 35.

The above victims were all born in the ******, and all merchants trading on second hand clothing in the Horn of Africa.


Those four ****** nationals were held in Kenyan custody for three weeks without properly being charged with any offence. They were interrogated by Kenya officials without the presence of their lawyers, or Canadian Embassy officials for Mr. Makhtal who holds a valid Canadian passport. Mr. Makhtal was denied access to the Canadian High Commission for the two weeks, but on January 15th 2007, Mr. Makhtal was granted brief visit with a Canadian High Commission officials.


On January 21st 2007, 1pm, all the above four ****** nationals with other large number of Somali nationals were flown to Somalia from Kenyatta International Airport, by private charted air craft, African Express airliner. Upon arrivals at Mogadishu International Airport all the detainees were illegally handed over to the Ethiopian Army in Somalia, the Ethiopians army are in Somalia to back the Somali transitional Government. Given that that those are ****** Somalis they were tortured and subjected to other kinds of cruelty on the basis of their Clan/Ethnical identity.


0n February 2007, all the above four ******s were moved to Ethiopia where they are currently detained under the harsh condition with tortured and subjection of all kinds of cruelty on the basis of their Clan/Ethnical identity.


Mr. Makhtal is now detained in Makalawi military barrack prison in Addis Ababa.


To Individuals Local Human Rights and Humanitarian Organization


****** Rescue Committee request individuals, local human right and humanitarian organization to support its efforts to promote and improve the human rights cause in the ******, and recommends the following.


****** Rescue Committee asks UNHCR provides necessary shelter protection and maintenance to the Somali refugees from the ******.


Ask your government exert pressure on Ethiopia, Somaliland and Puntland administrations to improve their human rights record.


We urge that all political prisoners be either immediately and unconditionally released or charged with recognized criminal offences, and give fair trials, and to give unrestricted and regular access to their family members and other international organisations.


Ask your government to support efforts to appoint a UN Special repporteur on human rights as well as sending an independent fact-finding mission to the ****** in order to prevent more human right violations in the country.






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its good to show sympathy and it is the least a muslim person can do for another, but i encourage you brother/sisters to take the next step. Best thing to do to help these people is to take these concrete steps.



To Individuals, Local Human Rights, and Humanitarian Organization.


****** Rescue Committee request individuals, local human right and humanitarian organization to support its efforts to promote and improve the human rights cause in the ******, and recommends the following.


****** Rescue Committee asks UNHCR provides necessary shelter protection and maintenance to the Somali refugees from the ******.


Ask your government exert pressure on Ethiopia, Somaliland and Puntland administrations to improve their human rights record.
i suspect many sol members to have a good close connection with somaliland and puntland administrations and i encourage you to exert direct pressure on your respective administrations so these people may have way out of ethiopias brutal grip.


We urge that all political prisoners be either immediately and unconditionally released or charged with recognized criminal offences, and give fair trials, and to give unrestricted and regular access to their family members and other international organisations.


Ask your government to support efforts to appoint a UN Special repporteur on human rights as well as sending an independent fact-finding mission to the ****** in order to prevent more human right violations in the country.




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Both Islam basics (Caqeedah above all) as well as fostering empathy, wether through islamic schools and curriculums or preaching (in Masjids as well as medias) will go a long way towards mitigating our Moral crisis, the root cause of such wide scale, unprecedented suffering when authority shifted from respected Ulamas and traditional elders to arch-corrupt politicians which promoted the then acclaimed military communist regime and warlords sponsored by foreign colonial interests.


Here is a little contribution I've just submitted to the current relevant BBC "Have your say" program.


When the Ethiopian ruthless dictatorship, gunning down countless civilians in broad daylight in its own capital during the last rigged elections, decided that invading Somalia will discourage Somali rebels in its Darfur-like ****** province, a colonial gift from Britain (Somalis were divided into 5 countries), the US hailed it as a "success against terror" (as Islamic Courts restored order and unity).


Predictably, both ****** and Somalia have now dethroned Darfur leaving AlQaeda vindicated

It may well be a long struggle, especially if we persist into acculturation, but no nation has been indefinitely oppressed without its consent as amply confirmed by our forefathers' glory during the last centuries through their unwavering Islamic faith and concomitant discipline (the "Sayid", Ahmed Gurey etc)...

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