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Kulmiye opposition political party-Al-Itihaad wing of Somaliland

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interesting editorial from a secessionist site.


Rayale’s Republic Of Clanistan

28 March, 2008

Awadalnews network


Rayale’s Republic of Clanistan (Awdalnews Editor’s View)


Awdalnews Editorial


March 27, 2008 - 14:37

Rayale’s Republic of Clanistan

The policy of divide and rule is the mainstay of colonial administrations and dictatorial rulers. It is only through division along tribal lines that such shaky governments retain power and consolidate their grip on the life of their subjects. Rayale’s recent announcement of new regions and districts in Somaliland is a textbook example of such bankrupt regimes that cannot survive without leaning on clan crutches.


The people of Somaliland had great dreams for their sovereignty. Emerging from the yoke of brutal dictatorship that thrived on division and playing one clan against the another, they aspired to build a viable state based on good governance, social cohesion and constitutional democracy where elected houses made decisions through transparent systems and public debates.


But with his latest decision, Rayale proved to us once more where his priorities lie. He made it clear that all he cared about was his chair. Rayale’s decisions have become so predictable on the advent of any election. Among his previous tactics were announcements of major trade deals with phony foreign companies, cabinet reshuffles and nominating honorary parliamentary seats, presidential advisors and other redundant posts for political gains.


Accordingly, his designation of new regions and districts at this time when the country is preparing for the second presidential elections comes as no surprise. The gravity of this decision, however, lies in its long-term effects of dividing the country into tribal ghettoes.


Instead of building a united, integrated and cohesive society that puts the higher national interests at its focus, Rayale opted to heighten tribal polarization and hostility among the people of Somaliland.


Somaliland consisted of two regions only during the British colonial administration. All clans of Somaliland were governed from Hargeisa and Burao. Borders of the Southern regions of former Somalia also cut across clans and sub-clans. It was Siyad Barre who designated regions on clan basis. As a man schooled in Barre’s system of ruling the country as tribal fiefdoms, Rayale finds it quite normal to turn a page of his mentor’s policy book whenever he feels threatened. Safeguarding his chair through clan loyalties is the core of this policy.


To create new regions and allow different areas of the country to manage their resources and run their own affairs may be an essential factor for the decentralization of administration, but demarcating regions along clan lines is a call for division and reversing the wheel of the country’s progress towards statehood. It is Rayale’s attempt to realize his delusional dream of ruling Somaliland as a republic of clanistan.



Source / Awdalnews Network

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