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Kulmiye opposition political party-Al-Itihaad wing of Somaliland

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Cige, could you please carefully elaborate that statement and the reason why you have quoted it?

Koora Tuunshow markay xaaladdu halkaasoo kale gaarto iyo weliba halkaan oo kale

“Todobaadkan waxaynu maqlaynaa oo maanta shir loo fadhiyaa oo hada la ii sheegayay in la yidhaahdo doorasho dhici mayso, in la yidhaahdo muddo kale ayaa loo kordhiyaa Daahir Rayaale, taasi waxaynu aqbalayno maaha, wax allaala wax ka jiraana ma jiraan, mana yeelayno. Waxaana dadweynaha reer Somaliland laga rabaa hadii ay hadhaw halkaa tagto ay gacan muujiyaan. Illaahayna waxaan ka baryayaa inuu ina guuleeyo.”

Koora Tuunshoow markay meelahas oo kale gaarto WAA LA YAQAAN waxa ku xiga :rolleyes:

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Cige, No doubt UDUB has the full support of Ethiopia and CIA. How will then the Kulmiye win the election war? Siilaanyo is vehemently against the UDUB party and might do anything to revolt against their rule by force. I do however believe that Riyoole weilds lots of infleunce within his party circles. He established his financial and power interest well enough to crush any opponent that attempts to mount a challenge to his administration.

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Like i said, Riyoole is bracing up for the tight control of his rule.


hadhwanaag 2008-03-19 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):- Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md.Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ayaa kulan qado sharafeeda oo uu shalay la yeeshay Madax-dhaqameedka Degmada Gabilay ugu balanqaaday ku dhawaaqida Gobolnimada Degmadaasi Gabilay, taas oo ay muddo badan Naawilayeen.


Kulankaasi oo ka dhacay Xarunta Qasriga Madaxtooyada Somaliland.


Sida waxa Shabakada u xaqiijiyey qaar ka mida Cuqaashii ka qeybgashay Shirkaasi.


Cuqaasha iyo waxgaradka ka socotay Degmada Gabilay oo la sheegay inay tiradoodu gaadhaysay 40-tameeyo oday, ayaa waxa uu kulankaas uu Madaxweyne Rayaale la yeeshay waxa uu ku wargeliyey oo uu madaashaasi ka shaaciyey gobolnimadii Degmada Gabilay.


Inkasta oo aanay ilaa imika jirin war cad oo ay Xukuummadu ka soo saartay arrintaasi, hadana waxa sidaa waxa noo xaqiijiyey deuqeydii ka qeybgashay kulnakaasi.


Ku dhawaaqida Madaxweyne Rayaale ee Gobolnimada Degmada Gabilay waxay salka ku haysaa fulinta balanqaadyadii uu hore ugu sameeyey Degmadaasi, waxaana Sidoo kale Madaxweyne Rayaale u cuskaday ku dhawaaqida Gobolnimada Degmada Gabilay balanqaad uu hore Madaxweyne Marxuum Maxamed Ibraahim Cigal u sameeyey Degmadaasi ka mid noqoshada Gobolada dalka.


Warku waxa uu inta ku daray inaanay Degmada Keli ku ahayn Magacaabista Gobolnimada ee Madaxweyne Rayaale ku wargeliyey Madax-dhaqameedka iyo waxgaradka Degmadaasi Gabilay, Balse ay ku jiraan meelo kale oo ay ka mid yihiin Degmada Oodweyne, Saylac iyo Weliba Buuhoodle oo uu iyagana Sheegay inay Gobolo noqonayaasn.



Arrintan ayaa ku soo beegaantay Wakhti adag oo xasaasiya, taas oo la isku diyaarinayo guda galka doorashooyin fooda inagu soo haya. Si kastaba ha ahaatee dadka ku dhaqan Caasimada Hargeysa ayaa aad u hadal hayey arrintan, kadib markii ay Saaka ku soo baxday joornaalada dalka qaarkood, dadka oo ku kala qeybsamay ku dhawaaqida Madaxweyne Rayaale ee Gobolada Afarta ah, taas oo ay dadka qaar ku sifeeyeen inay ka qeyb tahay ololaha Madaxweyne Rayaale kaga qeybgalayo doorashooyinka inagu soo socda, si uu ugu kasbado oo uu taageero uga helo shacbiga ku nool deegmooyinkaas uu hoosta ka xariiqay inuu Gobol ka dhigidoono.


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Koora I really cannot figure you out, you remind me of "Me". I don't get what the point of your thread is??


Or is it a case of posting anything you can find a random source for? :rolleyes:

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What do you guys have against the political system in SL?

Northern, What do you have against the political system in Somalia? The same applies to Ibtisam

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

I'm glad they are really interested in our political systems and discussing the different developments happening in Somaliland

One minute it doesnt exist, the next they don't like how it's being governed :D


Cige, does Somalia have a political system? Or do you think the TFG is a system :D

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^^It is currently in a 'transition' to a system. If and when elections are held it will then become democracy etc etc

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

Koora I really cannot figure you out, you remind me of
. I don't get what the point of your thread is??


Or is it a case of posting anything you can find a random source for? :rolleyes:

Ibtisam, I asked some simple questions but they chose not to answer for reasons that are clear. And they all relate to the seperatist region.

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