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General Duke

Mogadishu: President Yusuf flies out to Senegal for 54 nation summit

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Originally posted by General Duke:

obsession with serving Abdiqasin's clan inetersts

Dont they have a quota or are they not part of the national interest - or are they part of the Philippines now?

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^^^Thus Juje, an insider ;) supports Duke's point that Che's uncle Mohamed Abdi was working for Abdiqasin to advance the interst of the laters sub-clan and not Somalia.


Wonderful stuff :D ...

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37 leaders to grace OIC


afrol News, 11 March - At least 37 heads of state and government have confirmed their participation in the 11th summit of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) scheduled to take place on 13 and 14 March in the Senegalese capital Dakar.


President Abdoulaye Wade, who disclosed the news to the state television, said Senegal was proud of the high-profile turnout.


Mr Wade was grateful to Senegalese for not only adopting the summit, but also praying for its entire success.


Senegal hosted the OIC summit in 1991, but the current event would look into the challenges of the Islamic Ummah [community], including the conflicts in Sudan, Chad and Palestine. President Wade said unless "one does not want to betray the spirit of peace of Islam", these conflicts would be solved.


The Senegalese leader also said issues around poverty in the Muslim world would be discussed under Islamic solidarity.


The summit is a great blessing for Senegal, which had amassed funds to turn Dakar into a world class modern city by erecting roads, bridges and hotels. The roads and bridges will ease traffic jams in Dakar.


Ahead of the heads of state and government summit, several non-governmental organisations adopted a declaration, urging Muslim leaders to exert pressures on Sudanese President Omer el-Bashir to end the crisis in Darfur, western Sudan.


Adopted in Saly, 80 km from Dakar, the declaration's backers included the African Assembly for the Defence of Human Rights (RADDHO), the Coalition Save Sudan and Sudanese MPs, is expected to be among the burning issues of the Dakar summit.


The declaration called on leaders of the Muslim world to "solve the issues which affect the population in some parts of the region, particularly the humanitarian situation in Darfur."


"We are conscious that the Islamic religion recommends high moral values and orders the Muslims to adhere to the values of peace, respect the safety and integrity of the human being," the declaration noted, adding that Islam "forbids and criminalises manslaughter, the forced displacement of civilians, including women, children, and the destruction of lives and means of subsistence, including the profanation of the places of worship, which are as many odious crimes against the Islamic faith and the standards of the civilised lives."


All parties to the conflict have been urged to immediately cease attacks on innocent Darfur civilians.


By staff writer

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Thus Juje, an insider
supports Duke's point that Che's uncle Mohamed Abdi was working for Abdiqasin to advance the interst of the laters sub-clan and not Somalia.


Wonderful stuff

It is no surprise that you have a problem with qualification.

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Dakar: Madaxweynaha Dalka Senegal Abdoulaye Wade oo ka hadlay arrimaha Soomaaliya.

13. marts 2008


Dakar (AllPuntland) - Madaxweynaha Dalka Senegal Abdoulaye Wade ayaa ka hadlay arrimaha soomaaliya, isagoo dhinacyada isku haya siyaasada soomaaliya ku baaqay in ay xal u helaan mushaakilaadka soomaaliya.


Abdoulaye Wade ayaa sheegay in uu taageersan yahay Dowladda Soomaaliya, hase ahaatee waxa uu tibaaxay in arrimaha cakiran ee soomaaliya marka uu maqlo uu ka damqanayo.


Waxa uu sheegay in Beesha Caalamka u muuqato mid ay indhaha ka laabatay dhibaatooyinka ka taagan soomaaliya, waxa uuna dhaliil u jeediyay aragtida beesha caalamka xilligan ka qabto Soomaaliya.


Shirka Wadamada Islaamka ayuu sheegay inuu loogaga hadli doono waxyaabo badan oo ku saabsan wadamada muslimiinta ah ee xiisadaha ka taagan sida Soomaaliya oo kale.


Mr Wade ayaa xusay in looga baahan yahay mucaaradka iyo Dowladda in ay muujiyaan is faham buuxa oo ay ka gaareen dhibaatooyinka sii daba dheeraanaya.


Madaxda Dalalka Islaamka oo ku qul qulaya Dalka Senegal ayaa la filayaa in maanta shir ballaaran uu u furmo, waxaana Dalka soomaaliya kaga qeyb galay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya c/laahi yuusuf axmed.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa lagu wadaa inuu qudbad dheer ka jeedinayo shir madaxeedka dalalka islaamka, kaasoo ugaga hadli doono arrimaha soomaaliya.


Cabdicasiis Maxamed


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Shirkii Ururka Islaamka oo Furmay iyo Kulankii Chad iyo Sudan oo dib u dhacay mar kale.



(WYNET)Dakkar:-Waxaa manta ka furmaya magaalada Dakkar ee caasimada dalka Senegal Shirkii 10aad ee dowladaha ISLaamka ,kaasi oo ay kasoo qayb galayaan masuuliyiinta in ka badan 57dal oo Islaam ah,kuwaasi oo ka wada hadali doona arrimaha Siyaasada ee ururka Islaamka,Dhaqaalaha,Nabadgalyada,xalinta khilaafaadka iyo arrimo kale oo fara badan.

Shirkaan ayaa waxay madaxdu ku saxiixi donaan Dastuurka cusub ee ururka,waxaa kale oo lagu heshiisiinayaa M/weynayaasha dalalka Chad iyo Sudan,Xassan Al-Bashir iyo Idris Deby oo iyaga uu ka dhaxeeyo khilaaf xoogan.


Kulankan oo la doonayey inuu shalay galab dhaco ayaa laba mar dib loo dhigay,sababo aan la shaacin dartood.


M/weynaha dalka Senegal Cabdalla WAdou ayaa isagu wada dadaal xoogan oo uu ku doonayo inuu ku dhameeyo khilaafka Sudan iyo Chad,waxaana la shegayaa in M/weyne Xassan Al-Bashir uu saxaafada u sheegay in Chad heshiis lala galo uusan wax weyn soo kordhinayn,isagoo soo qaatay heshiiskii hadda ka hor ay ku galeen Libiya iyo Qadar,kuwaasi o aysan waxba ka hagaagin.


Kulanka Dakkar ayaa waxaa kale o lagaga wada hadli doonaa sidii Suurada islaamka loo hagaajin lahaa iyadoo arrintaasna guddi loo saari doono,kuwaasi oo daawo u raadin doona dhibka u dhexeeya Islaamka iyo reer galbeedka oo iyagu ka baqaya waxay ugu yeeraan Islam Phobia,ama cabsida islaamka laga qabo inuu yahay diin wax disha uun ee aysan lahayn wax faaiido ah.


Somaliya,Darfor,Filastiin,Lubnan,Ciraaq iyo Afganistaan ayaa iyaguna ah goobaha sida aadka ah diirada loo saarayo in la daaweeyo mushkiladaha haysta,waxaana gaba gabada shirka ay madaxdu so saari doonaan Bayaan ay ku qeexayaan qodobada ay ku heshiiyiin oo dhan.


M/weyne Cabdalla Wadou ayaa isagu wada qorshe kale oo uu ku doonayo in kulankan manta lagu sameeyo Santuukh dhaqale oo maal galintiisu gaarayso 10Milyan oo Doollar,kaasi wax lagaga qaban doono arrimaha Faqriga iyo Caafimaadka iyo dagaalada.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee shirkaan ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay inta inta badan Madaxda dalalka Islaamka marka laga reebo ,Madaxda dalalka Pakistaan,Masar,Libya,Syria,Sacuudiga oo iyagu usoo diray wafdi hooseeya oo heer Wasiir iyo Manduub ah,taasi oo su’aalo badan galisay qaabka lagu hirgalin karayo qodobada la doonayo in ay kaso baxaan kulankan kol hadii dadkii go’aanka gaari karayey aysan soo xaadirin shirkan.


Madaxda Carbeed ayaa iyaga waxaa caado u noqotay inaysan xaadirin shirarka aysan ka qayb galayn Maraykanka iyo Yurub,taasi oo inta badan dhalisa in shirarkaas aysan wax badani kasoo bixin,sababo maqnaanshaha iyo daacad la’aan la xiriirta qodobada dalalkoda khuseeya ama Mustaqbalka dalalkoodu uu ku xiranyahay.


Axmed Xayrdaac

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Shirkii Ururka Islaamka oo Furmay

And a traitorous man who sold his Muslim country and people goes to "shir urur Islaam" to represent Somalia. What joke!

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