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Somalia war 'not jihad,' concludes Islamic conference in Puntland

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^^ They need to arrange this meeting in a Shabab controlled area and see if they can make Al Shabab come to the table of discussion.


Issuing statements from Dubai, Growe or Hargeisa does not help anybody.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Empty talk really. Al Shabab will not change their way just because afar odey sat in Garowe and spoke about what is xalal and what is xaram. These scholars would have done well to go directly to Al Shabab and sit with them face to face instead of talking from far away Garowe and appearing to support the opposition.


This is not how disputes are sorted.

I agree 100%. The next challenge is communicating the same to the AS soldiers/supporters in Somalia.

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Islamic conferences such as the one held in Garowe matter great deal in shaping the message of the da’wah in Somalia. The communiqué that come out of Garowe attacked the heart of theological fallacy that espouses the fight in the south as Jihad.

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^^ They're 'important' in spreading a different message, they do nothing towards fixing the dispute itself.

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^^These same scholars took many trips to the Hajj, and to Moqdishu, trying to fix the dispute and persuade the shabaabs. Don’t fall for alshabaab propaganda depicting these respected elder statesmen as puppets supporting a perceived occupation.


In their rare public gathering lies a new, calculated strategy to counter the lies that filled the airwaves while they were busy quietly engaging in musaalaxa.

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:D Gheelle, waar meeshan dadku filim ayay wadaan. Hadii Sheekh Dirir ama Mustafe ka hadli lahaa Hargaisa, saaxiibkeey Jacalbro iyo North iyo NG intuba sacabkay garaaci lahaayeen.


Alshabaab, waa qaldanyihiin waa qaldanyihiin. Taasna waxaa kuu caddanaysa. Waxaad isku qabsanysaan "Koob-kaa shaaha ah waa caddays iyo waa bigays". Hadii aad siday doonayaan u samayn waydo. Jawaabtu waa toogasho, gawrac, ama hanjabaad. To cut it short.


Anigu, waa ku raacsanahay Alshabaab the following:


(1) Qofkii Qos Muslim ah xoolihiisa xada, gacanta halla gooyo


(2) Qofkii qof Muslim ah dila, haloo dilo haduu qofkaas ulakac u dilo


(3) Qofkii sinaysta hadaanu guursan, halla karbaasho, haduu guursadayna godkiisa halloo qodo


(4) Qofkii sakkada bixin waaya, ama ka leexda shareecada Islaamka tallaabo hallaga qaado.


Waar aan soo koobee, wax Alla iyo wixii Xuduud ah oo Quraanka iyo Sunnada iyo Culimadu sheegeen waa Ok.


Laakiin, iyagu ma Nabi Alla soo diray baa, markay dadka la jihaad tamayaan. Yaa u wakkiishay oo yidhi Muslimiinta laaya. Yaa ku yidhi dadka Somalia Koonfurteeda, Somali land, Puntland, Jabouti, Somali Galbeed intaasoo dad ah oo Muslimiin ah dhulkeey joogaan, yaa ku yidhi waa Gaalo.


Nimankani, saaxiib riwaayad ayay wadaan. Waxbaan kuu sheegayaa....


Wakhtigii Khaliifadii Cumar Bin Khadab, waxaa dhacay sannad la odhan jiray " Caamul Majacah, sannadkii Gaajada". Dadku Gaajo awgeed, hargaha ayay dubteen. Ma ogtahay Omar Bin Khaddab Alla raalli hakka noqdee, wuu joojiyey inuu qofkii wax xada Gacanta gooyo.


Aayadii dhamayd ee Alla soo roggay, waxaa ka xoog badatay baahidii dadka shacabka ahaa ee Muslimka ahaa. Sababtoo ah, waala gaajooday, waala raffaaday, waana la dhibaatooday. Kadibna dadkii qaarkood gaajjaa u geysay inay wax xadaan. Sidaas, ayaa xuduuddii loo joojiyey.


Bal adigu ka sheekkee Odayaashan. Xamar iyo Kismaayo iyo Marka oo dadku haraga dubanayaan ayay iyagoon waxba siin gacmihii ka wada gureen. Waa dad aan caadi ahayn!

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Adeer dagdaga badan kugo man aqoon. Maxa dhacay? :D


The articles talking about this meeting mentioned that some of the scholars were from SL, saaxib. Marka naga daa mala yacnigaan ku leh 'if they were from your part and not part', saaxib. Teeda kale, if that was the case, ano waxaan ku odhan laha 'maxaa iga galay what reer Garowe, TFG iyo Al Shabab get up to, it's their business'. :D


Now lets get serious. Xiin has been going on for months about peace and how the only way forward is if the two sides sit and talk. How will the two sids sit and talk if there is no middle ground? Aha! But we have a load of scholars willing to talk about the issue and how the fight in Somalia is not Jihad! Dee ma Hunguri ba loo sheegaya? Al Shabab may o tagan oo o sheegan.



You know I respect you and would believe 99% of what you say lakin iga daa sheekada 'waxa la yidhi', saaxib. Garowe waxa joogay tens of scholars. If Sheikh Bashir could not convince Al Shabab where were the others? Why is this not open? Why do we not hear about it? Saaxib, even the ICU met the TFG in Sudan. Did Garowe invite any Shababis to this meeting? Adeer xaq ku hadal oo wiswiska jooji.

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Xiin :D , dee mayee waxaan diiday 3-daa nin oo meel kaliya isku wada raacday. 3duba waa saaxiibadeey laakiin waxba u qarin maayee waaku qarxinayaa :D


Waaryaadha nimanyohow gar qaata, hadii kale Alshabaab soo raaca. Annaga marba riwaayad hannoo saarina!

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NGONGE, dhega adkidaa ninyahow?


Do you want the names of the scholars who tried to talk some sense into alshabaab?


Sheekh Cali Warsame

Sheekh Cabdulqadir Gacmey

Sheekh Maxamed Idiris

Sheekh Umul

Sheekh Bashiir Salaad



war mawadaa :D ?

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^^ Haa wad. :D

Did these scholars do it in secret and are the confrences only reserved to those in Dubai and Garowe?


Hunguri, adeer sheekadan canteenka naga daa dee.

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War Al-shabaab si cad u diideen wax dhex dhexaadin ah, maxaad isla yeel yeeshaa NG? You know where they stand on almost all of Somalia's current issues. They will keep waging wars till their last man standing. All they (scholars) did were to disagree with them and reject AS plans for Somalia. Why is that wrong on your part?

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Did these scholars do it in secret and are the confrences only reserved to those in Dubai and Garowe?


It was not conferences, it was musaalaxa missions, xaaji. talks were held mostly in mogadishu.

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Originally posted by Gheelle.T:

War Al-shabaab si cad u diideen wax dhex dhexaadin ah, maxaad isla yeel yeeshaa NG? You know where they stand on almost all of Somalia's current issues. They will keep waging wars till their last man standing. All they (scholars) did were to disagree with them and reject AS plans for Somalia. Why is that wrong on your part?

Si cad? :D


Ok. When did this happen? Was it during Sh. Sharif's lip service pronouncements? Under what conditions did Al Shabab refuse? Did the 'in-betweeners' go back with more?


Fine. What did the scholars communique say now? Did they clearly call for a war against Al Shabab?


Wax sheega dee.

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They have rejected the idea of sitting with "dowlad Riddah" to begin with let alone laying down any conditions. You didn't even read what the communique says and you were out loud criticizing it? Waadhyaa dee kiis iska waalka naga daa dee.

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